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RE: Streamling process

  • Archived: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 15:28:00 -0400 (EDT)
  • Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 14:39:21 -0400 (EDT)
  • From: Sue Van Patten <>
  • Subject: RE: Streamling process
  • X-topic: Assistance

Julia Burgess wrote: "The number of processes seeking public participation should be reduced or collapsed. Evidently, within the EPA there are usually many processes going on at the same time, which have similar audiences. Within the EPA, the "right hand should know what the left hand is doing." This would reduce the time needed by the public to make necessary comment and thereby make participation more cost effective."

She makes a good point. I have found that I frequently ask the same groups to participate in activities about statewide issues on a given topic (e.g. ground water issues or public water issues). In these types of situations the players are pretty much the same. I find that these people become quickly tapped out because everyone wants them to participate in their PP program. I think that agency staff (fed and state) should explore combining PP activites/events to cover more than one topic when possible. What do others think of the idea?

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