[Fwd: I-Net/Statement of Principals/It is Here]
- Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 12:17:19 -0500
- From: Alida Baker <ctac@city-net.com>
- Subject: [Fwd: I-Net/Statement of Principals/It is Here]
Alida Baker wrote:
I want to thank the members of the I-Net for advocating on behalf of
those of us toiling in non-profits. I can understand how the I-Net
people feel "sniped at" by Mr. Kelly's comments.
To Mr. Kelly I say, starting a new organization because you don't agree
with the old is a non-solution. Get in there and participate in the
discussion. Judging from the names on the I-Net list, there are many
reasonable people who are interested in genuine dialogue and truly want
the best for the community. It would be helpful if you would offer
specific information and concrete examples. I, for one, didn't fully
understand your points. By the way, what is your interest in the I-Net?
Your affiliation? Your credentials?
On the other hand, could someone who has been attending the I-Net
meetings and familiar with the issues respond to Mr. Kelly's substantive
points about the project? That the technology is old? That the
community is getting shortchanged?
TVK2000@aol.com wrote:
>I'm unsettled regarding your well-stated, yet overwhelming rhetorical
>support for the community, while you at the same time ignore what
>appears to be special interests within the so called I-NET's leadership
>to install a private-sector, profit-making entity between the community
>organizations and the City/AT & T Cable Franchise process.
>I think rather after discussing with a few people in the group, AT & T
>and the city, that we may start a new I-NET group. This one will be
>free from any special interests, technically competent and dedicated
>completely to the community (i.e. NOT FOR PROFIT).
>Any interest out there in joining the not-for-profit I-NET?
>Thank You!
>Tim Kelly