US:PA-1: E-rate Questions

E-rate Questions
Tue, 16 Sep 1997 13:34:45 +0000

Two Items need settled in writing:

1: Does the discount apply to a district or a building?
2. Specifically, how do Intermediate Units assess their discount?

Along with that, there is an urging toward consortia.  Our IU 
provides an internet gateway to our districts.  They can dial in or 
connect to us with high speed communications.  If we consortialize, 
then all billing would be through the IU.  What rate would apply?  
Our rural schools have rates ranging from 60 to 80 percent.  If an 
average rate applies, what would the incentive be for the districts 
with the greater discounts?  We're talking about 11 districts here, 
probably a number too small to realize any appreciable agregated 
pre-discount pricing.  Are there any consortia planned out there that 
involve connecting districts to a single point to provide internet 
access and interconnectivity via that point?  
