!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! This is a sample of OBERON LOGIN DATA ! ! ! ! The completed monthly report will include ! ! two parts, the first is OBERON LOGIN DATA ! ! and the second is CK:P GOPHER AND WEB ACCESS ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1.1 All User[1] -- School Time Period (M-F: 7 am -- 4 pm)[2] Login Duration is Less Than 10 Hours[3] Week User# AvgT StdT MaxT TotalT 25-Apr-1994 224 25.76 44.79 389 22180 02-May-1994 225 25.68 44.55 440 23603 09-May-1994 191 24.64 44.88 508 21409 16-May-1994 205 22.71 39.69 428 18053 23-May-1994 214 23.28 42.87 408 19652 30-May-1994 205 21.98 37.81 338 15606 User#: The number of users in a week (no duplicate user). AvgT: Average login duration per operation in a week (MINUTE). StdT: Standard deviation of login duration. MaxT: Maximum login duration in a week (MINITE). TotalT: Total login duration in a week (MINUTE). ****************************************************************** 1.2 All Use -- Non Working Time Period (M-F: 0 am -- 7 am) (M-F: 4 pm -- 0 am) (Sat-Sun & Holiday) Week User# AvgT StdT MaxT TotalT 25-Apr-1994 205 22.99 32.77 324 27387 02-May-1994 192 23.18 36.04 370 27497 09-May-1994 198 22.01 28.61 264 26429 16-May-1994 190 22.47 38.13 526 21978 23-May-1994 170 21.41 30.40 304 17645 30-May-1994 169 23.20 37.05 446 21136 ***************************************************************** 1.3 Teachers -- School Time Period (M-F: 7 am -- 4 pm) Week User# AvgT StdT MaxT TotalT 25-Apr-1994 108 30.28 50.93 389 12656 02-May-1994 106 27.89 50.92 440 12218 09-May-1994 116 26.60 48.80 508 12769 16-May-1994 106 24.88 44.81 428 10299 23-May-1994 96 25.47 47.80 408 10393 30-May-1994 102 23.04 40.57 296 8639 **************************************************************** 1.4 Teachers -- Non Working Time Period (M-F: 0 am -- 7 am) (M-F: 4 pm -- 0 am) (Sat-Sun & Holiday) Week User# AvgT StdT MaxT TotalT 25-Apr-1994 139 24.44 35.11 324 21288 02-May-1994 121 25.56 38.07 335 19197 09-May-1994 134 23.57 30.36 264 19661 16-May-1994 117 21.42 34.56 370 14284 23-May-1994 106 22.31 30.50 220 12358 30-May-1994 108 23.54 36.22 289 15159 *************************************************************** 1.5 Students -- School Time Period (M-F: 7 am -- 4 pm) Week User# AvgT StdT MaxT TotalT 25-Apr-1994 54 22.92 33.34 254 3920 02-May-1994 55 19.81 26.00 185 4696 09-May-1994 16 21.87 25.07 146 2121 16-May-1994 38 18.02 25.79 142 2451 23-May-1994 49 27.21 42.73 264 4734 30-May-1994 44 20.96 25.00 172 2348 *************************************************************** 1.6 Students -- Non Working Time Period (M-F: 0 am -- 7 am) (M-F: 4 pm -- 0 am) (Sat-Sun & Holiday) Week User# AvgT StdT MaxT TotalT 25-Apr-1994 7 15.40 15.27 55 847 02-May-1994 7 28.71 28.32 121 2641 09-May-1994 7 16.86 22.06 117 1248 16-May-1994 11 29.24 41.82 202 1725 23-May-1994 6 32.31 48.60 304 1971 30-May-1994 7 41.27 68.00 446 2600 *************************************************************** Notes to Table 1: [1] "All users" includes PPS teachers, librarians, aides, administrators, support personnel, staff, students and a few "guests", and excludes CK:P staff accounts. [2] Usage was divided by school hours and non-hours to show the extent to which users access their accounts on their own time versus during working hours. [3] Logins greater than 10 hours were excluded because these were rare and usually represented user error (e.g., faulty setup of communications software) or system error. A check of logins which is great than 10 hours for a six-month period (Jan. - July, 1994) showed 42 users with the following breakdown: teachers - 26, students - 5, PPS staff - 4, CK:P staff - 3, PPS administrators - 3, other - 1. ****************************************************************