why am i here?
- Archived: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 14:24:00 -0400 (EDT)
- Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 13:09:44 -0400 (EDT)
- From: daniel ziskin <ziskin@jote.org>
- Subject: why am i here?
- X-topic: Introductions/Goals
I am trained as a physicist. I studied clouds and their role in climate change. I currently work at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder CO on a satellite project that measures trace gases in the atmosphere.
I am also active in faith-based environmentalism. I founded a local group called Jews Of The Earth or JOTE (see www.jote.org). I also consider myself an animal rights activist. I work extensively with Rocky Mountain Animal Defense (see www.rmad.org). My other interests include transportation (see www.CarShare.org and Critical Mass),and corporate power (see www.reclaimdemocracy.org).
My contact with the EPA has usually been as a letter writer during public comment periods begging them to enforce the laws. I am also familiar with the issue Troy (from PETA) mentioned about the EPA's role as a massive torturer of animals in the name of toxicology. These "experiments" don't make any sense since the EPA doesn't take enough action to protect us from the chemicals we already know are dangerous. And every animal test is inconclusive and thus challenged by industry (i.e. if the animals are affected then the result doesn't apply to humans, and if the animals are unharmed then we know the chemical is safe.)
So, I am participating in this project to let the EPA know that there is a constituency of Americans desperate for more enforcement of the laws that protect us, wildlife, and the Earth.