Fellow Universal Service ponderers: As this is my first time to weigh in with $.02 worth, a brief intro: my name is Dennis Small, and I work for the WA state Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (our Dept.of Education) in the educational use of telecommunications. I have found the discussion thus far interesting/helpful/overwhelming, and appreciate the work many have done to make this forum possible! And now for an opinion: "Should school districts have to complete state-approved technology plans in order to qualify for Universal Service subsidies?" I feel that districts should be required to have a technology plan that addresses many of the issues that have been raised here (staff development, curriculum integration, etc). Perhaps a "checklist" or list of "milestones" could be developed to have an "approved plan" (whether by the state or some other entity) that kept paperwork to a minimum while ensuring that the important issues that are needed for successful use of telecommunications have been addressed. The balance point here, it seems to me, is to make sure that the "investment" of reduced connectivity costs will indeed be used wisely, without stifling local creativity and decision-making...... ********************************************************************** * Dennis Small, Educational Telecommunications Supervisor * * OSPI, Old Capitol Bldg, PO BOX 47200, Olympia, WA 98504-7200 * * Phone: (360) 664-3111 TDD (360) 664-3461 FAX: (360) 586-3894 * * WWW: http://www.ospi.wednet.edu Gopher: inspire.ospi.wednet.edu * **********************************************************************