Research Project Underway
- Archived: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 19:07:00 -0400 (EDT)
- Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 16:38:08 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Myra Immings <>
- Subject: Research Project Underway
- X-topic: Introductions/Goals
I am currently pursuing research concerning synthesis of environmental justice and environmental protection specifically through improved public involvement program activities conducted during major transportation investment studies in the Southeast. This work, being prepared for the University of South Africa (Pretoria) thus far suggests that we have significant opportunities to improve success in both environmental protection and enviornmental justice through investigation of the commonalities and differences between the two related subject areas in terms of public communications. I am particularly interested in identifying and analyzing the efficacy of public engagement techniques in light of the body of knowledge accumulated about learning styles and communication preferences correlated with economically and culturally diverse groups. I hope to arrive at conclusions keyed to protected groups, and subpopulations within those groups toward better tailored public engagement program curriculum design--a departure from the "shotgun" or "Sherwin-Williams (cover the earth)" approaches currently used within Department of Transportation agencies.
I have read the remarks entered today with great interest, and especially agree with Ms. Foster's thoughts regarding the communication aspects of the EPA PIP goals. I understand and appreciate some of the skepticism voiced, and hope the the dialog will dispell and correct some legitimate causes for that skepticism.