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Assistance: Self Education vs. Perception

  • Archived: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 13:59:00 -0400 (EDT)
  • Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 13:40:58 -0400 (EDT)
  • From: Reva Fabrikant <>
  • Subject: Assistance: Self Education vs. Perception
  • X-topic: Assistance

On one hand I think self-education is important and on the other hand it scares me a bit. When we are dealing with sensitive environmental issues, where personal health may be at stake, we need to be very sensitive to the difference between education and perception. I've been involved in numerous issues where 'perception' overcomes factual information. Self-education could lead to using the information to support one's perception of the problem, instead of getting a true picture of the situation. How the information is presented and who presents it is critical.

When we are left to read material alone, we come to our own conclusions that usually support our own opinions. A lot of times these opinions are based on perception, not fact (even when facts are presented). The typical example is fear of flying because of a 'perception' of major danger, when in reality the risk factor of injury in a car is much higher. One way to deal with this might be to first provide written information and then follow it up with a meeting to discuss it.

These community dialogues and discussions would give people a chance to see and hear different opinions and perspectives. When technical information needs to be presented EPA could provide a panel of good communicators who can enter into a dialogue with the affected community. All meetings should be followed up with a mailer containing minutes and a summary fo the meeting. Educational meetings could be held throughout the year, purely for the purpose of discussing important environmental issues - even when there is no crisis. These meetings could be set up by EPA working together with PTA's, religious organizations, universities and other groups that already have connections to the community.

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