Updating DNS Files
Hostfiles are stored in the "hosts" CVS module.
Generating new dns files
- Telnet to titania.ckp.edu
- Type cvs checkout hosts or cvs update hosts
- Go into the hosts directory with cd hosts(this is the checked-out directory)
- Make the necessary changes.
- Type ./bind-generate (This copies a few files then runs "make" to properly update the DNS database)
- If there are problems, fix them and run make manually by typing ???.
- Type cvs commit hosts to return the hosts file back to the CVS repository
- Install files on Oberon
- Type cd /var/namedb
- Type tar -xvf oberon.named.data.tar
- Type sudo chown -R root /var/namedb (the tar messes up the ownership)
- Restart the named process (kill -HUP `cat /var/run/named.pid`)
- Install files on Titania
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Revision 1.1: April 29, 1996:CJR