Updating DNS Files


Hostfiles are stored in the "hosts" CVS module.

Generating new dns files

  1. Telnet to titania.ckp.edu
  2. Type cvs checkout hosts or cvs update hosts
  3. Go into the hosts directory with cd hosts(this is the checked-out directory)
  4. Make the necessary changes.
  5. Type ./bind-generate (This copies a few files then runs "make" to properly update the DNS database)
  6. If there are problems, fix them and run make manually by typing ???.
  7. Type cvs commit hosts to return the hosts file back to the CVS repository
  8. Install files on Oberon
  9. Type cd /var/namedb
  10. Type tar -xvf oberon.named.data.tar
  11. Type sudo chown -R root /var/namedb (the tar messes up the ownership)
  12. Restart the named process (kill -HUP `cat /var/run/named.pid`)
  13. Install files on Titania


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Revision 1.1: April 29, 1996:CJR