Welcome from Moderators
Today's focus is on governance. We welcome as panelists: * Dede Alpert, State Senator, Chair, Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan * Elaine Alquist, State Assemblywoman, Co-Vice Chair, Higher Education Issues, Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan * Thomas E. Henry, CEO, Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team * Janet L. Holmgren, President, Mills College * Carol Liu, State Assemblywoman * Fred Silva, Senior Advisor, Governmental Relations, Public Policy Institute of California The first question of the day will be posted immediately after this message. The second, third and fourth will be posted during the course of the day at approximately 10 and 12 AM and 2 PM (PDT). Topics today will be: - Who's in Charge? Allocation of Education Responsibilities - Community College Governance - Unification of School Districts - Non-salary Employment Benefits: Negotiation at what Level? For online resources on this broad subject area, please go to the Briefing Book Issue page on Governance. Links to panelists' biographies and other resource material, including the Working Group Report, can be found on the GovernanceAgenda Page. Reminders: - Please use "REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE" when responding to a message. If it might help readers understand your message, copy and paste in a very short snippet from the message you are replying to. - If you keep a list of messages open on your screen for awhile, remember to REFRESH or RELOAD periodically. This will display new messages that have been added to the discussion since you first opened the window. Thank you for participating; we hope you enjoy the discussions! John Ford and John Helie, Moderators |