Pittsburg Dispatch:
Pittsburgh Stamps

Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of worker wielding sledge hammer 
(detail). 122K Progress
Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of 
mills going full steam (detail). 123K Mills
Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of a towering human figure holding 
railroad cars (detail). 119K Railroad
Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of skyline with large 5,000,000 
above (detail). 122K Population
Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of The Carnegie (detail). 124K The Carnegie
Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of a bathroom (detail). 119K Plumbing
Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of the Sphinx, pyramids and 
money bag (detail). 122K Banking
Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of locomotives framed by the 
number 88,000 (detail). 122K Freight
Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of the towering figure of a 
laborer (detail). 124K Labor
Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of a tobacco leaf and keystone (detail). 122K Tobacco
Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of two cherubic chefs holding up a tray of 
pickles and preserves (detail). 122K Pure Food
Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of a rail yard beneath the word 
Pittsburgh (detail). 123K Gateway
Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of locomotives in a rail yard (detail). 124K Terminals
Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of a golden 
pendulum swinging between New York and Chicago (detail). 123K Location
Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of human figure, Atlas-like, laboring under 
a huge sphere (detail). 124K Tonnage
Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of a giant rising from flames (detail). 119K Fuel
Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of horseshoe magnet with lines 
of attraction (detail). 124K Opportunity
Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of a railroad yard (detail). 120K Business
Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of The Point in a keystone (detail). 122K Center
Thumbnail: Scanned stamp of an electrical worker? (detail). 95K [Electricity]

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