Re: Welcome to Sustainability & Insitutionalization

Kam Matray (
Tue, 25 Mar 1997 15:27:13 -0800

>In the sustainability area.  Are many looking to traditional "commercial"
>aspects to generate income to sustain the respective programs, i.e. menu
>bars on pages, membership fees, user fees, sponsors for various aspects of
>the programs?
>How are others thinking along this line?
>What strategies have worked moving aministrators down the technology path
>to generate support for programs generated by faculty?

Hello, again.

Yes, we are--pending indicators of impact from the beta sites this summer
and fall.  With full product development, there may very well be tiered
user fees-- ranging from free but limited access to the Virtual Canyon to
different varieties of paid "subscription" with full access and the CD ROM
net hybrid as well as other offline resources.   Of course, this has, is
and will open all sorts of delifghtful IP & C (intellectual property and
copyright) issues for the partners in the project.  It isn't dull, that is
for sure!

Kam Matray - PI, Virtual Canyon Project
Research & Development Group
Monterey Peninsula Unified School District
Box 1031 * 700 Pacific Street
Monterey, California  93942-1031
voice 408.899.9414    fax 408.899.3224