Council Public Hearing
- Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 11:53:21 EST
- From:
- Subject: Council Public Hearing
When the City of Pittsburgh and AT&T released the details relating to the
Cable Franchise Agreement the membership of the I-Net Working Group was very
disappointed. We were disappointed because there was very little in the
Franchise agreement for the schools, libraries and museums, and the
Since the release of the Franchise Agreement intense discussion has occurred
with AT&T to shape school, library and museum, and community access. The
outcome to those discussions appear to be moving in a very positive
direction. The leadership of the I-Net Working Group is hopeful that by the
end of today a complete understanding with AT&T will have been established.
It will be this understanding that will shape what our presentations at the
City Council public hearing on Wednesday at 2 p.m. KEEP AN EYE TO YOUR E-MAIL
If you have not already signup up to speak you need to do it now by calling
255-2142 and registering.