RE: Adequate time for public review
- Archived: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 12:17:00 -0400 (EDT)
- Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 12:11:02 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Charlie Atherton <>
- Subject: RE: Adequate time for public review
- X-topic: Information
For people to be able to participate effectively in the decision making process they must be involved in the process at the earliest opportunity.
At the beginning, people must be given, in writing, the explanation of the entire process they are involved in from start to finish, including milestones and deadlines, including the appeals process, be given draft copies and update drafts, told where and how they can get questions answered and get technical advise (toll free phones), told how, when, and where they submit their input and comments, and receive some feedback from EPA relative to their participation so they do not feel like everything they do goes into a black hole.
People have to know the status of each step in the process. People must feel like they have an opportunity to make a difference, and two way communications with EPA helps.
Explanations back to people as to how their comments were considered and used in the decision making process is essential. People must be told the final outcome of the process, not just left hanging wondering if they wasted their time participating in the process. Charlie Atherton