Re: Beginning ProfDev Before the Start!!

Ellen Miyasato (
Wed, 2 Apr 1997 01:10:16 -1000

> A logical plan is for undegraduate teacher candidates being trained in 
> an environment that prepares them to come into schools ready to go, 
> not only with skills, but also methods of utilization that are current 
> and relevant. This requires coordination between the schools and the 
> teacher preparation institutions to plan for what will be desirable, 
> and then to design the courses that will meet the goal.  Sounds simple 
> enough, but the reality of it may prove much more complex, as it calls 
> for cooperation and coordination across many traditional boundaries, 
> perhaps even the breaking down of a few kingdoms' walls!
	Am most interested in anyone who has successfuly worked with
pre-service institutions.  Am thinking also, that beyond the technology,
consider reframed conceptions of practices, policies and organizational
settings for teacher learning. The Hawaii Education & Research Network
(HERN) will be collaborating with the University of Hawaii's College of
Education Masters in Education Program this summer as participants in
summer school inviting teachers to submit "best practices" proposals as
stheir summer offerings.  Would be interested in talking to others who
have had experiences in this area.