Hello, I'm Tom Anderson. I teach high school math in rural Illinois. Over the past two years we have been collaborating with the University of Illinois, which is located about two-hundered miles away, to offer their college level caluculus class to our senior math students. Our enrollment is low enough that we will have years when not enough students sign up for the fourth year math course to have the course get offered. The collaboartion with the University of Illinois has allowed those seniors, who are well enough qualified, to take the University's calculus class over the Internet. As a result, instead of sitting out of math during their Senior year in high school they take a college level math class and receive college credit for that effort. I will actually be attending the Professional Development meeting during the conferece. I have worked with the University of Illinois on the Teacher Math-Link program which provides distance education trainning for math teachers over the Internet. I signed onto both the Collaboration List and the Professional Development List to get additional background prior to the conference.