The discussion on wireless technologies has brought out many excellent points of view. A crucial area that has been discussed relates to questions about reliability and long term scalability of wireless technologies. In that regard I can only wonder if more effort is being applied to suppressing wireless technologies because of the resulting loss of capital expenditures and profits derived from maintaining and building obsolete infrastructure. Satellite and radio wave technologies used to deploy weapons indicates that there may be a higher level of wireless development than is being made available to the public and/or the commercial markets. It is also notable that AT&T is/was the only telco to launch a digital braodcast satellite(s) and one of - if not the the only telco to withstain from joining the suit the RBOC's filed against the use of Internet phone technology. Wireless technologies may be facing the same plight and require more advocacy, since the implications related to public Internet access are not as obvious as those related to the use of Internet phone technology. Randy