RE: Balance
- Archived: Sun, 15 Jul 2001 20:37:00 -0400 (EDT)
- Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2001 20:28:00 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Doug Dobyns <>
- Subject: RE: Balance
- X-topic: Assistance
Big question. It seems that the need for holistic perspective attaches to the nature of the problem. In information systems there are probably even more enherent problems because of the subject area. But a first take on the balance idea for me is to sort out the answers that are "too big" and "too small" and find the answers that are in the ball park in terms of size. Fuller had a nice way of putting it geographically --- see his works on Synergy and in the World Design Decade (goes back to '68). The problems of being in somebodies ball park and finding that it is not at all the size that you are wanting is fairly common to me.
We have been working on this in the watershed field, and have been using the USGS scale to get into a common state of reference. Hope this helps. Who would have a scale for information 'watesheds' that could be used in a similar fashion?