The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh


The Library Online

Andrew Carnegie built more than 2500 libraries worldwide. The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's Main library in Oakland was one of the first and finest. Today the system includes 18 branch libraries, three county bookmobiles and a Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, providing access to more than two million cataloged volumes and over one million uncataloged items. The Library serves as the State's resource library for science and technology as well as providing support to 66 district libraries through its designation as a district center by the State. Since 1895 the Library has been a leader in innovative services to its patrons. Today this continues as the Library's capacity for electronic delivery of materials expands to include services as varied as CAROLINE (Carnegie-on-line), the computerized catalog, patent and business database searches, computer linkages with universities, district and state libraries--all of which mark the new era of access to library resources.

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Natural_History. Mission. Science_Center. Events.

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