RE: Reply
- Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 15:29:40 -0500
- From: Gerry Balbier <>
- Subject: RE: Reply
Let's chat. There are absolutely no for profit individuals, organizations
or motives involved in the I-Net. You have gotten a hold of some bad
I will be back early next year. Hope to speak to you then.
-----Original Message-----
>From: []
>Sent: Friday, December 17, 1999 1:42 PM
>Subject: Reply
>I think the I-NET ostensibly has a noble set of goal(s).
>I think it is intuitive that there is a sub-set of the group
>that has a "for profit" motive in the I-NET process.
>No one is sniping anyone here. You may however want
>to take stock into what is really going on. Try to look
>beyond the rhetoric. Perhaps we need to reorient the
> toward supporting the community vs. setting
>up a "for profit" entity which cares not for the community but
>for its own specialized (profit-making) interests. I believe the
>latter is now in process within the current I-NET.