This document is designed to teach you how to access the Common Knowledge CVS tree. It is not meant to teach you CVS, though there are pointers to beginning CVS info later on in the document. It is not meant to be a public document. The only people accessing this CVS tree will be CKP/PPS tech staff (and possibly non-tech staff).

About CVS

CVS (the Concurrent Versions System) is a system that lets many people work on the same files and track what has been updated or changed by the other workers. Its a valuable way of keep track of various revisions of program source code, documentation and more.

For more information about CVS and how to use it go to:
CVS Manual: At the University of Utah written by Per Cederqvist
CVS Tutorial: Provided by the University of Utah

How to access CVS

The CVS server is currently The cvs repository is in /var/cvsroot. In this directory you will find the location for all the modules being tracked by CVS.

To access CVS from a Unix workstation you must have an account on the CVS server and be able to access it via SSH..Try typing "ssh" and see if you can log in properly.

You must have the CVSROOT environment variable to /var/cvsroot. In csh you would set it by typing "setenv CVSROOT /var/cvsroot". In the zsh shell you would type "export CVSROOT=/var/cvsroot."

CVSROOT = /var/cvsroot

What's in CVS

A CVS repository consists of modules. A module is usually a single directory tree. Modules can contain other modules. For example the module "local" contains all locally-written software. It contains, among other things, a module named "ezdump". If you checkout "local" you will get a directory "local" which contains ezdump and others. If you instead checkout ezdump you will just get a directory called "ezdump".

To get a list of all of the modules at any time type "cvs checkout -c". A partial list is below:

Modules Directory (pre-append /var/cvsroot)Purpose
local/localLocally maintained and written software
scripts/local/scriptsDaily and Weekly scripts
sum/local/swumAccount creation and deletion software
sawmill/local/sawmillLog management software
dns/dns All DNS related material
hosts/dns/hosts Host tables for DNS
informin transitionInformational material
ksulliva/private/ksulliva Kevin's private CVS material
rpg/private/ksulliva/rpg Role-Playing game material
kern/private/kernJoe' private CVS material
peterb/private/peterbPeter's private CVS material
akadams/private/akadamsAndy's private CVS material


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Revision 1.15: April 29, 1996:CJR