Should there be a requiremenet for state-approved technology plans? Absolutely not!! State-approved technology plans are not a "non-cost" item. They can be extemely costly. For example, Wisconsin created a competitive grants approach to funding K-12 technology. (The first problem with this is that it has increased the disparity between the "technology haves" and the "technology have nots"). After the first funding cycle a group of school district administrators evaluated the approximate cost in just personnel hours that it took to complete the technology plans and the grant application, and they could easily prove that the cost was greater than the entire amount of grant funding that went to K-12 schools. In addition, once you mandate state-approved technology plans, you have created a "cookie cutter" approach to educational technology -- and that will not work, just as it has not worked in other areas of education policy." Bill Cosh Wisconsin Association of School Boards