Freak of a Horse

It Enters a Confectionery Store and Does Considerable Damage

From The Pittsburg Press, 11 June 1889.
Last evening about 6 o'clock quite a crowd was attracted to the store of J. B. Youngson on Smithfield street. A horse attached to the wagon of Ross W. Black suddenly desired a change of drink, evidently tired of Johnstown water, and hearing the singing of the soda fountain in Youngson's made a dive for the door and proceeded as far in the store as he could get, considering that the wagon was too wide to enter the open doorway. When inside the horse fell to the floor, and in endeavoring to rise broke two show-cases, damaged the tile floor, dislodged the counters, besides doing other considerable damage to the stock of confectioneries and fixtures of the store. Mr. Youngson declares he wants no more disorderly customers like that. The horse was released and taken away unharmed.

B.Chad's Homepage Or, Scared by Horse.