All personal and place names in this list are as found in Soldiers of the Great War, Volume III -- compiled by W. M. Haulsee, F. G. Howe, A. C. Doyle and published in 1920 by "Soldiers Record Publishing Association," Washington, D.C. Every effort has been made to transcribe the names from the text as accurately as possible. Portrait photographs of some soldiers are available.
Majors Allen, Alfred R., Philadelphia. Anderson, Thomas Belford, Latrobe. Atwood, John B., Pittsburgh. Captains Ballamy, John Henry, Scranton. Battles, Frank F., Philadelphia. Benjamin, Howe H., Hollidaysbury. Black, William B., Philadelphia. Braddock, Howard C., Pleasant. Buckwalter, Harris D., Royersford. Clair, Frederick D., Philadelphia. Clarke, John M., Wilkinsburg. Dudenhoefer, Joseph E., Erie. Duncan, Joseph C., Cynwyd. Fuller, Edward C., Philadelphia. Gearty, Walter McCauley, Philadelphia. Henderson, James Edward, Oil City. Lynch, Edmond W., Sharon Hill. McCall, Howard C., Philadelphia. Reilly, James G., Pittsburgh. Rupp, David, Wayne. Skinker, Alexander R., Philadelphia. Starkey, William Harold, Busttleton. Thompson, Orville R., Pittsburgh. Wolfe, Franklin D., Milton. Worthington, Henry H., Lancaster. Lieutenants Acheson, William C., Pittsburgh. Alexander, Clifford McK., Avalon. Alexander, Gail H., Philadelphia. Allison, Jack S., Philadelphia. Baker, Edward D., Pittsburgh. Baker, Elbert C., Easton. Baldwin, John S., Weschester. Barker, Fred Demeritte, Edensburgh. Bateman, William, Wayne. Bell, Albert Harvey, Jr., Greensburgh. Birney, Knox B., Philadelphia. Bolster, Thomas L., Berrrwyn. Bonstack, James A., Jr., Philadelphia. Braker, George E., Philadelphia. Brooks, Daniel William, Swissdale. Brown, William B., Moscow. Bullock, Benjamin, 3d., Ardmore. Craig, William F., Philadelphia. Crane, Albert Harrison, Carbondale. Crawford, Boyd S., Tarentum. Cripps, William S., Philadelphia. Crouse, Samuel S., Somerset. Culbertson, Tingle W., Sewickley. Cupitt, Harold D., Philadelphia. Curry, John V., Plains. Davidson, Philip J., Beaver. Davis, Robert A., Reading. Dean, Harvey Alva, Pittsburgh. Deetjen, William L., Philadelphia. Devenny, James V., Philadelphia. Dixon, William B., Haverford. Doolittle, Gilbert, Philadelphia. Duddy, Michael J., Plains. Duff, Frank, Philadelphia. Duff, Joseph M., Carnegie. Elder, James G., Harrisburgh. Esterley, Raymond A., Emans. Evans, Philip, Chambersburg. Fetzer, William Wilmer, Milltown. Fitzharris, Joseph C., Philadelphia. Ford, Olin H., Corry. Fox, John H., Philadelphia. Gallabher, William F., Philadelphia. Gamble, Robert Howard, Haverford. Gaston, Perry S., East Brook. George, Harry Stevenson, Pittsburgh. Glendenning, Frank M., Pitcairn. Godshall, Walter Moyer, Richlandtown. Golden, Thomas M., Philadelphia. Graham, John R., Philadelphia. Hall, Arold D., Dalton. Hare, William E., Lansdale. Hazlett, Thomas E., Greensburg. Hetherington, Seth C., Philadelphia. Holden, Thomas A., Lancaster. Hoskins, Stephen Paul, Warren. Houghton, Randall, Garland. Jessup, William H., Scranton. Jewell, William Arthur, Ben Avon. Johnson, Harry F. W., South Bethlehem. Johnston, Donald, Harrisburg. Jones, Madison W., Indiana. Kadlec, Thomas G., Pittsburgh. Kahle, Clarence C., Pittsburgh. Keller, Daniel S., Rosemont. Keller, Wilson S., Barto. Kirk, Frank R., Ingram. Knecht, Earl L., Allentown. Koch, Louis J., Scranton. Kriebel, Thomas E., Philadelphia. Lafferty, Daniel P., Philadelphia. Lamb, Levi L., Californa. Llewllyn, Robert C., Braddock. Loney, alfred H., Philadelphia. McCreary, Norman J., Volant. McHenry, Oliver F., Berwick. Machette, Kirk W., Philadelphia. MacNutt, Donald Paret, Stroundsburg. Marlow, Stuart L., Elkins Park. Massey, Thomas, Philadelphia. Mathews, Wilbur A., Pittsburgh. Muager, Harry B., Philadelphia. Miles, Thomas H., Jr., Philadelphia. Montgomery, George D., Dubois. Moore, Edward L., New Bloomfield. Morris, Wistar, Haverford. Murdoch, Hobert H., Wilkes-Barre. Newbold, Clinton V. P., Wayne.* O'Brien, Charles, Wilkes-Barre. O'Kane, Oscar, Pittsburgh. Orr, William Charles, Jr., Philadelphia. Osthaus, Robert A., Scranton. Otto, Herbet Joachian, Philadelphia. Painter, Harold W., Philadelphia. Parsons, Joseph H., Erie. Paterson, Alfred B., Jr., Wilkinsburgh. Patterson, Francis S., Philadelphia. Peters, Harry B., Osceola Mills. Polack, Rodney W., York. Potter, William A., West Philadelphia. Quinn, John H., Philadelphia. Qunitard, Alfred L., Philadelphia. Rahn, Earl E., Birdsboro. Roche, John Cornelius, Bellevue. Rock, William C., Philadelphia. Rodgers, George T., Brookville. Roehrig, Charles, Pittsburgh. Ross, Cleo Jepson, Titusville. Royer, William R., Pottstown. Rupp, David M., Mechanicsburg. Russell, Alexander McPherson, Bedford. Sands, Walter L., Frankville. Savage, Arthur Vandervoor, Philadelphia. Schultz, William H. S., St. Davids. Scott, Fay Mills, Philadelphia. Shallenberger, Hugh D., Vanderbilt. Shimer, Jacob M., Bethlehem. Simpson, Charles W., Indiana. Smith, Charles, C., Philadelphia. Smith, Morell, Newton. Spearman, Harold, Narberth. Spyker, Baekr Fairchild, Lewisburg. Stevenson, William C., Mount Pleasant. Strohl, Howard Lee, Hellertown. Strosnider, Floyd S., Waynesburg. Sykes, Paul Jones, Hummelstown. Trotter, Clyde A., Mount Olive. Vandiver, Thomas D., Philadelphia. Van Dusen, E.Thorp, Philadelphia. Vaughan, Richard H., Royersford. Wallis, Peter Leroy, Jersey shore. Wesoloski, John Martin, Imperial. Wood, Thurston Elmer, Philadelphia. Wunderlich, Albret C., Lansdowne. Zellers, G. H., Lancaster. Master Engineer Marsh, Robert E., Bristol. Battalion Sergeant-Major Yegle, Earl H., Easton. Sergeant-Majors Bair, Harold H., Hanover. Corman, Abram H., Greensburg. Gunnery Sergeants Colvin, David P., Greensburg. Wertz, James Clair, Burnham. First Sergeant Burnett, John T., Grovetown. Sergeants Abbott, Elwood T., Andalusia. Allen, Charles H., Lebanon. Allen, Edward, Philadelphia. Amole, George A., Pottstown. Anderson, Earnest, Warren. Arnold, William C., Harrisburg. Atkinson, Albert, Doylestown. Barker, Paul E., Pittsburgh. Barrett, William Aloysius, Sagon. Bauer, Frederick K., Philadelphia. Berchtel, Richard G., Lebanon. Behler, Walter, Hamburg. Bender, John K., Philadephia. Benson, Perry G., Lumber City. Bertram, Philip M., Wilkes-Barre. Billig, John L., Philadelphia. Bishop, Milton L., Connellsville. Black, John M., Hollydaysburg. Black, Joseph Theodore, Butler. Black, Robert P., O'Shanter. Blaine, Thomas, Beaver Falls. Bock, Charles J., Philadelphia. Bollman, WIlliam A., Lebanon. Bomboy, Elmer T., Bethlehem. Bosbtshell, William L., Philadelphia. Bowes, John L., Philadelphia. Breen, Bernard Francis, Philadelphia. Brill, Jacob M., Sunbury. Brooks, Lee A., Troy. Burns, Patrick, Plymount. Burt, Frank G., Fort Allegany. Cain, John V., Philadelphia. Carrick, John W., Monongahelia. Carroll, Maurice, Kalls Cree. Chambers, Thomas F., Equinunk. Chase, Arthur, Gillett. Clancy, William J., Garland. Claypool, Thomas L., Kitaning. Collins, Hugh A., Philadelphia. Collidge, Carl L., Wellsburg. Cowan, Dewit C., Sharon Hill. Crandle, Ray M., Grover. Cridler, Earnest, Oil City. Cronin, Raymond P., Pittsburgh. Cummings, Jonh E., Blairsville. Cunningham, William M., Philadelphia. Cush, William J., Homestead. Dahlgren, Carl G., Grassflat. DeHaven, John W., Liverpool. Dengler, William W., Reading. Dewitt, Floyd C., Pittsburgh. Dibble, Brewster, Towanda. Donahue, Harry J., Philadelphia. Donne, Clay Webster, Pottsville. Downer, Frank, Pittsburgh. Droyer, Lewis G., Honesdale. Duffy, Michael Patrick, Scranton. Dunkle, Arnold O., Oakdale. Eckert, Carl A., Pittsburgh. Evans, Michael, Glassport. Farrell, Joseph J., Scranton. Fasnacht, William I., Lebanon. Fearn, Thomas, J., Jr., Philadelphia. Fischer, Robert E., Pocono Lake. Fisher, Raymond O., Pinegrove. Felmming, Joseph F., Philadelphia. Foley, Edward H., Philadelphia. Foresti, Frank, Pittsburgh. Fox, Elmer R., Philadelphia. Frantz, Howard H., Allentown. Free, George Michael, Pittsburgh. Fretts, Charles A., Connellsville. Freund, Joseph L., Knoxville. Fryling, George W., Doylestown. Gauss, George M., Myerstown. Gernert, Edward R., Wilkinsburg. Gilbridge, Patrick Joseph, Scranton. Gillen, John G., Johnsonburg. Gorchy, Stanley, Latrobe. Graham, Walter C., Pittsburgh. Greene, Max A., Susquehanna. Greenwood, Harry L., Philadelphia. Greepa, George, Shenandoah. Grier, John MacMinn, Williamsport. Griseallia, S., Schendoah. Hamer, Floyd C., New Brighton. Harmony, George, South Bethlehem. Harrington, Alexander S., Philadelphia. Harris, Frank A., Pinegrove. Hasley, John Edward, Pittsburgh. Hellman, Hans, Pittsburgh. Herron, Nelson M., Philadelphia. Hess, Doyle E., Berwick. Hess, Earl D., Berwick. Hill, Frank E., Philadelphia. Hink, John G., Philadelphia. Hite, Robert P., Stovestown. Hochard, Herbert T., Somerset, Hochman, Jacob, Pittsburgh. Hockenberry, Roy N., East Waterford. Hoesle, Howard, Philadelphia. Hohman, Albert J., Eldred. Holden, Charles S., Jersey Shore. Holmes, Thaddeus H., Eldred. Horak, Walter G., Scraton. Howat, Keith W., Pittsburgh. Hoxworth, Frank, Doylestown. Huemme, Carl Gottlieb, Greenock. Huggins, John C., Gibsonia. Huling, Clarence Samuel, South Williamsport. Ignatosky, John F., Reading. Ireland, Harry, Philadelphia. Jackson, Winfield Andrew, Philadelphia. Jones, Erwin I., Wilkes-Barre. Jones, Robert B., Sunnyside. Kapphan, Walter, Pittsburgh. Keady, james Martin, Pittsburgh. Keefe, William, Pittsburgh. Keefer, Wiliam M., Pinegrove. Keenan, William H., New Kensington. Kelly, Edward Joseph, Philadelphia. Kelly, James A., Philadelphia. Kelly, Thomas W., Philadelphia. Kelso, Ray, Hadley. Kennedy, Thomas J., Larksville. Kent, Frederick O., Paxston. Kiesel, Joseph W., Scranton. Kite, Clement C., Philadelphia. Knight, Edmond H., Philadelphia. Koenig, Frank, Allentown. Korns, John L., Johnstown. Kowalski, Adam W., Philadephia. Kral, Charles, York Springs. Kutchever, John M., Lebenon. Lafferty, Earl, Easton. Law, James William, Philadephia. Leader, Charles Bigler, Bedford. Leckrom, Earl F., State Line. Lee, George W., Philadelphia. Leonard, Michael, Jr., Philadelphia. Lerch, Byron B., Chester. Lew, Ellsworth J., Carrick. Llewellyn, William H., North Braddock. Lohman, William E., Milton. Long, Raymond Smith, Doylestown. Lowe, James Elmor, Sligo. Lundy, Edwin H., Lancaster. Lushon, William J., Philadelphia. Lutman, Enos R., Manhelm. Lyons, Joseph M., Philadelphia. McCabe, John C., Philadelphia. McCartney, Anthony R., Carnegie. McCartney, James W., Spring Run. McCawley, John A., Carbondale. McGee, Arthur J., Philadelphia. McConnell, Graham, Philadelphia. McCoy, Delbert, Washington. McGrail, Frank, Pittsburgh. McKernan, Frank J., Kensington. McKown, James E., Oakdale. McClean, Robert J., Munhall. McLeod, James, Wilkinsburg. McNabb, Lawrence S., Allentown. Madden, James M., Rock Hill Furnace. Mahaffey, Fred Thomas, Warren. Malliband, Frank C., Millvale. Master, Clarence, West Bridgewater. Maxwell, David Edgar, Pittsburgh. Meell, George W., Philadelphia. Meighen, William G., Wind Ridge. Meiskey, William T., Stephens. Michael, Lester J., Pittsburgh. Miller, Ervin C., Hanover. Miller, Peter G., Lancaster. Millsop, John, Grove City. Milner, Raymond W., Pitcairn. Mitchel, Frank, Bethlehem. Moore, Earl H., Indiana. Moore, Russell H., Philadelphia. Morgan, George, Cranton. Morrow, Harry T., Catasauqua. Morrow, Stuart, Harrisburg. Moss, James Reed, Freeport. Mullin, Joseph A., Chester. Mundis, David W., Hellam. Murray, Edward Rock, Harrisburg. Nipple, Jacob Delbert, Walnut. Noel, Herbert W., Gallitzin. Norton, Herbert B., Ulysses. O'Brien, Richard E., Dubois. Ocker, John W., Littlestown. Oerkvitz, Oscar, Wilkes-Barre. Oerlamans, Louis, Philadelphia. O'Neil, Robert, Allenport. Palmer, John J., Blairsville. Pancoast, Clarence S., Philadelphia. Parish, Joseph W., Hazelton. Parson, Ernest C., Brockwayville. Patton, James B., Waynesburg. Payne, George, Forest City. Pepper, Albert E., Ford City. Piper, William F., Osterburg. Polinsky, Harry, Philadelphia. Price, Aaron I., Philadelphia. Purcell, Warren B., Weikert. Quiri, Robert, Easton. Rankin, David I., Wilkinsburg. Read, John J., Philadelphia. Readon, Charles, Sharpsville. Rees, Ivor, Bowertown. Reese, Herbert, Unityville. Reinhardt, William A., Pittsburgh. Reynolds, Harry J., Reynoldsville. Riehl, Edward J., Philadelphia. Rieker, John C., Catasauqua. Riemann, Fred W., Pittsburgh. Robertson, Claude R., Philadelphia. Romanosky, Edward George, Mahanoy City. Ross, Floyd E., Leechburg. Rothmaier, William J., Hazelton. Royer, Wareen, Souderton. Salesbery, Duane, Dunmore. Sauers, Michael, Wilkinsburg. Scandora, Rocco, Bristol. Schaffer, Archie R., Allentown. Schaffer, Morris Jacob, Allentown. Schalch, Earl Watson, Philadelphia. Schlegel, Bernhard F., Westchester. Schoch, Brewster Cameron, Selinsgrove. Schupper, Robert E., Honesdale. Schwartzmiller, Albert G., Pittsburgh. Searles, Alexander, Plymouth. Senti, Domenik, Donora. Shaffer, Davis M., Bolivar. Shagren, Andrew C., Philadelphia. Shank, Frank, Carlisle. Shannon, Edward L., Mifflinburg. Shanoff, Alexander, Philadelphia. Shawn, Samuel C., Philadelphia. Shearer, Walter M., Parnassus. Shedlack, Joseph Michael, Utahville. Shoemaker, William, Leighton. Shoup, Eldridge H., Kingsley. Simpson, Paul, Philadelphia. Smucker, William M., Friedens. Snyder, Adam B., Lebanon. Sodan, Le Roy J., Hallstead. Stafford, Charles, Meadville. Steinbacher, Royal P., Williamsport. Stevenson, Alfred, Linwood. Stockburger, Jacob C., Allentown. Stofflet, Edward K., Lehigh County. Storm, George P., Carbon County. Stover, Harry C., Thomasville. Stoyer, Curtis Andrew, Reading. Strawbridge, George Irvin, Reading. Streator, Paul M., Washington. Strider, John C., Susquehanna. Sullivan, Frank F., Collingdale. Sullivan, Lee J., Aliquippa. Sunderland, Grover E., Newton Hamilton. Swanson, Oscar Walter, Munson. Swearer, Herbert D., Malvern. Sweeney, John P., Tarentum. Sweetser, Clayton D., Scranton. Symington, Louis C., Philadelphia. Taylor, Benjamin Franklin, Jr., Wilkes-Barre. Taylor, Corwin B., Philadelphia. Taylor, Waid J., Brockport. Temple, William S., South Fork. Tessmer, Frederick A., Oil City. Thomas, Frederick, South Fork. Thompson, Archie W., Corry. Thompson, Robert Emmett, Meadville. Trapp, Charles, Philadelphia. Turner, John, Lancaster. Uhus, Mike, Eleanor. Ventura, Michael C., Philadelphia. Vogal, Andrew Frederick, Pittsburgh. Vought, Reginald E., Berwick. Walters, Ralph H., Rockwood. Weaver, Clarence John, Uhlerstown. Weber, Joseph H., Philadelphia. Weber, Stillwell E., West Philadelphia. Widdall, John C., Avoca. Wilson, Harvey V., Pocono Lake. Wilson, Sayes M., Clearfield. Winner, John S., Danville. Winthrop, John, Bryn Mawr. Wood, William, Philadelphia. Woomer, Elmer E., Meyerstown. Wright, Samuel James, Linesville. Yearsly, Edward F., Philadelphia. Yingst, Chauncey F., Hummerstown. Yost, James A., White Deer. Zischkau, Charles W. Turtle Creek. Corporals Acker, Jesse, Honesdale. Ackerman, Edward Henry, Hellertown. Akins, Frank L., West Philadelphia. Albacker, John L., Aspinwall. Allen, Charles H., Donora. Allen, Frank, McKeesport. Allen, John, Philadelphia. Allridge, Frank, Philadelphia. Ambrose, George S., Wilkes-Barre. Anderson, Edwin Francis, Anita. Archer, Joseph D., Philadelphia. Armbrust, charles, Greensburg. Arnold, Harry, Philadelphia. Axe, Raymond, Harrisburg. Ayoub, Tony, Brownsville. Ayre,John, Jr., Philadelphia. Bailey, Joseph M., Clarks Summit. Baker, Russell, Shamokin. Barent, Walter F., Natrona. Bauer, George Franklin, Bethlehem. Bauwens, Frank, Portage. Beard, John Franklin, Reading. Beatty, Charles L., Philadelphia. Beatty, Harry F., Erie. Beck, Clarence H., Ford City. Berenbrok, George H., Latrobe. Bergmark, Harold P., Pittsburgh. Berkowitz, Louis R., Philadelphia. Bishop, John Calvin, Chambersburg. Blank, Cleveland S., Alburtis. Bohan, John William, Wilkes-Barre. Booth, John, Philadelphia. Booty, Howard Pardoe, Bedford. Bowers, Floyd, Reading. Boyd, John W., Hazzard. Brady, John, Philadelphia. Brandt, Henry U., Altoona. Brandt, Martin Mayer, Lebanon. Bretschneider, John Michael, Broughton. Briggman, John F., Pottsville. Broderick, Thomas J., Philadelphia. Brown, Guy R., Cooperstown. Bruce, Elva Luther, Titusville. Buchmeyer, Wilbur Daniel, York. Buckley, Gerald J., Carbondale. Buente, Howard Amos, Pittsburgh. Bumbaugh, Paul D., Waynesboro. Burgess, George G., York. Burke, James Francis, Etna. Caffery, Raymond P., Archbald. Carr, Gilbert J., Pittsburgh, Carr, Thomas A., Philadelphia. Carter, Mareans S., Milton. Carter, William, Erie. Casey, Clifton M., Philadelphia. Cassidy, Richard I., Johnsonburg. Castor, John H., Philadelphia. Cavan, Phillip J., Wilkes-Barre. Cherry, Roy Lee, Rouseville. Chesney, Anthony, Kulpmont, Clarke, Leroy G., Canton. Clawson, Roy E., Youngwood. Clewell, Charles Wilson, Tatamy. Cochran, James Joseph, West Philadelphia. Cohen, Aaron, Dubois. Cohen, Isaac, Harrisburg. Cohen, Michael, Philadelphia. Coleman, Clyde Andrew, Long Pond. Comstock, Albert O., Washington. Conklin, James J., Scranton. Conlin, Andrew A,. Philadelphia. Conrad, Barnet, Mountaintop. Cook, Thomas F., West Reading. Cooke, Patrick G., Leisenring. Cooper, Charles P., Pittsburgh. Cordes, John W., Indiana. Cornish, George T, West Philadelphia. Cruse, Elmer C., Mt. Pocono. Curry, William L., Philadelphia. D'Amato, Pasquale, Philadelphia. Danig, George, Philadelphia. Darby, Beal M., North Bend. Darrah, James A., Doylestown. Davis, Harry J., Philadelphia. Davis, Norman, Mount Carmel. Davison, George L., Pittsburgh. De Coursey, Peter J., Pittsburgh. Dengler, Stanley O., Cressona. Denn, Alexander, Wilkes-Barre. Dennis, Ewing E., Monogahela. Devee, Charles G., Towanda. Dicello, Anthony, Pottsville. Diller, Henry O., Pittsburgh. Dillon, John J., Plains. Dittus, Samuel H., Lancaster. Dollman, Arthur W., Pittsburgh. Dommel, Elmer B., Lancater. Donges, Louis F., Johnstown. Dorang, Charles E., Pottstown. Dorsey, Howard Swier, West Philadelphia. Dorwart, Lee A., Greenville. Doukakis, Elias, Monessen. Doyle, Edward, Yardly. Drye, Moriss C., Lebanon. Dunn, Frederick, Vandergrift. Durbin, Fred C., Plymouth. Earley, Andrew, Pittsburgh. Eberly, Cluade R., Halltown. Ebersole, Thomas F., Apollo. Eccles, Homer Sherwood, Sugar Grove. Eckenroth, Paul E., Bloomsburg. Elwin, Joseph T., Pittsburgh. Engle, Joseph D., Monaca. Ervin, Russ D., Bloomsburg. Everett, Carl A., McKeesport. Ewton, Dallas P., Pittsburgh. Farley, Thomas P., New Kensington. Fatheringham, Harry R., North Braddock. Fanner, Carl A., Bryn Mawr. Fessenden, Fay F., Port Allegany. Fiechter, Jackques A., Philadelphia. Fitzgerald, Louis L., Pittsburgh. Fleisch, Edward, Philadelphia. Fleming, Craig E., Clarion. Fleshman, Albert N., Philadelphia. Flynn, Cornelius F., South Bethlehem. Flynn, John P., Conneautville. Foell, Harry R., Philadelphia. Foley, John F., Altoona. Foltz, Samuel R., Terre Hill. Foster, David B., McKeesport. Foster, Howard T., Dalton. Fox, Byrd R., Hunkers. Fraim, John, Philadelphia. Franks, Charles N., Percy. Franks, Henry J., Reading. Fritz, Lawrence P., Latrobe. Furry, Harry L., Latrobe. Gallagher, John, Ginter. Gardner, Elmer F., Unityville. Garland, John P., Philadelphia. Geist, Harry I., Mount Carmel. George, Charles Edward, Munsey Valley. Gerber, Curtis C., Johnstown. Goodrich, George Ralph, Philadelphia. Gorner, William O., Harrisburg. Gravener, John N., Philadelphia. Green, George E., Chambersburg. Griffiths, Samuel S., Pittsburgh. Grist, Frank, Hillsdale. Groff, Lands K., Lancaster. Grout, Leo M., Philadelphia. Haag, James I., Rockton. Hafner, Andy G., Pittsburgh. Haley, James J., Philadelphia. Hallberg, Harlod Oscar, Kane. Hamey, John Todd, McKeesport. Hankey, Orrie Oliver, Manorville. Harmon, Edwar J., North Girard. Hartman, William R., Kingston. Hartzel, Calvin F., Berkasie. Hastings, George W. Jr., Spring Mont. Hatfield, John D., Palmyra. Hausewer, Paul A., West Reading. Hausler, Walter A., Philadelphia. Hawley, Lewis L., Corry. Hazzard, James I., Philadelphia. Healey, Loe Cray, Ashley. Heckle, Ralph, Lancaster. Heiser, Joseph A., Pittsburgh. Heisey, Alfred A., Lebanon. Henderson, Raymond W., Pittsburgh. Herdman, John William, Johnstown. Herrig, Charles W., Midland. Herron, Charles P., Millvale. Hewitt, Charles W. Jr., Philadelphia. Hey, William S., Philadelphia. Hinkle, Paul Lapp, Chalfont. Hinton, Leroy B., Philadelphia. Hoag, John C., Turtle Creek. Hogan, Francis F., North Pittsburgh. Hogarth, Francis W., Hatfield. Hogoboom, Everett, Wheelerville. Hoke, Robert H., Harrisburg. Holmes, John A, Corapolis. Hopkins, Ray C., Pittsburgh. Hoppes, George D., Philadelphia. Horn, Thomas, Philadelphia. Housser, August J., Philadelphia. Houston, William M., Starford. Humm, Ralph E., Indiana. Hurd, Arthur P., Peckville. Hutzell, Oscar W., Sand Patch. Ivell, Harry B., Harrisville. Jacevicz, John, Woodland. John, Michael, South Bethlehem. Johnson, Walter R., Pittsburgh. Johnson, Harry Walter, Franklin. Jordan, William J., Philadelphia. Kahl, William F., Lancaster. Kahle, Oren E., Sheffield. Kaiser, Clayton B., Nazareth. Kamer, William B., Ford City. Kauker, George Steven, Philadelphia. Kay, Robert F., Altoona. Keeler, Charles H., Philadelphia. Kelly, Harold E., Emlenton Kelly, Luther M., Williamsport. Kelly, Paul Walter, Carlisle. Kerr, Peter, Philadelphia. King, Aloysius T., Philadelphia. King, Felix M., Washington. Kinsley, Thomas C., Edgeworth. Klebe, John B., Philadelphia. Kline, Wilson, Fleetwood. Knauf, Carl L., Johnstown. Knight, Edward S., Millerstown. Knighton, Raymond Francis, York. Konalkowski, Frank, Primrose. Koztowsky, Stanley, Pittsburgh. Krantz, Lewis F., Brockton. Kreps, Herbert L., Philadelphia. Kropp, George, Morea. Kucko, Joseph, Olyphant. Kuhl, Raymond F., Philadelphia. Kuhns, Alexander H., Oil City. Kunkle, Karl J., Apollo. Kyrus, Matthew F., Minersville. Laird, George W., Philadelphia. Landay, Isadore, Washington. Landman, Harry Edwin, Jr., Philadelphia. Lang, Michael Joseph, Pittsburgh. Larson, Arvid, Kane. Lawler, William J., Philadelphia. Lawson, Deforest, Erie. Lawton, Harry Summithill. Layden, Andrew W., Philadelphia. Lewis, Thomas H., Philadelphia. Lenfesty, George S., Carnegie. Levanda, Walter, Nanticoke. Lightner, George M., York. Lippman, August J., West Newton. Little, Lawrence S., Indiana. Litzinger, Norman J., Ashville. Lobaccaro, Lorenzo, Philadelphia. Lockhart, Oliver T., New Brighton. Lohr, Wilbar Milton, Youngwood. Long, Lloyd E., Apollo. Longacre, Edward, Norristown. Longden, James W., Upper Middletown. Lorsong, John W., Williamsport. Loudenslager, John, Bethlehem. Love, Edward, Turtle Creek. Lowe, Raymond A., Hanover. Lubreski, Frank Martin, Shamokin. Lucot, Harry J., Pittsburgh. Luger, Onward Leon, McKeesport. Lundguist, Axel H., Ligonier. McClellan, Luther M., Allentown. McClelland, John F., Washington. McComsey, Daniel E., Fairmount. McCollum, Robert, Philadelphia. McCoy, James W., Johnstown. McCutcheon, Earl T., Tarentum. McElwee, Neil, Philadelphia. McEnteer, Edward Francis, Kane. McEwen, Thomas Davis, Huntington. McGinley, James F., Pittsburgh. McGranaham, Roland C., Jamestown. McIntire, Wallace M., Wilkinsburg. McKee, John J., Greensburg. McNair, James S., Wilkinsburg. McWilliams, Clark R., Hanover. McWilliams, James H., Masontown. Madden, Raymond W., East Brady. Malkowski, James L., Pittsburgh. Maloy, Raymond J., Scotdale. Manners, Myron Oneda, Clarksburg. Marlowe, harold E., Verona. Martin, Cecil, Philadelphia. Marusak, George, Bradenville. Maynard, John B., Wellington. Mazkwas, Louis, Philadelphia. Mead, Frank L., Pottsvile. Merrett, Charles Bertram, Mercer. Merriam, Frank, Philadelphia. Mertz, Alvin R., Allentown. Mickley, Andrew E., Gettysburg. Miller, Edwin D., Orefield. Miller, Floyd E., Greensburg. Miller, George R., Pittsburgh. Miller, Herbert, Philadelphia. Mitchell, Walter, Chester. Mock, Arthur C., Altoona. Moore, Martin L., Holland. Moorehead, Kenneth A., Pittsburgh. Morse, Harry E., Altoona. Mosier, Leon S., Cambridge Springs. Moy, Hugh, Philadelphia. Mullen, James J., Philadelphia. Muller, James, Andalusia. Murphy, Eugene F., Sayre. Murphy, Thomas, Philadelphia. Musto, Angelo, Philadelphia. Napp, Jack, Philadelphia. Nau, Plus J., Philadelphia. Nauss, Jacob A., Harrisburg. Neff, Arron D., York. Nesbitt, Rutherford H., Beaver. Newcomer, Orlando, Boiling. Nitterhouse, Charles Mentez, Chambersburg. Norbeck, Philip M., Collingdale. Och, Peter J., Pittsburgh. O'Connor, William H., Connellsville. O'Donnell, Arthur T., Pittsburgh. O'Neil, Mark, Hallstead. Opela, Albert, Harrison City. Overland, James R., Webster. Overdorf, Ross, Reading. Patten, James H., Philadelphia. Patterson, Raymond H., California. Pedicord, John T., Oakdale. Pepperman, Watson R., Williamsport. Peters, Harold R., Troy. Peters, Paul Joseph, Easton. Philips, Henry, Grayslanding. Pistikoudis, Theadore, Philadelphia. Pollock, Stormont, Philadelphia. Powers, Edward Canfield, Phoenixville. Pritchard, Henry E. P., Philadelphia. Prushinski, Leo, Nanticoke. Quinter, William C., Pottstown. Ramsey, Chester R., Latrobe. Ramesy, Robert Jr., United. Ranson, William F., Philadelphia. Rauch, Lester Joseph, Carrick. Re, Peter, Mattie. Rebber, George W., Reading. Reese, Frank H., Nazareth. Reese, George Washington., Mahoney. Reese, John., Scranton. Reidenouer, Jonas G., Pottstown. Reigel, William C., Bethlehem. Richards, Clyde Elton, Raymilton. Ritter, Robert V., Westchester. Roberts, Thomas A., Jenner. Robinson, Thomas S., Burgettstown. Roblaski, Vincent, Pittsburgh. Roetz, Stephen, Philadelphia. Rogacki, Alexander, Natrona. Ross, Dale H., Freeport. Rossi, Peter, Hazelton. Rothrock, Lionel B., Pittsburgh. Russel, Robert P., Pittsburgh. Ruth, William F., Emaus. Sahler, Wellington G., Coatesville. Salvador, William Henry, Philadelphia. Sanford, Willet C., Merrisville. Santee, Clyde H., Athens. Sarver, Phil R., Wexford. Sauberblatt, David, Philadelphia. Schaeffer, Henry M., Bethlehem. Schaffer, Glenn R., Dubois. Schaffer, Joseph, Freedom. Schaffer, William A., Duquesne. Schanning, Frank F., Monongahelia. Schantz, Fred S., Philadelphia. Scheifir, Charles P., Pottstown. Schick, Charles A., Philadelphia. Schultz, Pete, Pittsburgh. Schwall, John F., Wilkes-Barre. Scott, Kenneth J., Frackville. Seeman, Clyde T., Wilkinsburg. Shambaugh, Frank Harold, Titusville. Sharp, Phillip S., Philadelphia. Sharrow, Glenn C., Hughesville. Shay, Walter L., Knox. Sheffer, Ervin O., York. Sheridan, William E., Hawley. Shetzline, William T., Philadelphia. Shimko, John, Kulpmont. Shores, Everett G., Towanda. Shumaker, Donald E., Johnstown. Silble, Harry E., Youngwood. Siegal, Walter, Shenandoah. Simcoe, John J., Philadelphia. Simmons, Walter E., Hatfield. Sipler, William W., Huntington Valley. Slook, George H., Philadelphia. Smalley, Alfred P., Jr., Philadelphia. Smith, Bromley R., Lewisburg. Smith, David T., Norristown. Smith, Eugene A., Philadelphia. Smith, Harry P., Philadelphia. Smith, Henry K., Larksville. Smith, James M., Germantown. Smythe, David Hankley, South Gibson. Snair, Bernard W., Pittsburgh. Snyder, Oscar E., Fishers Ferry. Snyder, Myrl G., Scottdale. Snyder, William H., Mount Pleasant. Snyir, John, Duquesne. Spetz, Clarence P., Spring Creek. Spittler, Frank, Connellsville. Sprong, Cecil Herman, Bulter. Stanton, Paul A., Philadelphia. Steifel, Charles R., Freemansburg. Stewart, Le Roy I., New Brighton. Stivanson, Edward A., Kittanning. Stoffel, Charles, Bethlehem. Stonage, Joseph, Monessen. Street, Abram K., Philadelphia. Strickland, Richard, Newtown Square. Stufflet, Earl, Pittstown. Stumbaugh, Melvin H., Ridgway. Sundermann, Paul George, Pittsburgh. Sutton, James C., Robinson. Swart, James H., West Finley. Taylor, William, South Bethlehem. Thomas, Bernard J., Philadelphia. Thomas, Roy, Mansfield. Thompson, Joseph F., Shaft. Thorton, David M., Camp Hill. Tinline, James H., Philadelphia. Trettel, Joseph P., Tarentun. Trump, Hobert A., Woodland. Truxal, Jacob Q., Greensburg. Tyson, Charles W., Morristown. Uber, James Lester, Sheffield. Uhlam, Ralph W., Pittsburgh. Valentine, James T., Berwick. Van Eman, Clare L., Grove City. Van Why, William H., Analomink. Veal, John A., New Brightom. Volpe, Alfred V., Conshohocken. Wagner, Harry A., Nescopeck. Walker, Jesse H., Chester. Walker, Rex Deloss, Warren. Waples, Joseph D., Philadelphia. Warner, Lawrence, Plymouth. Weaver, Culver E., Johnstown. Weaver, Edger A., Malvern. Webb, James F., West Philadelphia. Weierbach, Mark C. M., Lebanon. Weise, Richard G., Philadelphia. Wetmiller, Lewis E., Sandpatch. White, William A., Waymart. Wholaham, Raymond, Boothwyn. Williams, Edwin S. Landsdowne. Williams, John C., Pittsburgh. Wilkinson, Joseph M., Philadelphia. Wills, Harry W., Wilkinsburg. Wilson, Merle James, Wilkinsburg. Wineman, Lester A., Derry. Witmer, Christan Coover, Reamstown. Woelfel, Emerson G., Pittsburgh. Wood, Donald R., Washington. Wood, Harry F., Scranton. Worman, James, Masontown. Yanoscak, John Andrew, Lykens. Yaudes, Murven R., Liberty. Yeich, Herbert, Reading. Yost, James, Chester. Zaleski, John, Jermyn. Zanovitz, Stanely, Nanticoke. Zeger, Leslie S., Mercersburg. Zoldak, Mike J., Homer City. Bugler Archer, Edward L., Philadelphia. Ballentine, Samuel L., Philadelphia. Beard, Raymon L., Harrisburg. Carlisle, William R., Pittsburgh. Delmora, Alexandra, Ridgewood. Dinino, Frank J., Reading. Foster, Francis Jr., Philadelphia. Goodridge, Philip Roy, Philadelphia. Hammond, James F., Vandergrift. Herlinkofer, Harry H., Bethlehem. Jacoby, Henry J., Philadelphia. Jennart, Leon, Spring City. Krider, Stewart W., York. Martin, Luce Christopher, Pittsburgh. Mason, John H., Beaver Falls. Robinson, George Mc C., Walnut. Schmolze, Carl D., Philadelphia. Storz, George W., Pittsburgh. Ulearey, Edward H., Philadelphia. Clerk Keenan, Joseph, Pittsburgh. Cooks Broscki, Julius, Erie. Clement, George Edward, Pittsburgh. Gostafson, Leon E., Houtzrale. Hein, Thomas, Reading. Horsey, Charles H., Chester. Hunter, Roy M., Scalp Level. McMahon, John P., Philadelphia. Palla, John M., Scranton. Horseshoers Owens, Robert P., Oakdale. Reed, William S., Sudeburg. Mechanics Benzing, Fredrick W., Philadelphia. Bloom, Alex G., Clymer. Brady, Frank W., Scranton. Bryden, Robert R., Roscoe. Carsin, David F., Altoona. Cole, Russel, Williamsport. Dreslin, George D., Norristown. Epler, William R., Philadelphia. Flegale, Ferman, Clearfield. Fry, Ruben C., Lititz. Golden, William H., Philadelphia. Goncavskas, Mikolas, Scranton. Hackenberg, William D., Swineford. Hottenstein, Harvey M., Lancaster. Igo, Robert I., Derry. Jones, Goerge R., Pittsburgh. Keck, John R., Leechburg. Kreider, Eugene R., Lebanon. Kwasniewski, Ignacy H., Pittsburgh. Leedom, Horace Seel, Philadelphia. McCool, Francis L., Lilly. McGinley, John L., Millvale. McQuillan, Curtis E., Pittsburgh. Manning, Ben A., Waynesburg. Miller, Sylvester G., Gettysburg. Moore, William J., Philadelphia. Neeley, Claud, De Young. Nock, George E., Coraopolis. Schmidt, Alphonse A., Pittsburgh. Theobald, John L., Honesdale. Wolpert, John J., Philadelphia. Wright, Charles, Espeyville. Wright, William, Pittsburgh. Yerger, Moses S., Pottstown. Musicians Master, Ray A., Topton. Stromel, Giovanni, Pittsburgh. Saddler Cowell, Raph H., Fairview Village. Wagoners Brooks, Edward B., Milesburg. Clarke, Raph Gerald, Shamokin. Collins, Clifton E., Norristown. Doll, Charles F., Bellefonte. Ellis, Walter D., Weldon. Franks, Victor C., North East. Geary, Patrick J., West Chester. Hackett, Samuel W., Middleburry. Kutcher, Frank J., Millvale. May, George B., Ethans. Naimo, Phillip, Philadelphia. Ord, William Van, Akeley. Sattler, Louis, Pittsburgh. Sayers, Erwin E., York. Schramm, Otto Louis, Galeton. Smith, Oscar, Shawnee-On-Delaware. Soby, Jesse W., Hulmeville. Wilt, Howaed B., Lock Haven. Wuslich, Miller, Export. Privates Aaron, John D., Slatington. Abraham, Gottfried, Beaver Falls. Abrams, Samuel E., Philadelphia. Acone, Peter, New Salem. Adams, Alvey Herman, Chesterville. Adams, Gabriel L., Herndon. Adams, Grover P., Connellsville. Adams, Herman W., Johnstown. Adams, Luigi, pittsburgh. Adams, Walter L., Colebrook. Adamski, Paul, Braddock. Addis, Robert H., Vanderbilt. Adzema, Michael, Olyphant,. Adzentoivich, Felix, Taumaugua. Agens, Clark M., Ridgway. Agostini, Joseph D., Philadelphia. Alasky, Toney, Wilkes-Barre. Albert, Gillret M., Philadelphia. Alberts, John Archer, Philadelphia. Albosgta, John, Pittsburgh. Albrecht, Carl J., Philadelphia. Albus, Geroge H., Easton. Alderton, Millard M., Reynoldsville. Allen, John E., Towanda. Allen, Lee B., Meshoppen. Allen, Leo g., Corry. Allison, Herbert W., Monessen. Ambers, Thomas M., Norristown. Ambrose, Harry, Vanderbilt. Amolini, Battista, Donora. Anderson, Abramham L., New Castle. Anderson, Carl E., Sigel. Anderson, Donivan Milton, Bradford. Anderson, Harry F., Brady. Anderson, Harry W., Brackenridge. Anderson, John, Braddock. Anderson, Ross D., New Brighton. Anderson, Wilber G., Millerstown. Andreski, Joseph, Beaver Falls. Andrews, Henry A., Huntington Mills. Andrews, Rolland J., Hazelton. Angelo, John, Dagus Mines. Angelo, Joseph, Sharpsville. Angelillo, Giovanni, Bristol. Angiolillo, Antonio, West Manayunk. Anoia, Celetino, Atlas. Antes, Jay LeR, Sunbury. Antimary, Victor, Pitcairn. Appleton, George E., Pittsburgh. Arbuckle, Angus, Manor. Archey, Henry R., Pittsburgh. Arliecavage, Joseph, Maizeville. Arnao, Carlo, Philadelphia. Arnold, Walter A., Dorranceton. Arnott, James Barnes, Philadelphia. Ashburn, Doyle D., Carlisle. Ashton, James K., Frankford. Aspell, Bernard, Philadelphia. Athas, William, Scranton. Atkins, Walter P., New Brighton. Atriano, Elia, Elverson. Attica, Herman, Philadelphia. Auchey, Theodore R., Schuylkill Haven. Auer, Edward A., South Bethlehem. Aukerman, Oliver F., Johnstown. Auritt, Nathan, Philadelphia. Austin, Gerald N., Mainesburg. Austin, James Montgomery, Edinboro. Auwerter, Andrew I., Columbia. Axton, Andrew K., Brownsville. Ayres, William H., Dunbar. Babcock, Lewis E., Tunkhannock. Bachisio, Cossu, Pittsburgh. Bailey, Henry V., Connellsville. Bailey, William, Sharon. Bainbridge, Thomas, Webster. Bair, Edward H., Greensburg. Baker, Albert G., Pittsburgh. Baker, John Aloysius, Ashley. Baker, Louis F., Pittsburgh. Baldrick, Joseph J., Philadelphia. Balwin, Edward H., St. Clair. Ball, Clayton O., Albion. Balthaser, Curtis F., Kutztown. Baltodozzis, William, Scranton. Bamford, Edward G., Philadelphia. Banish, George, McKees Rocks. Baran, Bartholomew, Plymouth. Baranack, George, Ramey. Bardo, Arthur W., Bloomsburg. Barger, Wesley C., West Monterey. Barker, George W., Pittsburgh. Barnes, Frank T., Darby. Barnes, Jesse, Fairchance. Barnes, Robert J., Wadesville. Barnhardt, Harry E., Red Lion. Barnhart, Charlie E., Sandy Lake. Barnicki, Roman, Erie. Barr, Jesse D., Meadville. Barr, Robert, Philadelphia. Barrett, Harry F., Oxford. Barrett, John P., Germantown. Bartoli, Quinto W., Scranton. Barron, John A., Philadelphia. Barry, Frank t., Ridgeway. Barry, John J., Philadelphia. Bartleson, Sidney B., Ariel. Barufaldi, Achille, Morgan. Basile, Edward L., Philadelphia. Basile, Toney, New Castle. Bates, John H., Portage. Bates, Paul, Pittsburgh. Bateman, James, Beaverdale. Battagila, Joe, Glenshaw. Battles, Harry A., Titusville. Baudis, Thomas J., State College. Bauer, Edger A. K., New Bernville. Bauer, Raymond Joseph, Reading. Baughman, Lloyd C., Greencastle. Bauhof, William J., Philadelphia. Baumann, Walter E., Darby. Baumgartner, Fredrick J., Philadelphia. Baumler, George, Millvale. Bauras, Andrew, Simpson. Bauwens, Frank, Portage. Baxter, John P., Scranton. Bazelock, Barney, Mount Carmel. Bayliff, John, Bandling. Beal, Jacob H., Mayersdale. Beam, Dewey G., Johnstown. Beam, John, Erie. Beam, Joseph, Hazelton. Bearhart, James, Ginter. Bechdel, Joseph R., Blanchard. Beck, Frank L., Fairhope. Beck, John D., Northampton. Beck, Oscar Paul, Huntingdon. Beck, Williamn L., Dormont. Becker, Harry M., Lancaster. Becker, Henry J., Erie. Becker, Reuben, Epparanta. Becker, Victor, Almont. Beckworth, Eugene, Philadelphia. Begosh, Joseph F., Port Griffith. Behrend, Charles, West Philadelphia. Behringer, Bernard J., St. Marys. Beisswanger, John C., Reading. Beistline, Elwood Irvin, Mechanicsburg. Belk, Carles, Pittsburgh. Bell, Albert W., Center. Bell, Marshal O., Pittsburgh. Bell, Roy E., Holidaysburg. Bell, Thomas H., Turtle Creek. Beltinokoff, Frank, Erie. Beltz, Claude, Dravesburg. Bender, Francis A., Altoona. Bender, John Francis, Mt. Carmel. Bender, William, Philadelphia. Benedetti, Alfredo, Vernon. Benekos, Demetreos, Verona. Benincasa, Fillopo, Pottsville. Bennett, Ernest V., Sullivan. Bennicker, Charles N., Philadelphia. Benninger, Raymond R., Uniontown. Benson, Herman V., Chester. Benson, James Speakman, West Chester. Berger, Elmer E., Wilkinsburg. Bergmann, William G., Honesdale. Berglund, Frank, Parker-Warren. Berkey, Benjamin H., Osterburg. Berkoff, Jacob, Allentown. Berlin, Oren Clark, Knox. Berman, Benjamin, Philadelphia. Bernardi, Joseph, Pittsburg. Bernhart, Henry C., Reading. Berry, Clarence Heathorne, Tamaqua. Berry, Stanley H., Philadelphia. Besman, Philip, Philadelphia. Best, Thomas J., Pottsville. Beyer, Ralph C., Pittsburgh. Biaselle, Charles, Conshohocken. Bielski, Teofil, Ambridge. Bienick, Josef, Duquesne. Bigley, Walter S., Pittsburgh. Billets, Peter, Dickson City. Bills, Pual E., Somerset. Binns, John H., Conshohocken. Bishoff, George K., Pittsburgh. Bishop, Mont J., Carns City. Bissett, Joseph H., Ned. Black, Arloe Adlie, Wattsburg. Black, Charles A., Parkers Landing. Blackwell, Emery H., Lloyd. Blair, Floyd L., Dubois. Blake, Thomas F., Clearfield. Blanchard, Charles L., Kittanning. Blaney, George D., Nottingham. Blaszkiewicz, Julian, Philadelphia. Blithe, Clarence h., Chester. Bloch, George, Danville. Blookvist, Carl E., Philadelphia. Blyler, George H., Ranshaw. Bobbs, Edward, Scott Haven. Bobwicz, Charles, Nanticoke. Boetger, William J., Erie. Boknos, Anthony, Scranton. Bokosky, Frank J., Scanton. Boland, William T, Gallitzin. Bollette, Louis Emel, Carrolltown. Bolich, John H., Koonsville. Bollinger, Daniel Smith, Greensburg. Bollinger, Franklin Guy, Bedford. Bolser, Joseph J., Jessup. Bolser, Martin A., Jessup. Bolton, John C., Schulykill Haven. Bolton, William T., Scranton. Boltz, Xavier John, Erie. Bombach, Sylvester, Pittsburgh. Bonawitz, Charles D., Pine Grove. Bonawitz, Edward, Plymouth. Bongord, Joseph A., Philadelphia. Bonner, Francis R., Rankin. Bonner, Guy L., Martinsburg. Booth, William Wayne, New Milford. Borofskie, Roman, Shenandoah. Borowski, Theodore, Philadelphia. Borris, Max, Philadelphia. Borrows, Paul W., Tyrone. Borzellino, Cosmo, Scranto. Bourders, Joseph, South Fork. Bowden, Frank, Philadelphia. Bower, Freeman W., Montgomery. Boss, John G., Philadelphia. Boyce, Benjamin R. T., Plymouth. Boyd, Clarence Frank, Marienville. Boyd, William McKinley, Pittsburgh. Boyer, Charles E., Green Lane. Boyer, Francis, Manheim. Boyer, Oscar D., Philadelphia. Boyle, Harry T., Mahoney City. Boylen, William J., Adelaide. Bradley, James Nelson, Chester. Bradley, John, Philadelphia. Bradley, Samuel E., Pittsburgh. Brady, Edward J., Philadelphia. Brady, Joseph Henry, Philadelphia. Bralatta, Niccolo, Shawnee-on-Delaware. Brandt, Abram, Elizabethtown. Brawley, James C. Jr., Philadelphia. Bray, Thomas T., Dickson City. Brazun, Frank, Pittsburgh. Brechbill, Elmer H., chambersburg. Brennan, Frank C., Tremont. Brennan, John, Easton. Brennan, William J., Wysox. Brett, John J., Philadelphia. Brewer, Howard E., New Brighton. Bricker, Charles F., Harrisburg. Briggs, George, H., Tyrone. Brightwell, William C., Fayette City. Brindisi, Daniel, Willow Grove. Brion, Arthur M., Mansfield. Brion, Chester U., Okome. Broadbent, Whitters L., Voland. Broadley, Charles W., Bradford. Brocklehurst, Frank Vernon, Mercer. Brogl, Frank A., Pittsburgh. Brooke, George G., Jr., Philadelphia. Brookman, Floyd, Scottdale. Brooks, Ray, Wireton. Brophy, Charles M., Reading. Brown, Arthur G., Meadville. Brown, Gilmore, Brookville. Brown, Harry, Chester. Brown, John F., Philadelphia. Brown, John H., Johnsonburg. Brown, Lowell S., Easton. Brown, Paul S., Blairsville. Brown, Theodore O., Pine Grove. Brown, Walter J., Lansdale. Brown, William Elmer, Franklin. Brown, William I., Philadelphia. Bruhl, Morton McK., West Philadelphia. Bruner, Samuel R., Vandergrift. Brunett, Theodore, Philadelphia. Brush, Harry, Chester. Bryner, Luther, Dunbar. Bryson, Raymond, Lancaster. Bryson, Reed C., Millvale. Byrne, Cornelius, Philadelphia. Buchanan, Bert, Waynesbugh. Buchanan, Elwood K., Philadelphia. Bucher, Charles C., Gettysburg. Buchwald, Fredrick W., Philadelphia. Buckalew, Clarence, Chester. Budrovitz, John, Edwardsville. Buettner, Edward John, Johnstown. Buffton, John, Dickson City. Bukovski, Steve, Windber. Bulitt, Richard S., Philadelphia. Buoniconti, Gioseppe, Greensburg. Burdick, Ralph L., Colegrove. Burkhardt, Thomas E., Johnstown. Burkhart, Nicholas W., Bridsburg. Burkett, Alexander, Glenyon. Burnett, Thomas L., Philadelphia. Burns, Charles F., Duquesne. Burns, Henry F., Plymouth. Burns, James W., Williamstown. Burns, Myron daniel, Eldred. Bushweller, Everett J., Dunmore. Butka, Ludwik, Nanicoke. Butler, William G., Norristown. Byers, Benjamin F., Ligonier. Cacotakec, Nick, East Pittsburgh. Caffery, Walter, Spring City. Cahill, Lawrence A., Philadelphia. Cahill, Raymond J., Manayunk. Caldwell, Joseph R., Jr., Pittsburgh. Caldwell, Max M., Punxsutawney. Calhoun, John H., Philadelphia. Calleri, Guiseppe, Berwick. Callispeakis, George S., Heidlersberg. Callivia, Tony, Easton. Caloni, Victor, Pittsburgh. Calvaresi, Saverio, Conshohocken. Cameron, Wilbur, Easton. Camerote, Antonio, Philadelphia. Campbell, Alfred, Spring City. Campbell, Charles A., Woodlawn. Campbell, Edward M., Philadelphia. Campbell, John C., Vandergrift. Campbell, Leon, Athens. Campbell, ralph, Glen Richey. Camuti, Giovanni, Barnesboro. Cannon, Antonio Philadelphia. Cannon, Arthur Leslie, Lansdale. Cannon, John A., West Philadelphia. Cantr, Michael, Lancaster. Cappuzza, Carmen, Berwyn. Caputo, Anthony C., Creekside. Car, Johnson D., Philadelphia. Caralunas, Frank, Tamaqua. Carbaugh, Calvin A., York. Carey, frank, Middletown. Carey, Winfred Gearey, Greencastle. Carletta, Cataldo, Pittston. Carpenter, Henry T., Wilkinsburg. Carps, Joseph, Carnegie. Carr, Harold, Jamestown. Carr, Thomas, Chester. Carrell, Preston H., Philadelphia. Carrigan, Thomas L., Philadelphia. Carroll, Charles, West Fairview. Carson, John, Philadelphia. Carter, Kenneth P., North East. Carter, Morgan l., Cannonsburg. Carter, Matthew E., Haverford. Carthew, William J., Johnstown. Cartin, Charles P., Philadelphia. Carufia, Frank, Blackfield. Casagaendi, Ferdinard, Frederickton. Casey, Bernard J., Philadelphia. Casey, Charles Joseph, Philadelphia. Cassell, Frank B., Philadelphia. Cassidy, James J., Philadelphia. Cassidy, Michael J., Erie. Cassidy, Thomas Joseph, Philadelphia. Castrigiano, Sostino, Philadelphia. Caterina, Dominik, Washington. Cathers, William S. P., Pavia. Catini, Vincenzo, Chester. Caville, Francis Leo, West Philadelphia. Cawley, Joseph, Pittston. Cawley, Peter, Scranton. Cedzo, John, Notorna. Certain, Louis J., Philadelphia. Cerullo, Louis, Sinisi, Altoona. Chapis, Stanis, Glendale. Chapman, Irvin A., Williamsport. Cheek, John, Central. Chepelevich, James, Galeton. Cheran, Alec, Bentleyville. Cheresko, Zigment, Olyphant. Cherry, Joseph H., Philadelphia. Chesalak, Roman M., Erie. Chiher, Anthony, Pringle. Chilcoat, Harry D., Altoona. Chinn, Russell, Farrell. Christy, Angelo, Brownsville. Chronister, Percy A., Harrisburg. Chucha, Jacob, McKeesport. Cicci, henry, Yukon. Ciccone, Daniel J., Philadelphia. Cieplinski, John S., Reading. Cimino, Tony, Philadelphia. Cindus, John D., Philadelphia. Clancy, Paul R., West Moshannon. Clapham, Thomas H., Cowan. Clark, Nathaniel, Butler. Clark, Patrick, Philadelphia. Clarkson, Robert Warren, Grove City. Clawson, Albert Howard, Indiana. Clawson, Earnest A., Indiana. Clifton, Joseph H., Pittsburgh. Clifton, Harry, Sharpsburg. Closser, Hallie J., Waynesburg. Coakley, John F., Sharon. Cobb, Oakley, Cranesville. Cobner, John Daniel, North Braddock. Coen,John J., Philadelphia. Coffey, Joseph E., Erie. Coffolis, Peter, Pittsburgh. Cohen, Abe, Carbonsdale. Cohen, Morris, Philadelphia. Cohen, Nathan, Philadelphia. Cole, Elmer B., Hammersley Fork. Colella, Vincenzo, New castle. Coleman, Frank, Moosic. Coleman, Fred D., Falls Creek. Coll, James A., Philadelphia. Collier, Richard Leonard. Erie. Collins, Frank R., Philadelphia. Collins, Joseph A., Dunmore. Collins, Patrick P., McKeesport. Collins, Thomas Patrick, Pittsburgh. Coluccio, Vincenzo, Pittsburgh. Comignanis, Antonio, Lebanon. Commaker, Albert, Philadelphia. Companico, Wassil, Jeddo. Condran, John J., Philadelphia. Conicello, Agostino, Conshohocken. Conley, Francis X., Philadelphia. Conley, William M., Philadelphia. Connell, Carl, West Philadelphia. Connelly, Elwood L., Philadelphia. Connelly, John J., Braddock. Conner, Joseph T., Annville. Connor, Edgar, Philadelphia. Connors, Edward R., Pittsburgh. Conrad, Donald Ross, Towanda. Conrad, John S., Lancaster. Conrad, Walter T., Susquehanna. Conroy, Michael J., Ardmore. Conroy, Patrick T., West Homestead. Conti, Guydi, Freeport. Conyua, John, Braznell. Cook, George D., Philadelphia. Cook, Herbert, Reading. Cook, John F., Warren. Cook, Patrick J., New Salem. Cooke, George V., Erie. Corppola, Tony, Philadelphia. Corbett, Charles C., Sligo. Corbett, Frank W., Philadelphia. Corbin, Francis B., Philadelphia. Corl, Robert A., East Freedom. Cornelius, Lorenzo M., Crescent. Cornell, Simon, Lloydell. Cornwell, Robert Earl, Pittsburgh. Corr, John. Philadelphia. Cosmand, Bruno, Timblin. Costanza, Angelo, Ambridge. Costello, frank P., Philadelphia. Costello, james J., Pittsburgh. Cotherman, William P., Knox. Cottrill, Harry D., Versailes. Cotzino, Antonip, Ambridge. Coughlin, John F., Archbald. Coulter, Paul., Girty. Cover, Martin S., lancaster. Covert, Thomas D., Grove City. Cowner, Carlton Monroe, Mapleton Depot. Coy, Herbert F., Pittsburgh. Coyle, Charles, Philadelphia. Coyne, Charles Michael, Pittsburgh. Coyle, Charles J., Frankford. Cozy, Daniel, Meadville. Cozzie, Victor A., Philadelphia. Cramer, Franklin L., Disston. Cramer, Howard, Reading. Crancer, Walter Aronson, West Philadelphia. Crane, John White, Pottsville. Craven, Daniel W., Moblestown. Craven, Patrick F., Williamstown. Crawford, Dowd W., Mifflin. Crawford, francis J., Philadelphia. Crawford, Samuel W., Philadelphia. Crawford, William N., Flemington. Crayne, Thomas R., Jefferson. Creamer, Jeremiah, Nazareth. Cregg, A., Scranton. Creno, Domenico, Bristol. Crist, George E., Hampton. Crist, Theodore Joseph, Chambersburg. Crocco, Jerry, Philadelphia. Crossley, Harry, Philadelphia. Crouthamel, Earl S., Perksie. Crute, William, Philadelphia. Cullen, Thomas J., Philadelphia. Culmer, Robert W., Beaver falls. Cummings, Archie, South Fork. Cummings, Frank A., California. Cummings, Ormill S., Philadelphia. Cummings, Peter William, Punxsutawney. Cummings, Thomas, Bagley. Cunningham, Kerr Andrew, Canonsburg. Cupella, Frank, Beaver Meadow. Cupp, Paul E., Kittanning. Curran, John J., Scranton. Curran, Thomas, Olyphant. Curry, William A., Jr., Meadsville. Cusic, Joseph Francis, Broughton. Daily, Joseph W., Bethlehem. Daily, Leonaed J., Philadelphia. Dale, Joseph Gibson, Lansford. Dalton, Leroy J., Paolia. Dameszkivics, Jiosupas, Pittsburgh. Danfield, Edwin G., Philadelphia. Danner, James K., Cly. Dardee, Raffaele, Philadelphia. Darosky, Adam, Hudson. Darr, Gregory A., Pittsburgh. Daun, Edward A., Millvale. Davenport, James H., Johnstown. Davey, William Valentine, Webster. David, Clinton G., Allentown. Davidson, Wiliam H., Apollo. Davies, Thomas H., Plymount. Davis, Cloyd Kocher, Petersburg. Davis, Dan, Farrell. Davis, Harry H., New Pris. Davis, Kenneth L., St. Clair. Davis, Llyod Kocher, Petersburg. Davis, Stanley L., Philadelphia. Davis, Thomas W., Conemaugh. Davis, Valentine, Weston. Davis, William T., Summit Hill. Deardosky, John, Heola. Dearlie, Joseph P., Forest City. De Cellis, Guiseppe, St. Clair. Decker, Tracey K., Parkers Glen. Deckerhoff, William L., Hyndman. De Fazio, Joseph, Pittsburgh. De Frank, Earnest, Linglestown. Deguzes, Frank, Luzerne. Dehart, William A., Reading. Deisenroth, Henry J., Hazelton. Deitch, Charles L., Carlisle. Deitsch, Harry, Pittsburgh. Dejgowski, Ignatz, Sharpsburg. Delaney, John A., Chester. De Leonibus, Guiseppe, Republic. Delke, Allen O., Slatington. Delker, Russell T., Bristol. Dellaniprete, Carmine, Jeannette. Demark, Guy N., Rochester. Demko, Peter, Dunmore. Demopulos, Peter K., Scranton. Denlinger, Lloyd L., Pittsburgh. Densmore, Fredrick L., Oswayo. Deperro, Amos, Sykesville. Depp, Elmer J., Pittsburgh. Deutsch, Joseph L., Wilkes-Barre. Devers, joseph, Minooka. Devine, George, Philadelphia. Devlin, Bernard J., Philadelphia. Dewalt, Abraham, Carlisle. Dewees, Robert K., McVeytown. Diamond, David, Philadelphia. Diamond, Thomas E., Philadelphia. Diberardino, Amadio, Philadelphia. Dibernardino, Geremia, Philadelphia. Di Biase, Carmino, Wilson. Dick, Charles A., Folcroft. Dickman, Wm. D., Marietta. Diehl, Charles R., Dry Run. Diehl, Henry Geary, Bedford. Dieterle, George J., Philadelphia. Dietrich, Francis, Weatherly. Dietrich, Harry S., Reading. Dietrick, George W., Shamokin. Dietz, Benjamin F., Philadelphia. Difazio, Biapardo, Coal bluff. Di Lella, Antonio, Philadelphia. Dilliplane, Alvin F., Pottstown. Dillon, Lewis W., Utahville. Dimaulo, Alexander, Chester. Dinan, James F., Philadelphia. Dinard, Ferdinando, Old Forge. Dinner, Harry, Scranton. Dinsmore, Ivan E., East Brook. Diodata, James, Abington. Di Pasquale, Americo, Philadelphia. Di Pasquall, Alfonso, Betula. Disalv, Livio, Reading. Dissinger, Grant, Rexmont. Distler, Walter H., Philadelphia. Diveley, Ralph, Harrisburg. Di Vito, Anthony, Philadelphia. Di Vitti, Tony, Canonburg. Dobrowolski, Boleslaw, Philadelphia. Dodge, Frank A., Torrey. Doeffinger, Harry, Pittsburgh. Doerr, Howard W., Carnegie. Dolan, Bernard J., Ashland. Dolan, Charles J., Mauch Chunk. Dolan, Wm. F., Philadelphia. Doll, Charles M., easton. Doll, John A., York. Dolne, John, Mahanoy City. Domanski, Antony, Philmond. Dombrowski, Joseph, Dunmore. Domonio, Peter J., Idlewood. Domozych, Wladslaw, Scranton. Donahue, George M., Philadelphia. Donahue, James J., Philadelphia. Donaldson, Hugh B., Gallitzin. Donnelly, John F., Philadelphia. Donnely, Henry A., Homestead. Dooney, Thomas, Philadelphia. Dorsey, Edward, Philadelphia. Dorst, Edwin C., Minersville. Doubt, Matthew I., McKees Rocks. Doud, Walter A., Scranton. Dougher, Thomas A., Sebastopol. Dougherty, George, Philadelphia. Doughterty, Hugh F., Philadelphia. Doughterty, John Aloysius, Philadelphia. Doughterty, John S., McKees Rocks. Doughterty, Wm. J., Philadelphia. Dowling, August O., Titusville. Dowling, Joseph E., Philadelphia. Doyle, George E., Pittsburgh. Doyle, Hilbert A., Doylesburg. Drake, Arthur V., Sayre. Dreisbach, Earl E., South Bethlehem. Drumheller, howard G., Pottstown. Drumm, Robert Ignacious, Philadelphia. Drummond, William, Manheim. Dudis, Anthony, Shenandoah. Duffel, Rueben H., Philadelphia. Duffy, Michael F, Philadelphia. Duffy, William, Minerville. Dufner, Ambrose N., Pittsburgh. Duke, William H., Morrisville. Dule, Michael J., Ashley. Dulis, Tony, Kulpmont. Dull, Oscar, Walfsburg. Dull, Ralph J., Lewisburg. Dunham, Clyde, Meadeville. Dunkle, Elmer, Wrightsville. Dunlap, Raymond N., New Holland. Dunmire, Geo. W., Chambersburg. Dunn, Harry, Dunns Station. Dunn, Robt. Milton Arnold. Dupuy, Paul B., Leesburg. Duraska, Karol, Washington. Durff, Wm. A., Shippensburg. Durnell, Lawrence Howard, Marienville. Durrick, Thomas, Philadelphia. Dutill, Arthur, Philadelphia. Dzikowski, Joseph, Philadelphia. Dzikowski, Walter, Pittsburgh. Eardly, John, Grapeville. Early, Lee, North Washington. Easley, Edwin C., Kittanning. Eavrts, Walter A., Williamsport. Eck, Clarence A., Jersey Store. Eck, Frederick W., Nisbet. Eckert, Henry, Philadelphia. Eckweiler, Robt. James, Notch. Edgar, Wm. Earl, North Braddock. Edwards, Edward T., Pittsburgh. Edwards, George, Taylor. Edwards, Harold Guy, Shamokin. Egan, Patrick J., Philadelphia. Eggenberger, Conrad, Greeley. Eggleston, Allen L., Coundersport. Egli, Lawrence P., Verona. Eichelsdorfer, Jos, J., Erie. Eichenberger, Harry, Philadelphia. Eichler, Wm. C., Philadelphia. Eicholtz, Lewis A., Harmony. Eidam, Frank, Philadelphia. Eiselle, John A., Philadelphia. Eisenberger, Benjamin, Roscoe. Elbe, Frederick Gustave, Homestead. Elliot, Clarence J., Tarentum. Ellis, John F., Centerville. Ellison, Asberry, Philadelphia. Eluke, George, Hunkers. Elvidge, Mark, Jessup. Emick, Elick Alexander, Pleasantville. Emig, John L., Dushore. Emmertz, Lawrence J., Chester. Empfield, Harry A., Blairsville. English, Floyd H., Kinzua. English, George D., Pittsburgh. English, Sylvester John, Erie. Ennis, Louis Henry, Phoenixville. Enright, Thomas F., Pittsburgh. Epler, Alvin P., Mohnton. Erb, Francis L., Connelsville. Erb, Grover P., New Berlinville. Erb, Henry E., Philadelphia. Erdwein, William G., Philadelphia. Erickson, John R., Kersey. Ernst, William A., Philadelphia. Escandel, Charles A., Philadelphia. Eschbach, Henry H., Lancaster. Esterly, Charles Daniel, Allentown. Eswein, Walter S., Pittsburgh. Eugo, Ernesto, Elwood City. Evans, Charles W., Washington. Evans, Frank W., New Eagle. Evans, Horace L., Philadelphia. Evans, Illtyd J., Naticoke. Evans, William D., Lancaster. Ewart, Samuel H., Carmichaels. Fagan, Francis W., Philadelphia. Fager, William H., Columbia. Fagley, Ray, Juniata. Fahey, James P., Philadelphia. Fallon, William T., Swayersville. Fanean, Bernard D., Philadelphia. Fanucci, Guiseppe, Glenlyon. Fanus, Carroll L., Goodyear. Farley, John Joseph, Wilkes-Barre. Farr, William F., Milan. Farrell, James L., Waynesburg. Farrell, Joseph, Philadelphia. Farrell, Michael F., Ashley. Favalaro, Joseph V., Glassport. Featherstone, Edward A., Wilkes-Barre. Fecca, Daniel, Philadelphia. Fredricks, John, Philadelphia. Fee, Harry W., Glen Campbell. Feeney, Thos. Francis, Homestead. Fegert, Fred William, Erie. Feldman, Joseph W., Pottstown. Fenicchia, Salvatore, Wellsboro. Fenstamaker, George E., Unityville. Fenstermacher, Peter J., Catawissa. Ferguson, Clarence P., Philadelphia. Ferguson, Louis J., Pittsburgh. Ferguson, Richard Vern, Portvue. Ferise, Antonio, Belle Vernon. Ferko, Andrew D., Drifton. Ferraro, Francesco, Pittsburgh. Ferraro, Franck, Nesquehoning. Ferrarini, Basilio, Star Junction. Ferry, Micheal J., Philadelphia. Ferry, Patrick L., Hazleton. Fetrow, Charles Gilbert, Dover. Fey, Carl, Schuylkill Haven. Field, Harry J. W., Hatfield. Fields, Herbert L., Washington. Fields, Robert, Lebanon. Fife, John, Philadelphia. Fiialkowski, Antoni, Scranton. Filia, Giuseppe, North Braddock. Fink, Frank F., Worthington. Fink, Wilbur E., Philadelphia. Finley, Ray A., Smithton. Finn, Joseph Patrick, Pittsburgh. Finocchio, Anthony, East Lansdowne. Fiora, Guiseppe, Philadelphia. Fiore, Francesco, Glassport. Fiorentino, Anthony, Rankin. Fiorentino, Fortunato, Republic. Fischer, Charles, Green Tree Borough. Fischler, Richard A., Philadelphia. Fish, William Thomas, Russellton. Fishel, Carl P., Butler. Fisher, Albert, Allison. Fisher, Nevin K., Ambler. Fisher, Richard G., Tyrone. Fitzgerald, Edward, Philadelphia. Flack, Francis J., Volant. Flannery, Edward Joseph., Tamaqua. Flannery, James, New Philadelphia. Flannery, Thomas J., Darby. Flatley, James, Scranton. Flauger, Walter C.,. McKees Rock. Fleegle, Raymond G., Six Mile Run. Fleischer, George W., Butler. Flekal, Frederick J., Philadelphia. Fleming, James Gamble, Philadelphia. Flemming, Arthur W., Pittsburgh. Flemming, Frederick F., Royersford. Fletcher, Frank, Philadelphia. Fletcher, John S., Northumberland. Flick, Frank B., Saegertown. Flick, Frederick S., Braddock. Flick, Michael K., Scotch Hill. Flick, Milan W., Troy. Florio, Humbert, Philadelphia. Flockemer, Harmond M., Bonesboro. Foggla, Aldophe, Aliquippa. Folk, Charles A., Temple. Folkmer, Harry P., New Salem. Force, John W., Pine Glen. Foreaker, William C., Chads Ford. Formaniak, Stefan, Castle Shannon. Foreny, Samuel Raymond, Lykens. Forsyth, Matthew, Philadelphia. Foster, Joseph P., West Manayunk. Foster, Lee M., Pittsburgh. Fournier, Walter J., Mckees Rock. Foust, Robert G., Bolivar. Fox, Frank, Defiance. Foy, Thomas, Torresdale. Fozio, Gregorio, Philipsburg. Francis, Joseph, Philadelphia. Frank, Harry J., Pittsburgh. Frank, Walter A., McAdoo. Franklin, John Joseph, West Pittston. Frantz, J. E., Lebanon. Freas, Oliver George, South Bethlehem. Frederick, Edward Jacob, Clarion. Fredo, Guilio, Erie. Freeberg, Oke C., Houtzzdale. Freed, Raymond J., Allentown. Freedman, Meyer, Lancaster. Freeman, Frank L., Pittsburgh. Frey, Jackson L., Chambersburg. Frey, William A., Douglasville. Fritz, George W., Temple. Fritz, Herman C., Benton. Fritz, Stephen G., Philadelphia. Fry, Lowry N., Seward. Fry, Oscar, Mount Wolfe. Fuabzio, Nicholas, Rome. Fullerton, Joseph P. Jr., Philadelphia. Fullington, Albert, Clearfield. Fulton, Howard, Monogahela. Furey, Patsy, Uniontown. Furman, Edward M., Reading. Furman, Thomas J., Philadelphia. Fuoss, William, Owensdale. Fusett, Enrico, Beaver Falls. Fye, Howard M., Lewistown. Gabelhart, John, McKeesport. Caccemo, Dan, Mckeesport. Galszzyn, Ludwig, Erie. Gallagher, David, Giardville. Gallagher, Frank D., Willsbury. Gallagher, James L., Philadelphia. Gallagher, Joeseph, West Conshohocken. Gangwere, Clifford J., West Bethlehem. Gardner, Howard J., Tyrone. Garrett, Stanley B., Nelsons Bridge. Gassest, Richard, Newmanstown. Gates, James E., Altoona. Gauger, Harvey N., Pottstown. Gauger, Charles L., Northumberland. Gaul, Samuel M., Sinking Springs. Gavaghan, James F., Philadelphia. Gavaghan, Michael J., Philadelphia. Gavigen, James A., Braddock. Geib, Adolph, Philadelphia. Geiles, Charles, Scranton. Geissenhainer, Paul L., Zelienople. Gell, Abe, Blossburg. Geller, Samuel, Philadelphia. Gelso, Luigi, Oakmont. Gentilo, Loranzo, Jeanette. George, Wilson D., Towanda. Georgoulis, Nick J., Munson. Gerbasi, Pasquale, Vernon. Gerbrick, Quinton M., Glen Rock. Gerheim, Harry M., Salina. Germano, Antonio, Pittsburgh. Gerritson, Lee A., Wyalusing. Gerstout, Bladus, Donora. Gery, Edward E., Sinking Spring. Gewehr, Walter Ellsworth, Coaldale. Ghernitsky, John M., Mount Pleasant. Gibble, Ammon, Manheim. Gibson, Albert E., Philadelphia. Gibson, William A., Natrona. Gidley, Frank, Uniontown. Giek, Robert J., Erie. Gieneatarino, Nicola, Clarksburg. Gilbert, Howard H., Wrightsville. Gifford, John R., Crosby. Gilbert, Luther M., Berwick. Gilbert, Noble H., Philadelphia. Gilbert, William J., Pittsburgh. Gill, William V., Jeannette. Gilliam, William M., Philadelphia. Ginder, Benjamin F., Lehighton. Ginsidio, Yunbrono, Beaver Falls. Giovannini, Guiseppe, Mocanaqua. Girard, Frank G., Hatboro. Girmscheid, Joseph T., Philadelphia. Giuffrida, Mario, Philadelphia. Glashofer, Philip, Philadelphia. Glassco, Simeon H., Tyrone. Glendon, Msrtin, Philadelphia. Glenn, Frank Peter, Philadelphia. Glennon, Pual Anderson, Glanfield. Gochnour, Claud G., South Fork. Goetz, Edward Jacob, Fairview. Goetz, Herman, Johnstown. Goff, Leon Popedore, Pittsburgh. Gold, Isaac, Philadelphia. Gold, Louis, Philadelphia. Golden, Abe, Lancaster. Golden, Stanely J., Scranton Pa. Goldfus, Louis Samuel, Philadelphia. Goldman, William, Philadelphia. Goldstein, Morris, Philadelphia. Golitsky, Ignac, McKeesport. Goltz, William Earl, Carmel. Goman, Paul, Mount Carmel. Gombar, John A., Throop. Gomsey, Isaac Jr., Nanty. Goodline, John O., Honesdale. Goodling, Howard L., Seven Valleys. Goonan, Michael J., Philadelphia. Goodyear, Paul, Mount Holly Springs. Gordon, Louis, Philadelphia. Gorman, James R., Osceola. Gosner, George R., Phildalephia. Gottshall, Ervin O., Trevorton. Gotz, Louis, Coalridge. Grabowski, Paul, Braddock. Gracely, Warren Alfred, Allentown. Graff, John Charles, Phildalephia. Grafton, Abraham L., Kittanning. Graham, Charles F., Connellsville. Grant, Albert S., Butler. Graves, Warren V., Phildalephia. Gray, Caleb A., Alttona. Green Creg, Alleghany. Green, Henrey, Phildalephia. Green, Herbert, Phildalephia. Green, Naylor, Phildalephia. Greenfield, Jacob, McKeesport. Greenwood, John, Phildalephia. Gregory, John H., Phildalephia. Griffin James E., Pittsburgh. Griffin, Lawrence J., Latrobe. Griffin, William V., Phildalephia. Griffith, Raymond G., Bethlehem. Griffith, William, Jermyn. Griffiths, Arthur, Pittsburgh. Grigaluinas, Barney, Scranton. Grigull, Otto E., Phildalephia. Grimes, George D., Reading. Grimm, Orth, Turtle Creek. Grimme, Charles V., West Newton. Grinnan, Thomas P., Phildalephia. Griscallia, Stiney, Henandoah. Grobowski, Walter, Dickson. Groft, Oren, Home. Grohel, Joseph, Wilkes-Barre. Gromczuski, Adam, Erie. Gross, Joseph G., Pittsburgh. Gross, Richard, Philadelphia. Grosso, Antonio, Wyalusing. Grove, Austin L., Glen Rock. Grove, Walter E., Red Lion. Grunden, Richard, Brighton. Grygier, Frank J., Erie. Guenot, August F., Karthans. Guest, Thomas, Pottstown. Guillarmod, Norman A., Hilltop. Gumbert, Roy T., Siegel. Gundaker, Roy G., Erie. Gura, Joseph, Madera. Gustave, Stanley, Philadelphia. Gutowski, Bruno, Pittsburgh. Gutowski, Joe, New Kensington. Gutshall, John Graham, Carlisle. Haag, Fred A., Big Run. Haag, Ralph A., Mount Aetna. Hackenberg, William D., Swineford. Hackett, John F., Philadelphia. Haderny, Ignacy, Erie. Hagee, Harry Spencer, Philadelphia. Haggerty, Russell W., Philadelphia. Hagman, Julius B., State College. Hahn, Lionel J., Johnstown. Haid, Frank Kenneth, Pittsburgh. Haidner, Nicholas A., Philadelphia. Haines, Joseph E., Fleming Haines, Joseph, Philadelphia. Hale, Charles Hiram, Pennside. Hall, Arnold D., Dalton. Hall, Joseph, Mahoney City. Hample, Ray K., Reading. Hamilton, Harry P., Belle Vernon. Hamilton, Lawrence, Erie. Hamilton, Wilbur H., Everson. Hamlin, John Edward, Kylertown. Hamrick, Bernard, New Geneva. Handley, Thomas F., Pittsburgh. Handwerk, Francis H., Slatington. Hanes, Harry D., Union City. Hanks, Lee Alfred, Burrows. Hanley, Michael C., Altoona. Hannah, Fred A., Scranton. Hanshew, Earl, Monoca. Hansmann, Frank Edward, Pittsburgh. Harbulak, Adrew S., Sharon. Harding, William, Taylor. Harkom, John A., New Providence. Harner, Marvin, Quarryville. Harner, Legrant E., Berwick. Harris, Abe, Clearfield. Harris, Anthony, Peoples. Harris, Wilmer Hoopes, Phoenixville. Harrison, Ernest J., Philadelphia. Harry, Flyod E., Osceola. Hart, Harry A., Wireton. Hart, Leo J., Philadelphia. Hart, Russell J., Fairchance. Hartley, Richard Joseph, Philadelphia. Hartman, Andrew M., Erie. Hasson, Raymond J., Braddock. Hasson, William J., Philadelphia. Hattal, Clarence, Philadelphia. Hauk, Charles D., Wormleysburg. Haupt, Wiliam E., Shamokin. Hause, Joseph W., Philedelphia. Hausse, Ernest F., Germantown. Hawk, Albert, Furnace. Hawk, Frank P., Harrisburg. Hawk, James L., Swayersville. Hawk, William B., Wellsboro. Hawley, Bruce, Harford. Hays, Charles J., Donegal. Hayes, Eurias Charles, York. Hayes, Louis, Latrobe. Hazlett, Clark S., Wilkinsburg. Hazlett, Clifford R., Tarentum. Healey, Francis J., Scranton. Heard, Francis J., Erie. Heathcote, Joseph A., Philadelphia., Heatley, Robert T., McKeesport. Hebner, Leonard William, Altoona. Heckelman, Charles, Reading. Hecker, Edwin Charles, Cochranton. Heckroth, Verron Bouvier, Philadelphia. Heffron, William J., Scranton. Heidersdorf, Herman, Kittaning. Heidt, Christian F., Erie. Heil, Howard Allison, Clairton. Heim, George F., Treverton. Heimann, Philip S., Pittsburgh. Heinbach, Harry D., Allentown. Heinrich, Leonard, Philadelphia. Heintzelman, Ernest F., Drums. Heiss, Curvin H., York. Heller, Cyril L., Barnesboro. Heller, Nicholas, Philadelphia. Helman, Hiram, Lititz. Helman, Laurence K., Alexandria. Hench, Wilson, Elwood, Carlisle. Henderson, Alexander W., Chestnut Hill. Henderson, Dexter L., New Derry. Hendricks, Alfred Y., Philadelphia. Henkel, Daniel, Connellsville. Hennessy, Daniel, Pittsburgh. Henry, Charles M., Washington. Henz, Harry R., Philadelphia. Herber, O. J., New Tripoli. Herbert, Frank D., Wilkinsburg. Herman, Alvin, Allentown. Herrman, Walter B., York. Herrold, Palmer William, Shamokin. Herron, Thomas, Pittsburgh. Hess, Charles, Franklintown. Hess, Ralston, Lancaster. Hess Walter, Philadelphia. Hetherington, William, Philadelphia. Hetrick, Homer L., Du Bois. Hettrick, Jacob, Sharon. Hickman, Floyd T., Waynesburg. Hieke, Harry A, Philadelphia. Higgins, Alfred, Media. Higgins, Howard F., Erie. Higgins, Jefferis, Media. Hilbert, George T., Easterly. Hilbert, Leroy A., Reading. Hile, Donald T., Pleasant Gap. Hilley, John, Philadelphia. Hill donald W., Pittsburgh. Hill, James M., St. Michael. Hill, Joseph A., East Downingtown. Hill, Raleigh, Indian Creek. Hinckley, Henry O., Peckville. Hinckley, Joel C., Bear Lake. Hinnerschitz, Harry, Sinking Spring. Hirsch, Harry, Philadelphia. Hissinger, Adolf, Reading. Hiteshew, Foster F., Cairnbrook. Hitterman, Alfred X., Oil City. Hoar, Albert, Uniontown. Hobbes, P., Shickshinny. Hobert, Frank F., Bechtelsville. Hoch, John H., Kutztown. Hockenbury, George W., Philadelphia. Hodge, Matthew, Patton. Hoehn, William, Erie. Hoffman, Adam, Dravosberg. Hoffman, Vernon C., Pittsburgh. Hoffess, Charles, Boiling Springs. Hogan, John J., Dunbar. Hogencamo, Millard D., Honesdale. Hogg, Joseph, Pitssburgh. Hoke, William B., Abottstown. Holden, Frank, Willow Grove. Holden, John H., Shamokin. Holcomb, William Samuel, Erie. Holshue, Carl E., Dravesburg. Homonic, Mike, McKeesport. Hoopes, Joseph Beam, Grove City. Hoover, Earnest, Pittston. Hoover, Horace H., Bloomsburg. Hoover, Isaac James, Lewistown. Hopkins, Frank, Ramey. Hopkins, Wlliam, Olyphant. Horenstein, Joseph, Philadelphia. Horn, Charles, Philadelphia. Horn, Frank H., Pittsburgh. Horner, Gerald, Johnstown. Horton, Wayne R., Wyalusing. Horst, George, Philadelphia. Hose, Clinton A., Dallastown. Hoskins, David, St. Benedict. Houck, William Henry, Philadelphia. Houseknecht, Charles B., Philadelphia. Houser, Martin L., Middletown. Houtston, Charles J., Philadelphia. Houston, Frank J., Pittsburgh. Hovis, Carl M., Ferris. Hovenstine, Edward C., Philadelphia. Howard, Fred R., Sugar Grove. Howard, John W., Philadelphia. Howell, Thomas, Finleyville. Howell, Winfield S., Pittsburgh. Howells, Ernest P., Pittsburgh. Hower, Stonewall J., Shamokin. Hudson, Henry B., Ben Avon. Hudson, Paul, Glasgow. Huether, Paul S., Pittsburgh. Huiett, Harry, Reading. Hull, James R., Bellefonte. Humphreys, Fred L., Scranton. Hunsinger, Harry F., Nescopeck. Hunt, Albert S., Bryn Mawr. Hunter, Monroe R., Dillsburg. Hunter, William D., Johnstown. Hurd, William J., Renova. Husik, Benjamin, Philadelphia. Huston, James V., Indiana. Huston, John, Wildwood. Hutchins, Fred A., Scranton. Hutchinson, John G., New Salem. Hutchison, James, F., Philadelphia. Hymes, Adolphus Andrew, Wolfsburg. Ielase, Nicola, Wilson. Ihli, Carl William, Blythedale. Ihm, Robert M. J., Catasauqua. Illario, Riccordi, Pittsburgh. Imhof, George H., Philadelphia. Ingersoll, Paul, Freeport. Ingham, Aden Henry, Franklin. Inglis, James Frank, Cessna. Insley, Jack H., Carnegie. Irvin, george E., Lititz. Irwin, John S., Jeannette. Isenberg, Alvin R., Altoona. Ivosevich, Picter, Ford City. Jablauski, Edward, Pittsburgh. Jackackki, Edward, Pittsburgh. Jackson, Charles, Spring City. Jackson, Frederick, Williamsport. Jackson, Joseph A., Burgettstown. Jackson, Noble C., McGrann. Jackson, Willis, Chester Jacob, Joseph, New Castle. Jacobs, Joseph, Pittston. Jacobs, Raymond F., Sharpsburg. Jacobs, Richard G., Philadelphia. Jaeger, Francis J., Philadelphia. Jamerison, Edward E., Philadelphia. James, Leslie, Edwarsville. James, William S., Nanticoke. Jamison, Malvin Nathan, Spring Grove. Janets, Charles, Trafford. Jankiewicz, Joseph, Morris Run. Jannacone, Nick, Philadelphia. Janors, Joe, Carnegie. Jantz, August, Pittsburgh. Jardanowski, Stanley, Pittsburgh. Jaros, Franklin J., Dickson City. Jeblunsky, James, Pittsburgh. Jeffries, Willie Ford, Chester. Jene, John P., Pittsburgh. Jenkins, Bernard W., New Oxford. Jenkins, Mack M., Canton. Jessop, Charles B., Emporium. Jewell, Victor A., Beaver Falls. Johnson, Bernard S., Houtzdale. Johnson, Carl Russell, Waterford. Johnson, Frank, Phoenixville. Johnson, Loyal G., Spring Creek. Johnson, Oscar E., Pittsburgh. Johnson, Rodney, Towanda. Johnson, Walter P., Mount Jeannette. Johnston, Albert S., Homer City. Johnston, Alexander, East Pittsburgh. Jones, Alfred, Metal. Jones, Carl, Bakertown. Jones, David J., Overbrook. Jones, Earl E., Meyersdale. Jones, Fred, Philadelphia. Jones, Harold W., Export. Jones, James S., Lewistown. Jones, Samuel, Philadelphia. Jopp, Samuel I., Chester. Jordon, Dominick A., Philadelphia. Josephson, Charles A., Drifting. Joy, George M., Pittsburgh. Joyce, John J., Greenock. Joyce, Michael J., Philadelphia. Judge, James, Pittson. Junior, Michael, Philadelphia. Jusinski, Anthony, Johnstown. Kadel, William, Minersville. Kado, Joseph, Parsons. Kahler, Howard W., South Williamsport. Kaiser, Fred C., Pittsburgh. Kaiser, William J., Philadelphia. Kalivay, George J., Altoona. Kalnik, Steven, Vandergrift. Kane, Edward T., Shenandoah. Kane, James H., franklin. Kane,Thomas, Germantown. Kane, Thomas J., Philadelphia. Kanopsky, Frank, Russellton. Karafa, Joseph, Lambeton. Karausta, Achileffs, Tyrone. Karchansky, Clemens, Throop. Karnaros, William, Mahonoy City. Kase, Harry, Ringtown. Kasiewicz, John, Mount Pleasent. Kaufman, Ernest H., Philadelphia. Kautz, Daniel A., Rowenna. Kazlawski, Anthony, Chester. Kealey, James F., Philadelphia. Kearney, Francis Edward, Chest Springs. Keating, Charles A., Philadelphia. Keckhut, Henry J., Philadelphia. Keefe, Harry T., Phiadelphia. Keefer, Eli F., Spring City. Keegan, Daniel J., Shamokin. Keenan, Joseph J., Philadelphia. Kehl, Lewis E., Pennsburg. Kehoe, William J., Philadelphia. Keibler, Paul M., Turtle Creek. Keich, Franklin M., Tamaqua. Keip, Harry L., Tremont. Keirn, Otha Sylas, Westover. Keiser, George D., Albertus. Keiser, Warren, Lansdale. Kelch, George A., Hawley. Kell, John A., West Newton. Kellar, John, Philadelphia. Keller, Clayton J., Lancaster. Keller, Elmer J., Beaver Falls. Keller, Ira Crammer, Manatawny. Kelley, Harvey E., Carlisle. Kelley, Francis, Shamokin. Kelley, Michael J., Philadelphia. Kelly, Augustus J., Pitcairn. Kelly, Charles E., Meyersdale. Kelly, Charles J., Philadelphia. Kelly, James I., Renovo. Kelly, John, Philadelphia. Kelly, John E., Altoona. Kelly, John E., Philadelphia. Kelly, Martin J., Philadelphia. Kelly, Phillip V., Etna. Kelly, William J., Philadelphia. Kemrite, John W., Nanticoke. Kennedy, Joseph A., Chester. Kennedy, Joseph F., Catasqua. Kennedy, Leander W., Beaver. Kennedy, Robert, Monogahela. Kennedy, Steven C., Troy. Kennedy, Walter, Wyndham. Kenny, Michael, Philadelphia. Kersonsky, Morris, Philadelphia. Keslar, Leslie F., North East. Ketner, Harry T., Philadelphia. Ketter, Frank R., Pittsburgh. Kietbasa, John S., Wales City. Kijac, Waclau, Pittsburgh. Kilinski, Victor, Morgon. Killinger, Lewis E., Everson. Killmeyer, John A., Pittsburgh. Kimes, Edgar H., Philadelphia. Kimmel, Harry, Lancaster. Kincaide, Harry H., Manayunk. King, Eldridge Gewelyn, Westfield. King, James B., Chester. King, Perry E., Philadelphia. King, Robert, Philadelphia. Kinney, James L., Arnot. Kirby, John P., Pittsburgh. Kirby, Richard C., Strattonville. Kirby, Robert James, Harrisburg. Kiralski, Frank, Pittsburgh. Kirschman, Charles S., Philadelphia. Kissel, Earl, St. Marys. Kitelinger, George, Walnut Bend. Kitto, William, Altoona. Klein, Andrew H., Pittsburgh. Klein, Arthur A., Monogahela. Klein, Charles J., Lewiston. Klein, Charles L., Pittsburgh. Klem, George, Shenandoah. Klenowsky, Peter, Mahanoy City. Kletzley, Ralph John, Oakmont. Kline, George F., Wyomissing. Klinedinst, Joseph E., York. Klinetob, Randall G., Berwick. Klinger, Clarence R., Fearnot. Klinkner, August J., Carnegie. Klosowicz, Frank, Lerone. Klotz, Frank L., Philadelphia. Klukan, John K., Fort City. Kluth, William C., North Philadelphia. Klymasjwki, John, Pittsburgh. Kmietowitz, John, Glenlyon. Knapp, Charles A., Philadelphia. Knapp, Harold A., Edgewood Park. Knecht, Harold V., Nazareth. Kneer, Harry F., Alburtis. Knight, Joseph, Miners Mill. Knott, George, Branenville. Kocik, Mike, Somerset. Kohler, Charles R., York. Kohler, Norman C., Fayetteville. Koinski, Anthony, Gilberton. Kolinsky, Victor, Shenandoah. Kolotovitz, Dominick, Kingston. Kolsoliko, Frank, Chester. Kolson, Francis E., Braddock. Konik, Michael J., North Braddock. Konkiel, Alexander, McKees Rocks. Kook, Grover C., Spring City. Kopp, Clarence, Hanover. Korch, Mike, Rankin. Koschak, Nicholas, Scranton. Koser, Franklin R., Allentown. Kosin, Ignatz, New Castle. Kotalik, George P., Asley. Kowalski, Joseph, Philadelphia. Kowamasky, Frank, Shenandoah. Kraft, David F., Sellersville. Krall, Francis M., Mount Joy. Kramer, Charles John, Phoenixville. Kratzer, Bright L., Lewisburg. Krauss, Clarence E., Downington. Krezanosky, Louis F., Civella. Kriderman, Morris, Philadelphia. Krivonak, Harry J., Latrobe. Krumboldtz, John, East Lansdowne. Krupp, Claude S., Trumbauersville. Kudzman, Walter E., Vandergritt. Kueder, Adam, Shenadoah. Kuhn, Charles F., McKeesport. Kuhn, Reginald K., Adelia. Kuhns, George W., Bethlehem. Kujat, Edward G., Johnstown. Kummer, Joseph J., Shamokin. Kutz, Clyde R., Big Run. Kurmin, Adolph, Philadelphia. Kutch, Frank, Pottsville. Kuzinski, Charles, Township. Kwiatkosky, John H., Natrona. Kyler, Paul, Julian. La Buhn, Elmer C., Pittsburgh. Ladovitch, Nikodim, Pittsburgh. La Falce, Tony, Allentowm. La Faver, Andrew R., Sunbury. Lafayette, Franklin, Clarendon. La Fontaine, Edward J., Philadelphia. Lambert, Albert, Chester. Lambert, William J., Kingston. Lambing, Floyd C., Apollo. Lanard, Samuel A., Philadelphia. Landis, Harold D., Lancaster. Landis, Samuel, Manheim. Landis, Wilmer M., Quakertown. Lane, Charles C., Newmansville. Lane, John T., Delta. Lane, Sam, Bolivar. Lang, George M., Wilkinsburg. Langan, Joseph P., Philadelphia. Langham, Charles L., Marion Center. Lannen, George Earl, Johnstown. Lannen, Ira J., Nittany. Lantosh, Joseph P., Lansford. Lapinsky, Peter, Munhall. Large, Harry, Doylestown. La Ross, David H., Wescosville. Larsen, Marshall O., Clarendon. Laub, Emmett G., Philadelphia. Lauck, David H., Snow Shoe. Laufer, Howard W., Beaver. Lauinger, George B., Pittsburgh. Lavery, Lynn R., Titusville. Law, Lawrence C., West Philadelphia. Lawrence, Elmer Lloyd, Greenville. Lawrence, William Ross, Clarion. Lazar, Maurice, Shenandoah. Leahy, John, Pittsburgh. Leap, Andrew, Pittsburgh. Leary, John W., Hellertown. Lebo, Allen Wayne, Mohnton. Lee, Francis J., New Stanton. Lee, Samuel Elmer, Pittsburgh. Leeger, Chester C., Freeport. Leidwanger, Jacob William, New Kennsington. Leidy, Roy S., Delphi. Leifer, Sherman W., York. Leightheart, John, Philadelphia. Leman, Edward, Wilcox. Lemanski, Picter, Pittsburgh. Lemons, Charles V., Sugar Run. Lenahan, John J., Centralia. Lenihan, James H., Oil City. Lentz, Albert J., Gettysburg. Leo, Samuel, Halifax. Leofsky, Leo, Spring Creek. Leon, Harry, Philadelphia. Leonard, Earl C. Troy. Leonard, Stephen A., Gibsonia. Leonardis, Tommaso, Mauch Chunk. Lennon, Francis Regis, Pittsburgh. Lepley, Erman E., Beaver Springs. Lescanac, Lawrence, Menessen. Lesher, William W., Redding. Leshock, Walter, McAdoo. Lessig, Harry B., Leechburg. Levanovitch, Joseph, Olyphant. Lewis, Joseph, Pittsburgh. Ley, John F., Pittsburgh. Lilley, Alfred Joseph, Harrisburg. Limpert, Clarence A., Pittsburgh. Linaka, Harry, Mount Airy. Linaka, John Jr., Philadelphia. Linder, Harry F., Latrobe. Lindsay, Charles E., West Decatur. Lindsay, William H., Pittsburgh. Lingenfelser, Frederick, Bradford. Lingle, Raymond P., Du Bois. Lint, Arthur E., Perryopolis. Lint, Charles Chester, Perryopolis. Lipshitz, Isaac, Lockhaven. Lister, William St. Clair, Huntingdon. Lloyd, Cecil R., Hanlin Station. Lloyd, Glenn A., Thompson. Lobaugh, Howard N., Union City. Lobb, Charles N., Penn Argyle. Lockhart, Elmer D., Blairsville. Lodick, Frank, Tyrone. Loeffler, Henry J., College Hills. Lohman, Lawrence, Pittsburgh. Lohmuller, Louis, Philadelphia. Long, Alvin E., Hickory Corners. Long, David E., Union Deposit. Long, Frank A., Loyalhanna. Long, George E., Harrisburg. Long, Howard W., Reading. Long, Wilbur Ellsworth, Catawissa. Loose, Harry E., Menges Mills. Lopus, Cash Sawin, Kane. Lorah, Charles, Lebanon. Lorenzo, Demido, Pittsburgh. Loscoskie, Joseph, Parsons. Louden, Benson C., Logania. Lower, Walter W., Harrisburg. Lowery, Clark R., Pittsburgh. Lozoskie, Joseph J., Hazelton. Lucas, Charles, Philadelphia. Luci, Frank, Erie. Lucia, Tomase, Pittsburgh. Lucke, Fred W., Scranton. Lukaitis, Anthony, Lester. Lumbert, Mike, Jeannette. Lunn, William, Philadelphia. Lutasky, Samuel, Philadelphia. Luther, Joseph W., Morrisdale. Lynch, Edward A., North Girard. Lynch, John B., Easton. Lyons, Frank P., Carbondale. Lyons, Gerold L., Philadelphia. Lyons, Julius M., Lancaster. McAlee, John R., Johnsonburg. McAleer, Albert A., Philadelphia. McAuley, Elmer A., Philadelphia. McBride, John. Philadelphia. McCabe, Leo Thomas, Philadelphia. McCaffrey, William V., Washington. McCann, Clark L., Austin. McCarthy, Michael A. Pittsburgh. McCartney, Walter, Hickman. McCaughan, Francis M., Philadelphia. McCaughey, Ronald H., Philadelphia. McClane, Roy A., York. McColgan, William M., Philadelphia. McCollum, Chester F., Wallis Run. McCollum, John P., Galeton. McConnel, Charles Ofanna, Altoona. McConnell, Oliver W.G., Ford City. McConville, James Francis, Sharon. McConnon, Vincent A., Pottsville. McCormick, Michael P., Choconut. McCourt, James, Johnston. McCoy, Charles J., Bellfonte. McCoy, Raymond B., Altoona. McCreary, William George, Mechanicsburg. McCulloch, Neil H., Aultman. McCullough, Samuel James, Pittsburgh. McCunney, Mark, Doylestown. MacDonald, Douglass, Wilkes-Barre. McDonough, Frank C., Pittsburgh. McDonough, Harry H., Cheswick. McDyer, Joseph R., Latrobe. McElraith, William F., Westland. McFarland, Owen, Marietta. McFarlane, Sidney E., Shreveport. McGarry, Bernard, Philadelphia. McGarry, John D., Corry. McGee, James T., Allentown. McGilloway, Vincent, Plains. McGinn, Joseph, Oak Lane. McGinley, John, Pittsburgh. McGinty, John J., Scranton. McGough, John A., Pittsburgh. McGraw, Michael E., McKees Rocks. McGrogan, Joseph V., Carnegie. McGulla, Daniel, Mahoney City. McHugh, Charles, Blandsburg. McHugh, Joseph, Philadelphia. McIntire, Edward J., Philadelphia. McIntosh, Charles E., Holidaysburgh. McIntyre, John, Philadelphia. McKee, Thomas, Monessen. McKelvey, George, Johnetta. McKenna, Francis, Philadelphia. McKenna, John, Marcus Hook. McKune, Bart M., Bradford. McLaughlin, Albert H., Connellsville. McLaughlin, Edward O., Grays Landing. McLaughlin, Edward R., Derry. McLaughlin, Edward R., Waltum. McLaughlin, George M., Boswell. McLaughlin, William F., Mahanoy. McLean, George, Jr., Philadelphia. McLean, Leslie H., Union City. McMahon, John P., Erie. McMahon, Valentine C., Braddock. McManamon, Daniel L., Sugar Notch. McManamon, Peter P., Sugar Notch. McMonagl, Hugh, Philadelphia. McMenamy, Charles, Philadelphia. McMullen, Ancel Edward, Punxsutawney. McMullen, Joseph, Galitzin. McNamara, John J., Philadelphia. McNeal, Orris L., Tyrone. McNeil, Edward F., New Albany. McNicholas, Edward, Ned. McPaul, Barney F., McDonald. McPolin, John J., Philadelphia. McQuistion, John Henry, Narberth. McShane, Rehn, Otto. McSherry, James Chester, Enola. McTighe, Frank L., Pittsburgh. MacCready, Andrew S., Minersville. Macduff, John Stanley, Cambridge Springs. Maas, Alfred Nicholas, Loupurex. Maciejewski, John P., Priceburg. Machamer, Willard, Pine Grove. Machmer, William D., West Leesport. Machulka, Andy, Everson. Mackey, John P., Parkersburg. Madden, William B., Jeannette. Madenford, Walter, Media. Mader, Robert, Tannersville. Madsen, Peter T., Philadelphia. Madzelan, Teofil, Castle Shannon. Maesano, Donato, Sharpsburg. Mahan, Earl L., Sharpsburg. Mahon, Charles Francis, Manayunk. Mahrer, William J., Philadelphia. Maifsky, Peter, Butler. Mains, William, Sunnyside. Makarewicz, Stanley, White Haven. Malcolm, Charles, Allentown. Malek, Joseph, Mount Pleasent. Maleozeroski, John, Philadelphia. Malges, Generio, Ambler. Malinoski, Anthony, Reading. Malone, Roy W., Philadelphia. Maloney, Raymond, Philadelphia. Mallozzi, Francisco, Washington. Mamougellas, Peter, Pittsburgh. Manbeck, Ralph, Lewistown. Manco, Joseph, Dawson. Mancusi, Frank, Philadelphia. Mandelstein, Samuel Arthur, South Fork. Manducci, Tony, Dubois. Manion, John, Carnegie. Mannino, Pasquale, Pittsburgh. Mansberger, Charles H., Middletown. Mantas, Satries, Elwood City. Manusevitz, Harry, Philadelphia. March, Andrew, Beaver Falls. Marcheo, Tony, Everson. Marcinkliewicz, Casimer, Kingston. Mario, Joseph Davis, Mapleton Depot. Markey, Elmer Russel, York. Marks, Arthur J., Smethport. Marsch, William J., Greentown. Marshall, Charles N ., Wilkesbarre. Marshall, Edward K., Washington. Marshall, Fred W., Time. Marshall, George W., Time. Marshall, Thomas L., Overton. Martello, Samuel, Braddock. Martin, Albert, Philadelphia. Martin, Edward T., Philadelphia. Martin, Frank A., Andalusia. Martin, James H., McKeesport. Martin, John J., Hazelwood. Martin, Steven, Donora. Martin, William, Philadelphia. Martini, Vincent, Philadelphia. Martinkus, John, Scranton. Marvin, John R., Stroudsburg. Mascia, Leonardo Giovanni, Altoona. Masley, Michael G., Temple. Mason, Frederick C., Ohio Pyle. Massera, Angelo, Lagronial. Matchkiewicz, Stanley, Nanticoke. Mathews, Clyde E., Percy. Mathews, Ira, Peccari. Mathews, John M., Newell. Matter, Lloyd E., Halifax. Matter, William Edward, Halifax. Mattes, Gustav, Allentown. Matsco, Michael, Allentown. Mauk, Paul C., Altoona. Mauler, Joseph E., Pittsburgh. Maurer, Clerk, Reading. Maurice, Thomas, Pittsburgh. Maxwell, Thomas, Ralphmel. May, James, South Connellsville. May, Martin J., Avis. Mayan, Fred J. Jr., Danville. Mayernick, John J., Scranton. Mazzarise, Catino, Pittsburgh. Mazzocietti, Constantino, Keystone. Meade, John P., Butler. Medico, Michels, Dunmore. Megary, William, Philadelphia. Meier, Walter E., Knox. Meinzer, William, Chester. Meitzler, Tigham M., Trexlertown. Melchiorre, Serafino, Monaca. Melis, Philip, Lansford. Mellon, James M., Philadelphia. Menhorn, Theadore L., Myersdale. Mento, Samuel, Parnassus. Mercer, James H., Carnegie. Mertz, Edwin William, Mertztown. Mestezky, Joel, Philadelphia. Metz, Ralph, Erie. Metzger, Roy Edward, Natrona. Metzler, William, Pittsburgh. Metlin, Benjamin R., Ellwood. Meyers, Edward F., Berwin. Miazga, Antoni, Erie. Michael, Augustus, Lebanon. Michaelski, Stephen, Philadelphia. Michnuik, Tom, Ambridge. Mickaynk, Miltronan, Philadelphia. Miconi, Berardino, Boyer. Mieldazie, Anthony, Munson. Mieski, Frank, Creighton. Migdalski, Alexander, Philadelphia. Mikesell, Elmer E., Homer City. Milko, John A., East Pittsburgh. Millage, James Genaro, Pittsburgh. Millberg, Chester Arnold, Glen Richey. Miller, Adam R., Baxter. Miller, Charles Crawford, Granville. Miller, Charles Peter, Laureville. Miller, David, Red Lion. Miller, Ellsworth W., Ray Milton. Miller, Frederick Albert, Bloomsburg. Miller, Harry, Scranton. Miller, Harry D., Coplay. Miller, Harvey, Fort Hill. Miller, Ira H., Lancaster County. Miller, John E., Easton. Miller, John H., Silver Springs. Miller, Joseph, New Castle. Miller, Luther D., Bellefonte. Miller, Michael A., Homestead. Miller, Ralph, Scranton. Miller, Ray, Sootendale. Miller, Raymond L., Scottdale. Miller, Silas G., Catasauqua. Milliron, Lee, Mount Pleasant. Minerd, George E., Pitcairn. Minnick, Fred John, Port Vue. Minthrust, Joe, Ligonier. Mirarchi, Frank, Philadelphia. Miraldo, Joseph, Tresckow. Miricki, Stephen, Philadelphia. Miscannon, Joseph J., Catawissa. Miskell, Edwin H., Philadelphia. Mitchell, Joseph G., Pittsburgh. Mlintcher, John C., Scranton. Mlodoreniec, Joseph, Philadelphia. Mock, George H., Schaefferstown. Moeckel, John E., Philadelphia. Moerman, John J., Doylestown. Moffitt, Edward C., Pittsburgh. Mogavero, Luis, Philadelphia. Mohney, Fred B., Reynoldsville. Mohr, Charles M., Jamestown. Mokoski, Joseph, South Bethlehem. Molinardo, Gennaro, Sewickley. Monaghan, Charles R., Philadelphia. Monahan, Edward, Philadelphia. Mondress, Harry, Philadelphia. Mongold, Elburn William, Rockwood. Monroe, George R., york. Monroe, Shadrack, Philadelphia. Monostacho, Thomas, Shenandoah. Montalto, William J., St. Clair. Montgomery, James R., Philadelphia. Montgomery, Merritt, Grove City. Moorhead, Harry C., Indiana. Moore, Francis B., Dunns Station. Moore, Harry B., Shillington. Moore, Kelly, Lamott. Mooney, George Thomas, Scranton. Mooney, John P., Philadelphia. Moore, Monroe E., Philadelphia. Moore, Russell S., Emaus. Mooney, Peter E., Philadelphia. Moran, Charles F., Downington. Moran, John T., Scranton. Morgan, Frank, Nanticoke. Morgan, Johnathon E., Hegins. Moriarty, John Henry, Jr., Philadelphia. Moritz, Earl E., Meadville. Morley, Alexander L., Athens. Moroge, Joseph L., Philadelphia. Morris, Amos W., Minersville. Morris, Raymond T., Philadelphia. Morris, Robert R., Philadelphia. Morris, Walter R., Washington. Morrison, David, Finleyville. Mortenson, Albert E., Erie. Moses, William A., Luzerne. Mosier, Everett B., Philadelphia. Moss, Charles E., Freeport. Moss, George, Philadelphia. Motiska, Joseph E., Dupont. Motter, Daniel Perry, Big Run. Mowrer, Clyde F., Watsontown. Mowrer, Hiram H., Conestoga Stage. Mowrey, Allen N., Shenandoah. Moyer, John R., Portage. Moyer, Howard W., Virginiaville. Muir, Robert J., Mount Carmel. Mulch, James Daniel, Philadelphia. Muldon, Thomas M., Lilly. Mull, Charles K., Montgomery. Mullaney, Patrick, East Carnegie. Mullerschoen, Albert M., Philadelphia. Mullin, Clifford Ogden, Coatesville. Mundekis, Frank, Pittsburgh. Murawski, Walter, Pittsburgh. Murdock, Elmer McKinley, Franklin. Murphy, Charles E., Wind Ridge. Murphy, Joseph F., Philadelphia. Murphy, Joseph Hooker, West Philadelphia. Murphy, Thomas, Philadelphia. Murphy, William F., Girard. Murray, Albert J., Pittsburgh. Murray, Frank P., Johnsonburg. Murray, James, Grindstone. Murray, James, Philadelphia. Murray, John A., Philadelphia. Muscovage, Stanley L., Amsbry. Myers, Amos Andrew Jackson, Jeanette. Myers, John Augustine, Cassandra. Myers, John, Philadelphia. Myers, Loyd, White. Myers, Milton William, Lewiston. Myers, Thomas W., Tarentum. Myers, William E., Freeport. Nail, Bird Ernest, Franklin. Nagle, Charles, Johnstown. Nagle, Daniel S., Philadelphia. Nagle, John J., Philadelphia. Nahor, John, McKeesport. Nally, Matthew T., Conshokocken. Nally, Robert V., Reading. Nanorto, John, Shenandoah. Narisky, Michael, Pittston. Nase, Vincent B., Sellersville. Nash, William A., Philadelphia. Nastasi, Vincenzo, Vandergrift. Naugle, Raymond Lafayette, Walnut Bottom. Naujokitis, John, Homestead. Nauss, William Henry, New Cumberland. Naylor, James R., Finleyville. Naylor, Oliver E., Webster. Nedzinski, John, Eynon. Neeley, George E., East Pittsburgh. Neely, Jacob C., Sligo. Neff, Elery C., Mincoville. Neff, William McKinley, York. Neher, George E., Scranton. Neiman, William, Philadelphia. Nellis, Frank, Adamsburg. Nemchick, John, Bethlehem. Nesselson, Nathan Theodore, Bradford. Neurath, Ernest C., Philadelphia. Newcomer, O., Philadelphia. Newman, Kenneth I., Pittsburgh. Niarhos, James, McKees Rocks. Nickman, Sylvan, Philadelphia. Nittingger, Elmer B., Reading. Nocito, John J., Bristol. Nodler, Orvis K., Geneva. Noel, William L., Philadelphia. Noggle, William Shannon, Harrisburg. Norman, Charles C., Tyrone. Norris, Joseph P., Jerome. Novack, Ike, Philadelphia. Novicki, John, Pittsburgh. Nowak, Antoni, Carnegie. Nuffer, Ernest Gustive, Philadelphia. Null, Henry H., Greensburg. Nunan, William L., Manoa. Nunemacher, Allen A., Tower City. Nye, George W., Shamokin. Ober, Moses Rabold, Onset. Oblock, Frank, Irwin. Obourn, Charles Taylor, Leechburg. O'Boyle, Walter F., Scranton. O'Brian, James, Greensburg. O'Brian, Patrick, Philadelphia. O'Bryan, Leon Bering, Elkland. O'Conner, James T., Phoenixville. O'Connor, Willie, Rummerfield. Ochuito, Joseph, Philadelphia. O'Donnell, Daniel J., Philadephia. O'Donnell, Owen B., Beaverdale. O'Kane, Charles J., Philadelphia. Oldham, Charles B., Cheltenham. O'Leary, Charles X., Philadelphia. Olikes, Alex, Erie. Olive, Antonio, Philadelphia. Olson, Frank K., Kane. O'Neil, George, Union City. O'Neil, William A., Dushore. O'Neill, Francis E., Philadelphia. O'Neill, James, Philadelphia. Opel, Earl H., Meyersdale. Oplinger, Earl H., Walnutport. Orleche, Paul, Philadelphia. Orman, Carl G., McKees Port. Orndoff, Ralph G., Waynesburg. Orr, David E., Indiana. Osborn, Vivian N., Philadelphia. Oster, William, Atlas. O'Toole, Thomas M., Pittsburgh. Ott, Harvey E., Phoenixville. Oxley, William D., Philadelphia. Ozman, James C., Brookville. Pach, Edwadick, Nanticoke. Padovani, Arcangelo, Mongolia. Paff, Frank, Scranton. Page, Clarence, Catasugua. Paglia, Cecidio, Philadelphia. Pahl, Carl O., Philadelphia. Painter, Frank E., Pottstown. Painter, Samuel Adam, Johnstown. Palecki, Joseph, Pittsburgh. Palmer, John A., Volant. Paluke, Walter, Erie. Panasik, Samuel, Chester. Panoski, Mike, Bethlehem. Parchinski, Frank A., Dickson City. Pardini, Achille, Hooverville. Parise, Vincenza, Boswell. Parr, Carl A., Nicholson. Partyka, Frank, Scranton. Patterson, Alexander, Sharon. Patterson, Elmer E., Philadelphia. Patterson, James J., Coolspring. Patterson, Oscar T., McKeesport. Patterson, Thomas Anderson, Carnegie. Patterson, Thomas M., Pittsburgh. Paul, Abe, Philadelphia. Paul, Ellwood G., Philadelphia. Paynter, William M., Philadelphia. Pearman, Lee, Jr., Kane. Pearson, Ervin, Carversville. Pearson, Gust A., West Philadelphia. Peaskin, William, Philadelphia. Pech, George W., Philadelphia. Peden, William, Sutorsville. Peffer, Harry E., Pittsburgh. Pegg, William J., Philadelphia. Pegram, Frederick, Philadelphia. Pellingren, James D., Anita. Pence, Fred L., Erie. Pennachia, Cesare, Scottdale. Penry, William L., Farrell. Penwell, Robert W., Pittsburgh. Perrelli, Alexander, Keiser. Perkins, Roy, Cory. Perluiski, Stiney, Schuylkill Haven. Perotta, Carmine, Hillsville. Perry, James, Canonsburg. Pessagno, John, Philadelphia. Pestelli, Mariano, Cunvensville. Petcheny, Frank, Brownsville. Peter, Stephen, Pottsville. Peterson, Harley Francis, Titusville. Petraroia, Dominico, Greensburg. Petronis, Peter, Scranton. Petrowski, Andrew, Carnegie. Pettit, John T., Philadelphia. Petulla, Tony, Oil City. Pezzuto, Luigi, Sharpsville. Pelieger, Albert F., Philadelphia. Philipp, Max, West Newton. Phillippi, Henry, Markleton. Phillippi, Neal W., Latrobe. Phillips, George, Throop. Phillips, Howard S., Easton. Phillips, Nevin O., Allentown. Phillips, William, Shenadoah. Piciulis, Wincentry, Pittsburgh. Pickel, Jonas James, Paradise. Pickering, Clifford, Philadelphia. Pickford, Walter, Sunnyside. Picone, James, Philadelphia. Picot, Philip, Philadelphia. Pierce, Leon C., Milton. Pietzak, Mike, Salina. Pikovsky, Joseph, Alverton. Pinchefsky, Israel, Philadelphia. Pirtle, Bert D., Pittsburgh. Pisani, Joseph, Erie. Pisero, Giorgio, Pittsburgh. Pitrone, Peter, Walston. Pittack, Herbert August, Sranton. Pizzuti, Daneto, Pittsburgh. Plaft, William A., Towanda. Plauska, George, Scranton. Plehta, John, Uniontown. Plisuk, Pete, New Castle. Plizga, Walter J., Jessup. Plizza, Joe, Mt. Pleasant. Plosky, Harry, Philadelphia. Plummer, George Lawrence, South Fork. Podany, Steve, Sheppton. Pointon, John, Carnegie. Polenski, Mike, Philadelphia. Polito, Petro, Philadelphia. Polk, William G., Blairs Mills. Polkosky, James, Indiana. Polome, Arthur Oscar, Glassmere. Polsinello, Luis, Russellton. Pond, Daniel L., Athens. Poniatowski, Joseph, Pittsburgh. Pool, Wallace, Doylestown. Porinsky, John M., Plymouth. Powell, Ellsworth, Pittsburgh. Pratt, Emery L., Dickson Run. Prediger, Henry G., Philadelphia. Prendergast, Thomas J., New Salem. Preston, Edward, Pittsburgh. Price, Sam, Smithfield. Pricer, Philip J., Pittsburgh. Prichard, Francis L., Rouseville. Primerano, Nazareno, Johnstonburg. Prindle, Charles, West Springfield. Problys, Stanley, Delancy. Prophet, Lonnie, Raven. Proszcz, John, Philadelphia. Przestzelski, Adolph, Philadelphia. Puccio, Accursio, Norristown. Puchta, William J., Pittsburgh. Pulcinno, John, Altoona. Purcell, Thomas F., Pottsville. Pusateri, Frank, Clearfield. Piskar, Michael, Burettstown. Putz, Frederick, Philadelphia. Quear, Alexander, Charleroi. Quigley, Harrison B., Palmyra. Quinn, Wilmer, West Chester. Quirk, Joseph J., Snow Shoe. Raab, John F., Bethlehem. Raczkowski, Leo, Mahoney City. Ramesden, George, Blairsville. Ramsey, Loyd D., Carnegie. Randolph, James Wilbur, Ellwood City Rankin, Claud Elmo, St. Petersburg. Rankin, George R., Uniontown. Rapp, Joseph J., Shippensville. Rapp, Stephen Alfred, Somerset. Rasmussen, Harry O., Philadelphia. Ratajack, Ignacy, Philadelphia. Ratka, Stanley, Pittsburgh. Rattoon, James, Lancaster. Rauch, Erwin Eugene, Emaus. Ray, Fred Burton, Grove City. Raymond, Peter P., Vadergrift. Reale, Angelo, Philadelphia. Reame, Joseph Licoln, Reading. Reape, William J., Philadelphia. Reber, Charles, Shillington. Rector, Albert L., Rector. Reddish, Ernest Clifton, Bradford. Redman, Charles H., Philadelphia. Reed, Franklin, Brockport. Reed, James J., Emporium. Reed Norman W., Tamaqua. Reeder, Albert L., Elvsburg. Reemsnyder, Charles J., Ephrata. Reese, Amos C., Harrisburg. Reese, Edward Henry, Philadelphia. Reese, Jack, Kittaning. Reese, Ruppert, Scranton. Reeves, William, Lansford. Reid, Thomas L., Sharpsburg. Reifsnyder, Fred S., Sinking Springs. Reilly, Frank E., Bethlehem. Reiter, Sidney Howard, McKeesport. Reitz, Joseph, Philadelphia. Renio, Mike, Old Forge. Renninger, Miles A., Mifflinburg. Reppert, Daniel E., Boyertown. Retter, Rudolph, Irwin. Reynolds, Carl R., Birdsboro. Reynolds, Leroy N., Newport. Reynolds, Oscar H., Middletown. Rezak, Martin, Butler. Rhoads, Cecil F., New Kensington. Rhoads, Harry, Reading. Rhoads, Harry E., Newport. Rhodes, Grant J., Six Mile Run. Rhodes, Harry C., Reynoldsville. Rhodes, James, Monongahela. Rhodes, William L., Mattawana. Rice, Alfred S., South Fork. Rice, Robert B., Philadelphia. Rice, Thornton M., Nescopeck. Richard, Don, Altoona. Richwine, Clair, Gardners. Ricota, Antonio, Windber. Rider, Francis E., East Berlin. Riemer, Frederick F., Philadelphia. Riffle, Earl S., Clellandtown. Rigdon, Joseph R., Scottsville. Righi, Amedeo, Ellwood. Rigney, Richard F., Manor. Riley, Chester C., Coatesville. Rimert, Robert D., Lewisburg. Ringland, James, Pittsburgh. Rishel, Lee P., Uniontown. Rismiller, Charles C., Leesport. Rissmiller, Charles, Reading. Risso, Theophile J., Philadelphia. Ritchie, Robert, Philadelphia. Ritter, Clarence Calvin, Macungie. Ritzert, Charles T., Chicora. Ritzman, William C., Reading. Roach, James J., Jormyn. Roach, Walter, Philadelphia. Roberts, George L., New Salem. Roberts, George W. Jr., Philadelphia. Roberts, John E., Philadelphia. Robins, Gurdon M., Philadelphia. Robinson, Harry G., Chester. Robinson, John L., Grindstone. Robinson, Samuel L., East Brady. Roblaski, Vincent, Pittsburgh. Roche, Edward, Philadelphia. Rockwell, James, Mercersburg. Rodos, George, Burgettstown. Roesch, George J., Oil City. Roessing, Carl J., McKeesport. Rogers, Harry T., Philadelphia. Roginsky, Tofil, Scranton. Rohrbaugh, Melvin A., Spring Grove. Rollison, Howard G., Prompton. Roman, Adam, Natrona. Romanelli, Egildo, Philadelphia. Rombach, Sylvester, Pittsburgh. Romeo, Dominico, Sharpsburg. Ronny, Raymond C., Pen Argyl. Rooney, Charles J., Broughton. Rorke, Richard J., Clifton Heights. Rose, Benjamin, Elmora. Rose, Frank, Old Forge. Rose, James S., Philadelphia. Rose, William, Scranton. Rosenweig, Louis, Philadelphia. Roser,Edward, York. Ross, Clifton J., Parnassus. Ross, John Dewey, Franklin. Rote, George Levi, Johnsonburg. Rothermal, Clyde Wills, Mauchchunk. Rothermel, Loyd L., Womelsdorf. Rots, Charles, Philadelphia. Rought, Leonard W., Laceyville. Rowe, Samuel A., Connellsville. Rowland, Starling Emmett, Warren. Rowlands, David William, Branch Dale. Rowles, Phillip A., Clearfield. Rowles, Theodore Arthur, Clearfield. Rubinson, Harry, Philadelphia. Rudaitis, John, Forest City. Rudtkiskie, Joseph, Erie. Rudy, John, Canonsburg. Ruhola, Walder, Manayunk. Rupert, William C., Salina. Rupp, Joseph H., Reading. Ruppecht, Wilfert, Hanover. Rush, Lee, Waynesburg. Russel, Henry C., Franklin. Russo, Pasquale, Washington. Ruth, Floyd, Doylestown. Rutter, Alfred, Norristown. Rychlinski, Antoni, Breckenridge. Sabatinno, Lany, Ambler. Sabulis, Anthony, Philadelphia. Sagliccolo, Guiseppe, Pittson. Sahm, John M., Fair Haven. Sailley, Charles Hiram, Pittsburgh. Salava, John, Shamokin. Salesky, Maurice, Philadelphia. Sallade, Raymond, Pittsburgh. Sallese, Giuseppe, Philadelphia. Salsgiver, Vernet Durward, Pittsburgh. Saltman, Abraham, Philadelphia. Salvadore, Adam Jas., Glassport. Samanis, John Charles, Minersville. Samkavitz, Anthony, Barnesville. Sampson, Charles T., Russell. Samuels, Vincenzo, Edenburg. Sancken, Jacob, Chester. Sanderson, Joseph, Ardmore. Sandora, John, Philadelphia. Sandrow, Harry, Philadelphia. Sandusky, Wm. F., Mt. Pleasent. Sandy, Michael W., Philadelphia. Sanford, John N., Lawsonham. Saran, John N., Erie. Sarnowski, John, Philadelphia. Sarver, William S., Johnstown. Sarsello, Cristitofano, Buffingtor. Savill, Wm. Carty, Upper Darby. Savino, Antonio, Hazelton. Saylor, Verona Wm., Greenville. Saylor, William H., Newport. Sayre, Frank D., Philadelphia. Saza, Nicolali, Avanmore. Scaccia, Frank, California. Schaal, Jesse E., Philadelphia. Schachern, Edward J., Monaca. Schaefer, Oscar F. L., Hazelton. Schaeffer, Charles William, Middletown. Schaeffer, Walter, Tower City. Schaffer, Charles H., Emaus. Schaffer, Harry M., Etna. Schaub, Charles F., Philadelphia. Scheid, Frank, Philadelphia. Scheppman, John R., Philadelphia. Schindler, Wm. C., Philadelphia. Schirra, Louis F., Pittsburgh. Schlacter, Harry, Pittsburgh. Schlarb, Elwood E., Ashland. Schlossberg, David, Philadelphia. Schlott, Lincoln, Lincoln. Schmoll, Charles H., Spring City. Schmoyer, Philip A., Philadelphia. Schnell, Charles H., Philadelphia. Schoch, Clinton J., Nazareth. Schoener, Harry W., Galetin. Scholl, John, Scranton. Scholtz, August J., Springdale. Schopp, Raymond Joseph, Shamokin. Schoultz, Walter R., Philadelphia. Schowers, Charles, Pottsville. Schreck, Wyvle, Kersey. Schroer, William J., Donora. Schuler, August C., Finland. Schuler, Peter Paul, Pittsburgh. Schultz, Archie B., Trexlertown. Schultz, George L., Bethlehem. Schultz, Joseph, Scranton. Schuster, August, Erie. Schwab, Fred C., Pittsburgh. Schwartz, Benjamin, Philadelphia. Schwartz, Earl Daniel, Philadelphia. Schwing, Fred, Warren. Scialabba, Joseph, Butler. Sciarrone, Salvatore, Erie. Sciascio, Rocco Di, Philadelphia. Scoglio, Carmelo, Timblin. Scott, Ira A., Carmichaels. Scott, Sherman C., York. Scowden, James R., Smethport. Scully, James J., Pittsburgh. Scully, James T., Philadelphia. Seabolt, Andrew C., Lilly. Seamens, Bert Edgar, Corry. Sechrengost, Samuel, Johnstown. Secrist, Howard, Connelville. Seeley, Harold D., Scranton. Segal, Jacob, Philadelphia. Seifert, Julian H., Philadelphia. Sekerak, Joseph, Nanty Glo. Sell, Irwin, Montelo. Seltzer, Joseph, Philadelphia. Semmelrock, Emeal M., Pittsburgh. Seveski, Alexander, Wyoming. Seville, Walter, Mercersburg. Sezinski, Meyer, Pittsburgh. Shaddock, Sanford D., Munson. Shade, Charles E., Gratz. Shaffer, Clifford F., New Salem. Shaffer, Lewis E., Wilkes-Barre. Shamanski, Walter A., Mt. Carmel. Shaner, Earl C., Leechburg. Shauberger, Gale B., Albion. Shaw, Lloyd J., Connellsville. Shaw, Robert D., Corry. Shearer, Delbert A., Washington. Sheehan, Richard, Mahoney. Sheets, Charles T., Sharpsburg. Sherkoni, Alexander, Nanticoke. Sherlock, Wm. D., Philadelphia. Shields, David J., Chester. Shields, Lisle H., Big Run. Shincavitoz, Miles J., Minooka. Shive, Luther, York. Shive, Willaim Morton, York. Shively, Harry A., Johnstown. Shives, Joseph M., Connellsville. Shoenberger, Michael Ney, Leisenring, No. 1. Sholly, John W., Lebanon. Shoup, Curtis E., Kingsley. Showalter, Elmer S., Denver. Shriver, Charles H., Germantown. Shubick, John, Coaldale. Shue, Howard W., Schaefferstown. Shuella, Oscar, West Wyoming. Shulman, Samuel, Philadelphia. Shulskys, Barni, Easton. Shumbris, John, Plymouth. Shuster, James, Leechburg. Shuttlesworth, Robert, Irwin. Sibov, John, Philadelphia. Sickler, John J., Tyrone. Sidler, F.W., Danville. Siefert, Louie E., Warren. Sienckewich, Paul P., Minooka. Sigworth, Evert Charles, Lickingville. Silman, Charles C., Uniontown. Silver, Max, Philadelphia. Silverman, Samuel, East Stroudsburg. Silverthorn, Russell Worth, North Springfield. Silvestro, Francesco, Lockhaven. Simmons, Carl, Elizabeth. Simmons, Charles H., Philadelphia. Simmons, George E., Philadelphia. Simon, David, Philadelphia. Simon, Herbert J., Philadelphia. Simons, John Joseph, South Bethlehem. Simonsen, Adolf, Corry. Simpson, David F., Clarion. Simpson, George L., Philadelphia. Simpson, Roy E., Mount Union. Simpson, Roy H., Philadelphia. Sincox, George W., Phillipsburg. Siner, George Wesley, Philadelphia. Singer, Henry F., Philadelphia. Sipe, Charles H., York. Sipe, Frank A., York. Sipes, Joshus E., Curwensville. Sirwinski, Zigmund, Duryea. Sisak, Gasper T., Braddock. Skalsky, John, Glassport. Skelley, Joseph L., Derry. Skinner, Walter O., Lansdale. Skivmont, Adolph, Philadelphia. Skorupki, Theophile, Presto. Skroubeul, Stanley, Shenandoah. Slagle, David H., Altoona. Slater, Herbert, Philadelphia. Sleeger, David E., York. Sleith, Edward, New Eagle. Slemmer, William J., Philadelphia. Slingluff, James N., Meadville. Sloan, Algie Herbert, Eau Claire. Sloop, John Henry, Shermans Dale. Slovensky, Joseph John, Starford. Slusser, William D., Nanticoke. Smakula, Steve, Throop. Small, Wilber F., Manheim. Smeal, Roy S., Clearfield. Smith, Albert, Philadelphia. Smith, Blair W., Latrobe. Smith, Brady V., Philadelphia. Smith, Bruno, Everson. Smith, Charles M., Blairsville. Smith, Charles W., Philadelphia. Smith, Clayton T., Media. Smith, Edward, Phillipsburg. Smith, Edward F., Philadelphia. Smith, Frank, Philadelphia. Smith, Fulton C., Ambridge. Smith, Grant Wheeler, Ringgold. Smith, Granville, Dover. Smith, Irwin T., Erie. Smith, John Lee, Shippensburg. Smith, Joseph, Philadelphia. Smith, Joseph Leo, Clearfield. Smith, Paul D., Columbia. Smith, Paul J., Philadelphia. Smith, Walter E., Philadelphia. Smith, William, Chester. Smore, John, Fairchance. Smoltzler, Andrew F., Phillipsburg. Snyder, Charles E., Philadelphia. Snyder, Fred A., Allentown. Snyder, Howard, Reading. Snyder, Thomas C., Slatedale. Sobievaj, Matenz, Windber. Soder, William F., McKeesport. Sokel, Philip, Pittsburgh. Sokol, John, Jenner. Solane, Joseph C., Etna. Solatsky, Morris, Philadelphia. Sollenberger, Robert Franklin, Williamsburg. Soroko, Peter Mike, Shenandoah. Souder, Herbert H., Philadelphia. Souders, Edwin R., Philadelphia. South, Clarence W., Hillside. Sovitski, Stanley, Natrona. Sozzi, Francesco, Tomaco. Spaide, Ralph C., Beavertown. Spanos, Christ Andrew, Pittsburgh. Spearing, Walter J., Philadelphia. Speece, Charles F., New Brighton. Spence, William H., Peach Bottom. Spencer, James H., Bellvue. Spencer, Oscar F., Erie. Spickler, Edward F., Columbia. Spickler, Solomon, Pottsville. Spidel, Howard L., Union Furnace. Spielman, Harvey R., Philadelphia. Spirito, Peter, Philadelphia. Spitzer, Benjamin H., Philadelphia. Spohn, Adam, Bowerton. Spotz, Glenn W., Warren. Spartley, William E., Rochester. Spratt, William E., Lakewood. Sprenkle, Henry H., Selinsgrove. Springer, Gildon Elvin, Overbrook. Squires, Albert Baxter, Corry. Staatler, Ludwig W., Franklin. Stablo, Sam, New Eagle. Stafwisky, George, Mayfield. Stager, Phoen S., Suedburg. Staggers, Lawrence L., Harveys. Stahl, Howard Alinus, Indiana. Stalcoski, Joseph, Shamokin. Stambaugh, Chanceford, Spring Grove. Stambaugh, Chester J., East Altoona. Stambaugh, Ralph J., Altoona. Stanley, John, Versailles. Stankiewicz, John, Scranton. Stauffer, George L., Dillsburg. Stasuk, Stephen, Philadelphia. Steel, Harry L., Johnstown. Steele, Charles H., Temple. Steever, Samuel K., Philadelphia. Steffin, Hiram C., Selinsgrove. Steffy, Harvey Grill, Denver. Stefl, Albert J., Mount Pleasant. Steif, Harvey, Ford City. Stein, Louis, Philadelphia. Stein, Ralph H., Philadelphia. Stein, Walter, North Wales. Steinbacher, Fred, South Williamsport. Steiner, Michael, Jessup. Stengel, Frank J., Bridesburg. Stepanauvrch, Anthony, Scranton. Steritt, Christ E., Pittsburgh. Stern, Milton, Philadelphia. Stetson, Ellory J., Cambridge Springs. Stevens, Allen John, Carlisle. Stevenson, Elmer Geo., Plymouth. Stevenson, Elmer H., Philadelphia. Stewart, Clark, Philadelphia. Stewart, Earl, Blairsville. Stewart, John F., Philadelphia. Stewart, Russel T., Turtle Creek. Stewart, Wm. H., Greenville. Stine, Brady Lawyer, Carlisle. Stipanovic, Bozo, So. Pittsburgh. Stiver, Warren, Tyrone. Stoever, Daniel, Lebanon. Stokes, Ellsworth, Rock Run. Stone, Everett E., Montrose. Stone, Eyhan, Carlton. Storr, Max P., Scranton. Stover, Colonel N., Emlenton. Straitwell, Wesley G., Brookville. Strausner, Clyde, Waynesboro. Strazynski, Walter, Duquesne. Streak, Mike, Uniontown. Street, Albert Turner, No. Wales. Strickler, Boyd H., Williamsport. Strobek, John, Glassport. Stromberg, Harry J., S. S. Pittsburgh. Strong, Dennis, Tunkhannock. Strong, George, Latrobe. Strong, Judson, Montgomery. Strough, Fred R., Philadelphia. Stroup, John C., Belleville. Stroup, William L., Oil City. Struble, Harry H., Bradenville. Strzemper, Robert Anthony, Scranton. Stuchell, Norman David, Bradford. Stuck, Herbert, Ohiopyle. Stufflet, John J., Oley. Stuhlfaut, Walter E., Erie. Stukis, Peter, Pittston. Stull, Charles N., Leechburg. Suiter, W. C., Shamokin. Sullivan, John J., Philadelphia. Sullivan, Richard A., Scranton. Summa, Andrew, Dunmore. Summerfield, Henry G., Pittsburgh. Super, Felix, Shenandoah. Suplee, Howard R., Philadelphia. Susson, Sam, Philadelphia. Sustin, Benjamin, Philadelphia. Sutton, Clair G., Westover. Swanger, Lester C., Lewisburg. Swann, Joseph F., Philadelphia. Swanson, Charles F., Sugargrove. Swanson, Martin, Pittsburgh. Swart, John B., Fern Glen. Swartz, Joseph A., McKeesport. Swartz, Leo J., Phoenixville. Swartz, Oscar, Clymer. Swartz, William P., Columbia. Sweeny, John J., Garrettford. Swick, Louis M., Wilkes-Barre. Swift, Samuel Earl, Brownsville. Swoboda, William J., Philadelphia. Sykes, Gomer, Philadelphia. Syper, Anton, Shenandoah. Szafranik, Albert. Miners Mills. Szedlock, Joseph P., Elkland. Szefoyk, Anthony, Pittston. Szewczykowski, Stanislaw, Brackenridge. Szoka, Isador, Homestead. Szymanski, Walter, Chester. Tadlock, Ray H., Philadelphia. Taggert, George H., Linfield. Tailor, James, Allegheny. Tally, George T., Mount Union. Tamborella, Michael, Philadelphia. Tanger, Argie W., Carlisle. Tarassuck, Vitold, Burgettstown. Tarbet, John M., Philadelphia. Taylor, Amos R., Philadelphia. Taylor, Edward, Sharon. Taylor, Finley R., Trainer. Taylor, Harry Mulford, Aspers. Taylor, Herbert, Chester. Taylor, Norman S., Quakertown. Taylor, Wm. E., Philadelphia. Tebay, Frank L., Euclid. Teeters, Joseph C. Hopewell. Teldon, Henry, Philadelphia. Telesha, Peter, Throop. Terizi, Efstratios, East Pittsburgh. Thayer, Samuel H., Bellevue. Thebes, Henry R., New Bloomfield. Thomas, Collins Daniel, Smethport. Thomas, Frank Monroe, West Chester. Thomas, Mike, Clairton. Thomas, Roy A., Harrisburg. Thorns, Harry, Grafton. Tielsch, Carl W., Johnsonburg. Timmins, Edward C., Shenandoah. Timoney, James F., Minooka. Tipton, Merl D., Martinsburg. Tisdel, George W., Taylor. Titzel, Frank H., Harrisburg. Todd, Harold C., Norristown. Todd, Harry S., Lancaster. Tomasco, John F., Hays. Toolan, Daniel F., Carbondale. Torco, John, Philadelphia. Tosh, William, Ligonier. Tower, Joseph S., Springboro. Traffican, Benjamin, Philadelphia. Traver, William A., Waymart. Trella, Andrew F., Brisbin. Trimble, William O., Newberry. Tripoli, Santo, McKeesport. Trombetta, James, Philadelphia. Trorana, Camillo, New Castle. Trout, Ira K., Leaman Place. Troutman, William, Sharon. Trowbridge, Clyde W., Mehoopany. Troxell, George E., Gallitzin. Troxell, John F., Lykens. Tumas, Anthony Felix, Philadelphia. Tunilo, Alex., Scranton. Tunno, Samuel, Pittsburgh. Turkan, Albert A., Phildelphia. Turner, Abram L., Royersford. Turner, George A., Phildelphia. Turner, Samuel, Philadelphia. Twardoski, William, Eynon. Tye, Ralph, Nanticoke. Ul, Stanislaw, Erie. Ulanofsky, Morris, Aliquippa. Ulrich, John A., Philadelphia. Umbenhouer, Earl D., Reading. Usner, Issac L., New Holland. Valent, Paul, Lansford. Valentin, Galop, Reed. Vail, Neal, Philadelphia. Valiani, Albert, New Eagle. Vallance, George, Philadelphia. Valles, Antonio, Sharon. Valasco, Caso, Pittsburgh. Van Buskirk, Forty Fort. Vanhorn, Raymond, Dorranceton. Van Luvanee, Joseph A., Dresher. Vannear, Charles H., Somerset. Van Why, Jefferson, East Stroudsburg. Varmecky, John, Johnstown. Vasella, Joseph, Philadelphia. Vellizen, Joseph, Old Forge. Veton, Jacob, Philadelphia. Vetrona, Michele, Philadelphia. Vigilianese, Carmelo, Milnseville. Vincent, David C., Franklin. Viscusi, Girolamo, Philadelphia. Visosky, John, Scranton. Vittariello, Giovanni, Carnegie. Vock, Frank L., York. Vodzak, Joseph Mike, Barnesboro. Vogel, Oliver, Brackenridge. Volpe, Alexander, Philadelphia. Vottero, Anthony, Trevorton. Vrlenich, Nick, McKees Rock. Wachowiak, John, Shamokin. Waddell, William F., Pleasantville. Wade, William D., Conestoga. Wagner, Stanley L., Sheffield. Waidler, William F., Sheridan. Wainwright, Edgar E. Clifton, St. Marys. Waite, John A., Bellefonte. Wakessewski, Jos., Philadelphia. Walker, Arther B., Indiana. Walker, Riley A., Altoona. Wallace, Joseph V., Kingstown. Wallace, Sam'l, West Philadelphia. Wallace, Truman A., Atglen. Walleigh, Harry R., Chester Spgs. Walls, William J., Philadelphia. Walsh, Charles, Hazzard. Walter, John G., Lancaster. Walters, Otto J., Pittsburgh. Walters, Thomas, Tresckow. Waltz, Harry Franklin, Enola. Wampler, Allan J., McKeesport. Wanicki, Pioter, Ford City. Wankmiller, Frank, Philadelphia. Wansie, Daniel J., Kulpmont. Ward, James A., Philadelphia. Warner, Clarence Edward, Scranton. Warner, Clayton D., Seven Valleys. Warner, Herman V., Hastings. Warren, Arlo B., Union City. Warsewicz, Peter A., Mount Carmel. Waskaeric, Tony, South Fork. Washinskie, Andrew, Shenandoah. Wasser, Levy N., Greenville. Waters, David, New Castle. Waters, Floyd E., Susquehanna. Watkins, Eugene G., Bristol. Watson, Albert A., Colwyn. Watson, Charles E., Philadelphia. Watson, Robert, Ikerman. Watson, Walter W., Broad Top. Watt, Ernest Franklin, Warren. Watters, William J., Washington. Watts, James W., Latrobe. Waychoff, Francis Marion, Waynesburg. Weaver, Charles, Reading. Weaver, David Guy, Punxsutawney. Weaver, Parker W., Dillsburg. Webber, Raymond L., Lititz. Weber, George John, Philadelphia. Webster, Herbert L., Tioga. Webster, Thomas S., Philadelphia. Weible, William, Altoona. Weigel, Alonza L., Allegheny. Weigle, Yilliam H., Mertztown. Weikel, Henry A., Shamokin. Weiler, Ralph E., Hanover. Weise, Richard J., Philadelphia. Weist, Gurney F., Natalie. Weitmyer, Charles Edward, Harrisburg. Welch, Elsworth E., Dallas. Welchko, John, Puritan. Weldner, Walter L., Pottstown. Welizareff, Angel, Wirtz. Wells, Walter, Philadelphia. Wesling, Raymond Walter, Clarendon. Welsh, John H., Philadelphia. Wenlock, Clarence, Philadelphia. Wentling, John A., Chambersburg. Werley, Leland S., Macungie. Werner, Calvin E., Meyersdale. Werner, Wade Charles, Norristown. Wernikove, Lous, Philadelphia. Wertman, James A., Bloomsburg. Wessner, William L., Catasauqua. Westerman, Frank E., South Pittsburgh. Westfall, John Elmer, Mechanicsburg. Wetherson, Lynn, Spangler. Wetzel, Louis Sherman, Jeddo. Weyersberg, Walter Philadelphia. Whaley, Robert A., Philadelphia. Wharton, Joseph, Olyphant. Wheaton, Arlie E., Westfield. White, Francis M., Lakewood. White, Ray, Hopwood. White, Robert K., Parnasus. White, Willard, Center Bridge. Whitehill, Leonard L., Washington. Whitehill, Milo C., Kingsville. Whitesides, Thomas E., Springdale. Whitson, George F., Philadelphia. Whiteman, Franklin L., Williamsport. Weigland, Walter J., Philadelphia. Wikowski, Kazimierz, Pittsburgh. Wilcox, Robert C., Wellsboro. Wildfier, Joseph, Kersey. Wildrick, Joseph, Wyalusing. Wiley, Elmer L., Hunter Run. Williams, Ernest, Canton. Williams, John J., Nazareth. Williams, Joseph A., Gettysburg. Williams, Mansell C., Charleroi. Willimas, Maurice B., Altoona. Williams, Owen J., Slatington. Williams, Raymond O., Johnstown. Williams, Robert H., Andover. Williams, Theodore R., Kingston. Williamson, Alexander, Boardman. Willard, Earl E., Shamokin. Willig, Carl, McKeesport. Willinsky, Anthony, Morgan. Willits, Anson W., Linden. Willyoung, Frederick B., Franklin. Wilsher, William S., Carnegie. Wilson, Boyd E., Meadow Lands. Wilson, Clair, Harmonsburg. Wilson, Curtis J., Hawley. Wilson, John Walter, Carlisle. Wilson, Robert P., Oliver. Wilson, Robert P., Pittsburgh. Wilson, Thomas R., Noblestown. Windsor, Charles C., Philadelphia. Wine, William E., Philadelphia. Wingert, Jacob H., Chambersburg. Winiewicz, Stanley, Pittsburgh. Winkeltau, Ernest H., Pittsburgh. Winnett, Robert V., Speers. Wise, John M., Delta. Wise, Roy C., Lykens. Winsler, Andrew, Uniontown. Wissinger, Chalmers, Creekside. Withers, Harry William, York. Withey, Ralph, Bloomsburg. Witsil, Earle C., Philadelphia. Wnorovsky, John, Pittsburgh. Woife, Horace J., Philadelphia. Wolff, Fred E., Greentown. Wood, Fred E., McKeesport. Wood, George R., Point Pleasant. Woodley, Uriah, Cardington. Wooding, Frank E., West Decatur. Woods, Harry Charles, Apollo. Woodward, Richard P., West Chester. Woodworth, Ray, Cochranton. Woomer, Nathan C., Tyrone. Worrell, Charles E., Boothwyn. Worthington, Frank E., Frankford. Wright, Oliver E., Pittsburgh. Wrigley, Charles E., Philadelphia. Wyoitka, Antonio, Philadelphia. Yabloskerski, Joseph, Scranton. Yannuzzi, Giuseppe, Philadelphia. Yarasunas, John, Scranton. Yasulevch, Charles, Lyon. Yates, Clement, Philadelphia. Yeager, John, Oil City. Yeager, Peter, Turtle Creek. Yehle, Joseph O., Philadelphia. Yerger, Warren, Pottstown. Yingling, Harry R., Hanover. Yocum, Elmer S., Pine Grove. Yoder, Charles O., Cowan. Yoders, Russel K., Waynesburg. Yohe, John W., Latrobe. Yohoda, Peter, Rowan. Yoos, Harry E., Pottstown. Yost, Frank T., Pottsville. Young, Adolph L., Philadelphia. Young, Carl L., New Brighton. Young, Earl M., Jersey Shore. Young, Francis E., Pittsburgh. Young, Wibur B., Duquesne. Yusilaylka, Silverton, Scranton. Zabloskey, John F., Shamokin. Zack, Peter, Philadelphia. Zahniser, Norman M., Waynesburg. Zakszewsky, Zurgmund, Ferrell. Zaner, Ernest, Dushore. Zarnoski, Joseph J., Olyphant. Zasofsky, Benjamin, Johnstown. Zboran, Joseph, Dunkin. Zeiders, Oliver A., Linglestown. Zele, Samuel, Summit Hill. Zerbe, Jeremiah, Lebanon. Zidao, Frank, Latrobe. Zeigler, Conrad W., Philadelphia. Zimmerman, George W., Millmont. Zimmerman, Lester L., Beaver Valley. Zinder, Paul, Catawissa. Zinkand, John, Columbia. Zippay, Michael, Charleroi. Zmudzinski, John B., Pittsburgh. Zoloyle, Henry J., Blair Station. Zonbek, John, Beaver Falls. DIED OF DISEASE Major Glasppey, Rexford Mason, Harrisburg. Captains Bedingfield, John J., Philadelphia. Chrisman, Joseph C., St. Peters. Detchon, Benjamin C., Pittsburgh. Gordon, Robert Fullerton, West Philadelphia. Guilfoyle, William F., Philadelphia. McGill, Arthur H., Newcastle. Parson, Russell C., Ambridge. Rogers, Elton B., Gap. Lieutenants Amon, Frank O., Greenville. Armstrong, Angus Griffin, Franklin. Arnold, Floyd E., Anthens. Baxter, Leon, Emporium. Cochran, Garrett A., Williamsport. Dubs, Valentine E., Philadelphia. Fanning, Winthrop C., Altoona. Fisher, James P., Williow Grove. Fleming, Frank Riddle, Franklin. Frick, William W., Sewickley. Graham, Paul D., Cochranton. Henry, Edward G., Oil City. Hoverter, Clarence E., Jamestown. Huff, Burrell R., Greensburg. Hyde, Charles, Sewickley. Kerr, John C., Pittsburgh. Kreamer, Wilbur Conrad, Jerseytown. Martin, William J., Wilkinsburg. McCarthy, Daniel Frederick, Bradford. Mort, John L., Fannetsburg. Morton, William T., Wilkinsburg. Needham, Elmer J., Philadelphia. Paull, James D., Pittsburgh. Royce, Edward G., Philadelphia. Stephens, Wm. Earl, Philadelphia. Von Goodat, Nicholas, Lykens. Walsh, Thomas C., Scranton. Walter, George L., jr., Pittsburgh. Second Lieutenant Lague, Frank C., Philadelphia. Chaplains Bell, Albert D., Gettysburg. Magee, Francis, Nanticoke. Master Engineers Anderson, L. E., Millsboro. McCausland, Harry, East Philadelphia. Mingle, Ray C., Philadelphia. Battalion Sergeant Major Klingensmith, John M., Greensburg. Sergeant Majors Garrett, Clinton H., Strickersville. Herkert, Robert A., Philadelphia. Jackson, Jay A., Pittsburgh. Murphy, John Henry, Philadelphia. Snelsire, Joseph A., Pittsburgh. Sergeants Abrams, Albert L., Philadelphia. Andrews, John J., Lilly. Baker, Nicodemus P., Garret. Belles, Arthur H., Berwick. Berkelbach, Roy Gilbert, Latrobe. Bierka, Stanley, Kingston. Bigelow, Perry S., North East. Billig, Luther C., Numidia. Boswell, Granville C., Pittsburgh. Caldwell, George S., Catasauqua. Callahan, Sylvester W., Greenville. Cataldo, Frank Clinton, Philadelphia. Confer, Claude L., Galeton. Connolly, James F., Minooka. Cooney, John Michael, Philadelphia. Coutry, Leo J., Lewistown. Cox, Percy D., Salladasburg. Dallas, Leonard Gibson, Kennett Square. Dempsey, John Aloysius, Philadelphia. Devlin, Francis J., Pittsburgh. Dickerson, George Francis, Philadelphia. Duff, Alaster W., Mahaffy. Duggan, Arthur J., Bradford. Ely, Stanley E., Broadway. Emmons, Joe O., Millville. Evatt, Humphrey L., New Kensington. Farrell, James J., Parsons. Ferner, Stuart P., Johnstown. Fessenden, Guy A., Easton. Fischer, John J., Philadelphia. Forbes, Jerry, Philadelphia. Fulton, Frank, McKeesport. Geesey, William F., Dallastown. Gibson, Edgar, Kittanning. Golden, John J., Philadelphia. Grandiske, Frank, Philadelphia. Griffin, Gerald George, Westfield Grim, Warren, South Bethlehem. Hanrahan, Stephen J., Philadelphia. Haugh, Leo J., Pittsburgh. Hay, Harry S., Pittsburgh. Higgins, Matthew J., Jr., Philadelphia. Holladay, Harry, Phildelphia. Hopkins, Robert P., Carbondale. Houston, Joseph A., Olyphant. Hull, Ivan Hughes, Ambridge. Hunter, George G., Philadelphia. Johnson, Ray E., Harrisburg. Johnson, Russel, Philadelphia. Jones, Samuel J., Jr., Elizabeth. Kelly, Christopher W., Philadelphia. Krapp, John E., Lancaster. Lacey, Walter J., Pittsburgh. Lauer, John B., McPherson. Law, Malcolm P., Kingston. Lee, Harry W., Mars. Loyd, Wilson, Chester. MacDonald, Hugh D., Bustleton. MacSparran, William T., Germantown. Majilton, George H., Yeadon. Malsberger, William W., Pottstown. Mansberger, Earle A., Franklin. McAndrews, Thomas F., Luzerne. McAneny, James P., Philadelphia. McCann, Thomas J., Philadelphia. Melody, Howard B., Lansdowne. Morrow, Byron, West Pittston. Neel, Harold P., Pittsburgh. Nelson, Ernest L., Covington. Newhouse, William L., Beatty. Paul, Archibald, S., Jr., Philadelphia. Peckham, Homer L., Scranton. Peterson, Ralph E., Phillipsburg. Quinn, Thomas J., Renovo. Quinn, William F., Philadelphia. Raybould, Daniel W., Philadelphia. Redmond, Clint, Mercer. Reed, Frederick R., Lewistown. Richards, Joseph Clifford, Wilkinsburg. Rodgers, Norman L., Pittsburgh. Ross, John M., Philadelphia. Rothaar, Frank H., Pittsburgh. Rubright, John D., Neffs. Sibel, William, Philadelphia. Simmonds, Phillip, Philadelphia. Smail, Forest Franklin, Kane. Spengler, David P., Easton. Steen, Joseph M., Bellevue. Stork, James L., Philadelphia. Strayer, Harry E., York. Stuart, Robert B., Sugar Grove. Sykes, Edmund R., Allentown. Trankle, Norman J., Plymouth Meeting. Throsh, Franklin B., Oil City. Turner, Carl S., Princeton. Winter, Albert Bacon, Zelienople. Wolf, Lee E., Williamsport. Wolf, Steve, Adelaide. Zaun, Jacob, Philadelphia. Zimmerman, Homer D., Bellefonte. Corporals Barshinger, Baline B., Marysville. Bartlett, Raymond O., Montgomery. Bean, Charles W., Reading. Bennett, Harry, Wilkes-Barre. Berfield, Dee N., Dubois. Bitzer, Robert E., Easton. Blanejewski, Steve, Pittsburgh. Bolton, James Harry, Bristol. Buhse, A., Williamsport. Carr, William E., Phoenixville. Colhouer, Samuel R., Castle Shannon. Conner, Mahlon W., East Brady. Cotner, Charles Clinton, Danvil. Coughlin, Francis A., Archibald. Coughlin, Frank, Shaffer. Crawford, William W., Kane. Curry, Crawford M., Johnstown. Day, Steever R., Millersburg. Decker, Calvin W., Philadelphia. Deiter, Amos E., Tremont. Dempsey, Edward, J., Mildred. Dornhiem, George M., Scranton. Duffy, Charles H., Philadelphia. Durbin, Raplh D., Wind Ridge. Durkin, Lew William, Shamokin. Eaton, Charles A., Murdockville. Farabaugh, Water D., Carrollton. Fedor, Martin Julius, Portage. Ferguson, Robert J., Philadelphia. Ferry, Alphonsus, Philadelphia. Fisher, John, Philadelphia. Ford, George V., New Eagle. Fornwalt, Paul J., Hokendauqua. Fox, Harry L., Philadelphia. Geizer, William D., Philadelphia. Genslider, Ada, Harrisburg. Gill, Wilbur Throop. Glaser, Andrew G., Philadelphia. Gochenauer, William R., West Chambersburg. Haldeman, Donald M., Johnstown. Harris, Walter W., Scranton. Hause, Elwood C., Driftwood. Havens, Coleman R., Glenside. Hennessey, William J., Philadelphia. Hermann, Paul M., Philadelphia. Hess, Truman S., Easton. Hewson, Robert J., Jr., Philadelphia. Hightower, Onan, Philadelphia. Hickey, Robert D., Philadelphia. Hurd, Charles E., Boswell. Jackson, John M., Greenville. Jackson, Leroy, Uniontown. Joy, William J., Hazelhurst. Jumper, Ralph M., Carlisle. King, Langston, Chester. Kinzler, Ernest J., Philadelphia. Kirk, Harold H., Wycombe. Kirstein, Theodore, Mount Oliver. Lamb, Joseph G., Philadelphia. Lanning, Ellsworth Vernon, Kane. Lee, Nelson, Pen Argyl. Lees, John, Johnstown. Leible, Jules, Philadelphia. Leitch, C. Russel, Quakertown. Longacre, Edward, Norristown. McCrory, Arthur, Philadelphia. McDaid, Thomas E., Phildelphia. Mack, James D., Leechburg. Maguire, Joseph J., Philadelphia. Maher, Edward F., Philadelphia. Malone, Edward J., Philadelphia. Maruchella, Ferdinado, Philadelphia. Mastin, Howard D., Ulysses. McCann, Frank J., Pittsburgh. McCormley, William E., Blair Station. McDaid, Thomas E., Philadelphia. McKee, Joseph L., Philadelphia. McMillin, Miles, Vandergrift. Miller, Frederick E., Philadelphia. Miller, Harry W., Carbondale. Mitchell, Stephen D., Pottsville. Mortimer, Guy W., Palo Alto. Motiska, Walter E., Old Forge. Murtagh, Michael, Philadelphia. Neiswinter, John Morritz, Ashland. Nelson, Harry C., Philadelphia. Nevil, Stewart K., Stroudsburg. Nonnweiler, Joseph, Lehighton. O'Brien, Henry John, Bradford. O'Neill, James P., Scranton. Osborne, Clary, McKeesport. Ottenbacher, Charles, South Bethlehem. Pasant, Joseph, Philadelphia. Pearson, Arthur, Terrace. Phillips, Walt L., Pine Bank. Pollock, Robert H., Philadelphia. Rawlings, Charles M., Peckville. Read, Joseph A., Wilkes-Barre. Reichert, H. D., Philadelphia. Rhodes, Walter Scott, Royer. Rodibaugh, William, Pittsburgh. Rolls, Ben, West Pike. Ross, Paul Ebur, Lebanon. Ryan, Joseph P. Dunmore. Ryder, Anthony, Altoona. Scanlon, John A., Philadelphia. Schlaseman, Guy A., Pottsville. Schmucker, Paul J., Pittsburgh. Schneider, John J., Duncott. Scholl, Grover, Snyder. Seal, Harold H., Washington. Searson, Ralph Waldo, Mifflinburg. Sharrar, Thomas A., Evans City. Skilton, Edwin M., Lafayette Hill. Skubic, Charles, Forst City. Small, James C., Pittsburgh. Smith, Fred H., Scranton. Smith, Hugh L., Phoenixville. Smith, James M., Parkesburg. Smith, Leighton V., Easton. Smith, Samuel, Scranton. Snyder, George Frederick, Slippery Rock. Steele, John W., Shamokin. Stockdill, Thomas M., New Bethlehem. Teter, Horace E., Philadelphia. Thomas, Harry H., Philadelphia. Thompson, Howard J., Johnstown. Tracy, Leroy S., Philadelphia. Vanderlin, Victor P., Butler. Walters, Richard J., Minerva Mills. Warren, Arthur J., Philadelphia. White, Manuel H., Uniontown. Wolf, George A., Philadelphia. Yertzell, Oscar K., Philadelphia. Yetter, Conrad, Pittsburgh. Yost, Charles J., Altoona. Buglers Davis, Harry F., Philadelphia. Lehle, Fred J., Altoona. McClain, Harry, Philadelphia. Prandie, Frank E., Philadelphia. Ryan, John A., Cambridge Springs. Cooks Achterman, Edward, Philadelphia. Altpeter, Elias U., Irwin. Becker, Lloyd S., Spring Grove. Breitinger, Charles P., McKeyson. Cavanaugh, Andrew A., Wilkes-Barre. Fisher, William, Norristown. Hackett, Charles H., Middlebury Center. Killion, Charles L., Irvona. Kohl, Vincent H., Reading. Kraft, George M., Pittston. Linkhauer, Albert J., Duquesne. Mebius, Alvin H., Philadelphia. Melvin, Frank J., Philadelphia. Mullen, Martin A., Pittsburgh. O'Connell, Dennis F., Birchardville. Rupert, E. W., Saltsburg. Saylor, George F., Sligo. Shackelford, John M., Wilkensburg. Smakto, Mike J., Alton. Stange, Leonard J., Philadelphia. Swoards, Robert A., Reading. Ullrich, Wade S., Lewistown. Vauthier, Camille, Pittsburgh. Wagner, John, Philadelphia. Warensford, Elmer L., Bridgeville. Horseshoer Aschenbach, Frank B., Hamburg. Mechanics Brown, Irvin H., Lewisburg. Crusan, Jesse M., Blairsville. Dugan, Walter Sanford, Philadelphia. Flynn, William J., Connellsville. Granese, Paul, Eddystone. Heidler, Joseph John, Pittsburgh. Herrmann, John G., Philadelphia. Scott, Luther H., Bendersville. Skal, John, Lyndora. Stoops, Charles W., Midvale. Musicicans Bodder, Raymond W., Bethlehem. Handel, Harry L., West Newton. Jablonowski, Zygmond, Philadelphia. West, Albert J., Pittston. Nurses Fairchild, Helen, Watsontown. McMullen, Anna Marie, Allentown. Ward, Nellie J., West Philadelphia. Watkins, Gladys, Shickshinny. White, Marion H., West Philadelphia. Yochelson, Esther, McKeesport. Red Cross Commissioner Winpensy, Marshall S., Merion Station. Saddler Sinton, Luther E., Danville. Secretary Rieble, Frank J., Pittsburgh. Wagoners Acker, Lloyd D., Allentown. Anderson, Jay D., Beaver. Ashton, Daniel Earnest, New Castle. Bates, Clement C., Jamestown. Brown, George W., Hyde Park. Cleary, Thomas J., Beaver Falls. Deemer, Robert G., Lebanon. Flynn, John J., Philadelphia. Godshalk, Albert F., Bangor. Green, Marion M., Palmerton. Hahle, Claude W., Richardsville. Hays, Robert G., Etters Post Office. Hikes, John L., Pine Grove. Jacobs, John G., Barnesboro. McCollough, William A., Easton. McFarland, Paul Kennerdell, Pittsburgh. Miller, Robert Bruce, Dillsburg. Neeley, Calvin G., Hollidaysburg. Nevel, George, Dallas. Null, Clyde Ralph, Jeanette. O'Hara, James E., Lansdale. Phillips, Ellery T., Shickshinney. Porter, Jesse, Elkins Park. Rodgers, Walter D., Greensboro. Ryan, Joseph A., Lansdowne. Smith, John E., Oil City. Specht, Charles R., Emporium. Trescott, Lee P., Fairmount Springs. Urich, Ira I., Myerstown. Valentine, John N., Jr., Vandergrift. Privates Abel, Wilton, Wrightsville. Ackerman, Paul H., Pottsville. Adams, Hiram, Phildelphia. Adams, Samuel M., Knox. Addis, Thomas A., Sharon. Afiliano, Pasquale, Philadelphia. Ahrens, Harry C., York. Alcope, Otto, Philadelphia. Alexander, William L., Wyomissing. Allen, Floyd, Scranton. Amedick, Frank J., Pittsburgh. Amrhine, Frank E., Philadelphia. Anders, Samuel K., Norristown. Anderson, Carl A., Warren. Anderson, Charles F., Pittsburgh. Anderson, Harry W., Philadelphia. Anderson, William C., McAdoo. Angell, Ernest, Knoxville. Appleman, Clyde E., Roaring Springs. Armes, Nelson J., Sonestown. Armesworthy, James, B., Pittsburgh. Arnwine, Jacob P., Danville. Arter, Walter, Pittsburgh. Ashwell, William C., Shippensburg. Atkins, Clarence H., Pittsburgh. Atkins, Sterl G., Kinzua. Auchenbach, Harry H., Philadelphia. Aurand, Earl E., Harrisburg. Aurndt, Harry L., Lewisburg. Babatino, Benjamin, Chester. Bailey, Walter M., Wilkinsburg. Bain, Joseph, Philadelphia. Bair, Chester Harris, Bridgeton. Baird, Joseph A., Philadelphia. Baker, Donald D., Washington. Baker, Frank W., Penn Station. Balasone, Pasquale, Philadelphia. Banks, Luther, Everett. Barnasconi, Raymond H., Sunbury. Barrett, Judson A., Kerrmoor. Barrett, William Timothy, Philadelphia. Barry, Edward R., Forty Fort. Bartholomew, Raymond V., Fullerton. Bartholomew, William H., Tatamy. Bason, Clement, Nescopeck. Bateman, Russell L., Wilkensburg. Bauer, George H., Philadelphia. Bauer, Martin L., Spring City. Beatty, Robert P., Sharon. Beck, Oscar W., Fredericksburg. Beck, William H., Dover. Behrman, Arthur M., Elkland. Beiseigel, Howard E., Philadelphia. Bellissimo, Antonio, Pittsburgh. Bender, William Clement, Easton. Bender, Roy, Dawson. Benischeck, Clem M., Roxboro. Bennett, Bert E., Jackson Summit. Bennett, William E., Pittsburgh. Benz, John C., Conshohocken. Berger, John, Pinegrove. Berger, Richard C., Locust Gap. Bernard, Nick, McKeesport. Betcher, George S., Ellison Park. Betz, Harry F., Pottsville. Bezilla, John Zacharus, Barnesboro. Biegda, Frank M., Nanticoke. Biemer, John H., Meadville. Bieri, Otto J., Philadelphia. Bill, Joseph, Grand Valley. Bill, Monroe C., Bethlehem. Billera, Vincenzo, Norristown. Bingner, Robert E., Berlin. Black, John, Chicora. Black, William A., Broad Top. Blackburn, Fred, Everett. Blackton, William H., Pottsville. Blockus, Joseph, Hanlock Creek. Bohannon, John P., Port Carbon. Bolin, William Aloysius, Pittston. Bolte, Raymond, Philadelphia. Boosel, Ralph L., Chicora. Booth, Earl Ellis, Marcus Hook. Borgeson, Ernest A., Troy. Boring, Hilton E., Huff. Borucki, Anthony V., Philadelphia. Bottorf, Dean W., Millhall. Bowser, Ernest R., Summerfield. Bowser, Golden, New Bethlehem. Boyce, Joseph L., Pittston. Boyer, Raymond C., West Reading. Boyer, Robert P., Pottstown. Brady, William J., Pittsburgh. Brague, James F., Towanda. Brame, Walter S., Aspers. Brander, John, Mauch Chunk. Breidenfield, John, Philadelphia. Brennan, William, Luzerne. Brice, Richmond M., Ford City. Brickley, Herman R., Montgomery. Brightbill, James W., Harrisburg. Brinker, Charles W., Greensburg. Brogan, William, Wilkes-Barre. Brogley, Howard A., Reading. Bronstein, Benjamin, Philadelphia. Brooks, Thomas, Philadelphia. Brosnahan, Frank, Emlenton. Brown, Herman W., Pottsville. Brown, Ira A., Corsica. Brown, James M., Shippensburg. Brown, Norman B., Ardmore. Brown, Raymond G., Alden Station. Brown, William B., Shinglehouse. Brownrigg, Frank, Ford City. Bruce, Joseph E., Pittsburgh. Bruch, Winfield S., Honesdale. Bruno, Guiseppe, Philadelphia. Brunson, Frank, Pittsburgh. Brussock, Peter, Edwardsville. Bryan, Elmer, Millvale. Buchanan, Frank H., Emerson. Buckius, William, Philadelphia. Budenstein, Isadore, Philadelphia. Bulet, William W., Clifton Heights. Bullock, Andy, Pittsburgh. Burgeson, Nels B., Titusville. Burke, Enos W., Steelton. Burke, John J., Mahoney City. Burke, William P., Broad Axe. Burkhouse, John A., Beaver Township. Burtch, Charles R., Port Allegany. Burwell, Eugene, Homestead. Bush, Frank M., East Stroudsburg. Butler, Thomas B., Wilkes-Barre. Butler, William F., Lancaster. Butler, William L., Lancaster. Button, Archie H., New Milford. Butzko, Leo, Kulpmont. Byrne, Miles P., Philadelphia. Byrne, Robert Edward, Butler. Cadden, Patrick J., Scranton. Calabro, Santo, Barnesboro. Callahan, James M., Philadelphia. Calvert, Arden E., Charleroi. Campbell, Guerney Haven, Williamstown. Canserano, Basilio, Philadelphia. Cantz, Edward J., Philadelphia. Caralli, Lorenzo, Greensburg. Carbey, William J., Philadelphia. Carboni, Guiseppe, Harrisburg. Carey, Thomas, Pittsburgh. Carlis, William J., Ebervale. Carns, Andrew G., Ligonier. Carr, Bernard A., Philadelphia. Carr, John W., Philadelphia. Carr, Rehl H., Sheffield. Carter, Edward, Homestead. Carter, Francis, M., Morganza. Carter, William, Philadelphia. Cartwright, James E., Moshanon. Casey, Harry Martin, Philadelphia. Cassatt, Charles Thomas, Gettysburg. Casselia, Pietro, Carnegie. Cassels, George H., Philadelphia. Castauro, Francesco, Pittsburgh. Cato, Ira J., Williamsport. Cauvel, Herman C., Cherrytree. Cavan, George L., Wilkes-Barre. Chamberlain, Carl B., Philadelphia. Chapman, Steven M., Corry. Charles, Alfred V., Scranton. Chessman, Walter E., Bradford. Christ, Martin C., Wilkes-Barre. Cieslicki, Waclaw, Erie. Clancy, Harry M., Meadville. Clark, Wesley J., Fredonia. Clark, William J., Sarvia. Clarke, James, J., Johnstown. Clendenin, Jacob C., Mechanicsburg. Cleo, William, Glen Richey. Coccia, Alphonso, Philadelphia. Colabaugh, Robert E., Stroudsburg. Cole, Elmer E., Clearfield. Cole, William C., Pittsburgh. Coleman, Ernest, Philadelphia. Coleman, Samuel H., Delmont. Coleman, Willis R., Mowersville. Colleo, Domenico, Philadelphia. Collier, Francis A., Philadelphia. Collins, Frank T., Philadelphia. Collins, James E., Shamokin. Collins, Joseph B., Philadephia. Cominsky, Jacob S., Wilkes-Barre. Comport, Thomas, New Brighton. Conkey, William M., Avoca. Conley, Charles T., Marbeth. Connerton, John F., Mount Carmel. Connolly, John F., Minooka. Conroy, Michael J., Pittsburgh. Consorte, Angelo, Mohoney City. Cool, Charles J., Wilkes-Barre. Cooper, Henry A., Pittsburgh. Cooper, John, Mahoney City. Copola, Vito, Dunmore. Corrigan, Charles J., Philadelphia. Cosgrove, James T., Pittsburgh. Costello, John Aloysius, Philadelphia. Coucill, Ernest J., Windber. Coughlin, Timothy J., Erie. Courtwright, John, McCracken. Cox, Clifton, Philadelphia. Coxon, Harry A., Frackville. Coyle, Joseph A., Philadelphia. Craig, Richard J., Oil City. Crawford, Lloyd D., Dushore. Cricks, Edward, Frances Kensington. Crispin, George F., Strattonville. Criswell, Charles J., Cochranville. Crossen, Joseph A., Philadelphia. Cubler, Raymond J., Philadelphia. Cucinotta, Pantalione, Philadelphia. Cummins, John A., Washington. Cunning, George, New Brighton. Cupps, Thomas N., West Bridgewater. Curran, Edward, Minersville. Curry, Chester A., Kerrmoor. Curry, James F., Frackville. Cutler, Frank D., Gold. Dalamont, Frank, Reading. Dale, Theodore O., Scranton. Daley, James F., Old Forge. Dallas, John M., Philadelphia. Daly, Edward J., Philadelphia. Danatelli, Antonio, Dunmore. Daniel, Stiney, Mahoney City. Darcy, Patrick A., Braddock. Darr, George E., Star Junction. Daubert, Samuel, Easton. Daul, Joseph Thomas, Philadelphia. Davis, Albert, Jefferson. Davis, George L., Oil City. Davis, Lloyd C., Redwood. Davis, Samuel, Locust Gap. De Alessandi, Guiseppe, Philadelphia. Dean, Anthony F., Lost Creek. Decesaris, Jermano, Philadelphia. De Coursey, Amos L., Erie. Dedmominicis, Aris Aido, Langeloth. Dehart, Charles M., Reynoldsville. Dehart, Leroy, Elementon. Dehner, Earl N., Grainer. Deise, Torrence H., Millhall. Deisley, Thomas S., Lancaster. Deitrick, Harold H., Montoursville. Deland, Norris J., Philadelphia. Delaney, John J., Pottsville. Delaney, William J., Carbondale. Delvin, Vincent J., Branchdale. Demmy, Harry E., Lebanon. Dempsey, Frank E., Emporium. Denegre, Paul, Lansdowne. Detrick, Wayne, Strattonville. Devlin, Charles J., Philadelphia. Devore, George, Altoona. Dewey, George, Carlton. Dewyer, James F., Weedville. Dicarlo, Altobrando, Pottsville. Di Cesare, Nicola, Pittsburgh. Dickson, Wallace C., Wayne. Dierken, Lloyd D., Chicora. Dietz, Warren B., York. Dignam, John J., Philadelphia. Dillman, Raymond F., Schuykill. Dills, Horace K., Honesdale. Di Lullo, Michael, Philadelphia. Dimaio, Filippo, Jeanette. Di Nardo, John M., Philadelphia. Dinkel, Charles F., Columbia. Di Prinzio, Donato, Philadelphia. Distazio, John, South Bethlehem. Ditazio, John, South Bethlehem. Ditterline, Charles S., Lehighton. Dixon, Frank, Shenandoah. Dixon, William M., East Lemon. Dochney, Frank X., Mahoney City. Dolfo, Anthony, Philadelphia. Dommel, Charles, Lancaster. Donaghy, Joseph H., Philadelphia. Donahue, Joseph M., Mahoney City. Donald, George, Philadelphia. Donley, David D., Lancaster. Donnelly, William, Philadelphia. Donovan, Daniel W., Towanda. Dooling, Patrick J., Shenandoah. Dougherty, Bernard J., Lancaster. Dougherty, Charles J., Philadelphia. Dougherty, George A., Pittsburgh. Dougherty, James M., Reading. Dougherty, Joseph S., Pittsburgh. Douglass, Roy A., East Smithport. Dowling, William F., Connellsville. Doyle, John J., Ernest. Draper, Arthur M., Philadelphia. Driscoll, John H., New Castle. Drop, Paul, Clarice. Duffield, Clyde, Sharon Hill. Duffy, Eugene A., Archbald. Dunis, Antonio, Philadelphia. Dunlap, Harry D., Lopez. Dunlap, Ralph L., Pine Grove Mills. Dussinger, James B., Lancaster. Earhart, E. M., Saltsburg. Ebberson, John, Jr., Sugar Notch. Eberly, Noran W., Lititz. Edge, William C., Whitford. Edgren, Claus R., Munson. Edwards, Clerence M., Parkers Landing. Egerter, John, Philadelphia. Egolf, Norman K., Souderton. Ehni, John H., Pittsburgh. Eicher, Clyde N., Keffer. Eike, Earl, Scranton. Eisenhower, Charles E., Reading. Eisenhower, Edward, Valley View. Eisweirth, Louis Bernard, Erie. Elliott, Charles F., Philadelphia. Elliott, Clarence, West Middlesex. Elliott, George, White Deer. Ellis, Francis B., Monongahela. Ellison, Henry A., Wellsboro. Ely, Harvey I., Fallsington. Emert, Russels, Summerset. Entsey, Orlo S., White. Epply, Harold V., Plainfield. Erch, David G., Weatherly. Erpert, Ike, Philadelphia. Eshelman, Daniel B., Lititz. Estess, John D., Oil City. Etzwielder, Henry, Halifax. Evans, Spencer M., Lititz. Evansha, John F., Freeman. Everhart, Percy R., Kittanning. Ewing, Charles R., Apollo. Exley, Harry, Pittsburgh. Exner, Walter J., Mauch Chunk. Faber, William C., Philadelphia. Falkner, William M., Sarver. Falls, Frank, Carnegie. Famuta, Joseph S., Wilkes-Barre. Farling, Robert R., Penbrook. Farmer, Sidney Eugene, Madison. Farr, Charles A., Chester. Farrell, Frederick M., West Chester. Fatzinger, William V., Allentown. Fauceglia, Paolo, Washington. Faunce, Wilmer, Philadelphia. Faust, Charles A., Danville. Fay, John P., Philadelphia. Fegely, Byron S., Trappe. Feldmann, William John, York. Felton, Guy L., Nicholson. Ferguson, John G., Windber. Ferke, John G., Drifton. Ferogunto, Nicolino, North Braddock. Ferriter, Joseph, Philadelphia. Fickeissen, Elmer W., Philadelphia. Finamore, Rizzerio, Bridgeport. Finan, Charles L., New Albany. Fink, Aden F., Hollidaysburg. Finn, Bernard, Philadelphia. Fisch, Frank J., Scranton. Fitzgerald, Harvey P., Philadelphia. Fitzgerald, Walter L., York. Fleischman, Charles, South Greensburg. Fleming, William, Jr., Philadelphia. Flores, George L., Bethlehem. Flynn, John A., Old Forge Borough. Focht, Clarence E., Huntington. Foebley, Edward F., Warren. Foggetta, Tomaso, Philadelphia. Folk, Milton H., Reading. Ford, Henry J., Philadelphia. Ford, James J., Philadelphia. Ford, John, Chester. Forejt, Frank, Mount Pleasant. Forsyth, David, Roscoe. Fort, Salvtore, South Bethlehem. Fortner, Harry E., Philadelphia. Frank, Charles, Philadelphia. Frederick, Samuel A., Indiana. Freedman, Nathan, Philadelphia. Frew, Alexander P., West Newton. Frew, Andrew, Punxutawney. Frey, Russell C., Allentown. Fromm, Henry S., Sinking Springs. Frommeyer, Cornelius, Pittsburgh. Fry, Kenneth E., Irwin. Frye, George D. W., Greensburg. Frymoyer, Harry S., Reading. Fuge, William C., Houtzdale. Fulkerson, Gus V., Frugality. Fulkrod, Samuel E., Williamsport. Fuller, Harry J., Philadelphia. Fulton, Guy K., New Cumberland. Funaro, Dominick, Pittsburgh. Furlow, Robert Emery, Lititz. Futcher, Arthur James, Philadelphia. Fye, Howard M., Lewistown. Gabrack, Miketar, Philadelphia. Gaghan, Joseph J., Shamokin. Gales, Edward, Pittsburgh. Gallagher, Patrick H., Scranton. Gallup, Claire B., Colegrove. Gangauare, Granville J., Lansford. Gannon, Earl F., Lebanon. Gardella, John J., Forest City. Gardner, Frank E., Idaville. Gardner, Joseph M., Wayne. Garman, Robert H., Thompsontown. Garofale, Nick, Sharpsburg. Garraty, Edward I., Philadelphia. Garraway, Harry R., Wampum. Gates, John G., Tyrone. Gavan, Frank M., Philadelphia. Gazzara, John, Philadelphia. Geake, Thomas R., Bangor. Geary, Charles R., Hamburg. Geaver, Michael J., Philadelphia. Gebert, Linford B., Springmount. Gehman, Harvey S., Denver. Geisler, Jacob, Broad Ford. Germann, William C., Mohnton. Gertler, Fred W., Pittsburgh. Getgen, John Ozone, Fort. Giardini, Virgilio, Candersport. Gibson, Roy W., Elkview. Gihotte, Frank J., Philadelphia. Gillin, Charles, Steelton. Gilliott, Tony A., Connellsville. Ginley, Joseph L., Girardville. Gise, Harry M., East Berlin. Givens, John J., Philadelphia. Glancy, David J., Jamestown. Glass, Charles C., Metal. Glennon, Frank A., Philadelphia. Glowner, Lester D., New Holland. Goas, Charles M., Schulykill Haven. Gohean, Harlan, Anselma. Goldstein, Robert, Philadelphia. Gontz, Merle, Scotland. Goodford, John T., Du Bois. Gould, Ralph Kenneth, Monaca. Grabe, William C., Butler. Grady, Michael J., Jr., Philadelphia. Graeff, James R., Lancaster. Grant, Harry J., Chester. Grant, Welcome R., Fallen Timber. Gray, John H., Philadelphia. Green, Clymer C., Birdsboro. Greenway, Frank W., West Philadelphia. Gregg, Frank A., Pittsburgh. Griffin, John J., Sharon. Griffith, William P., Greenville. Griffith, William S., Shenandoah. Grimm, Wilber E., Philadelphia. Gritzer, John, Glen Lyon. Groff, William, Emberville. Grosso, Antonio, Wyalusing. Gruber, Oscar H., West Philadelphia. Grumme, Ransom B., Sayre. Guilmartin, Lawrence, Philadelphia. Guinther, Edward, Honesdale. Gunsallus, Frank J., Philadelphia. Gulley, Carl M., Thompson. Gusski, Frank, Arnott. Haas, Charles R., Milton. Haas, Lawrence F., Philadelphia. Hagan, Harold, Philadelphia. Hager, Samuel R., Point Marion. Halbig, John, Philadelphia. Hancox, Maurice D., Titusville. Haney, John A., Riverview. Hanko, George, New Kensington. Hanselman, Merrill E., Mifflinburg. Harback, Russell Charles, Mill Hall. Harding, Arthur, Taylor. Harding, Claude W., Sayre. Harding, William, Taylor. Hardy, Louis, Uniontown. Hargett, George Baldus, Franklin. Harim, Joe, Dunbar. Harkins, John, Llanerch. Harmer, Alfred D., Philadelphia. Harms, John P., Philadelphia. Harnish, Lloyd J., Clarence. Harrington, James, Phoenixville. Hart, Robert J., Genesee. Harter, James G., Burwick. Hartford, Cecil A., Elmhurst. Hartman, Allen K., Akron. Hartman, John Adam, Watsontown. Hartman, Russell B., Strondsburg. Hartsock, Robert G., Scranton. Hartung, William H., Donora. Hartzell, Ollie O., Emlington. Hastie, William M., Philadelphia. Haubert, Thomas W., Parksburg. Hay, Kenneth B., Du Bois. Hays, Robert, Franklin. Hebo, John, St. Clair. Heckler, Harry, Freeland. Hehnly, Jacob E., Sheridan. Heimann, Philip S., Pittsburgh. Heintzelman, Lewis W., Allentown. Heller, Samuel W., Philadelphia. Helm, Jacob Orton Eugene, Burgettstown. Helm, Lester R., Witmer. Helman, Guy I., Camp Hill. Henderson, Harry W., Philadelphia. Hendrichs, John, Philadelphia. Henry, Gilbert T., Mulroy. Hensel, Elmer S., Hazleton. Henwood, Richard T., Jermyn. Hepel, John B., Miola. Herchonrider, Charles H., Philadelphia. Herman, Jacob F., Oil City. Herrington, Russell R., Markleton. Herron, Alexander R., Pittsburgh. Herron, James P., Ardmore. Herter, Harry, Philadelphia. Hesselgesser, Raymond E., Sarver. Hessler, Fred Pittsburgh. Heyser, William H., Philadelphia. Hightower, Adolphus, Philadelphia. Hiles, Riley E., Warfordsburg. Hill, Archibald S., Windgap. Hillard, Ivan K., Du Bois. Hillman, Louis, Philadelphia. Hilton, Harry Edward, Coatesville. Hinchman, Charles Sibbs, Philadelphia. Hines, George Stanley, Slippery Rock. Hinish, John L., Breezewood. Hirneisen, Jacob H., Denver. Hitner, Edward, Philadelphia. Hixson, Wade H., Pennsville. Hoch, Harry F., Catasauqua. Hockman, Asa L., Ottsville. Hockensmith, Edgar E., Fayetteville. Hoeltzel, Wilbur R., Philadelphia. Hofelt, John W., Keffer. Hoffard, John H., Churchtown. Hoin, John E., Lancaster. Hollenback, Walter F., Avoca. Holmes, Felix, Philadelphia. Holmes, Otis, Chester. Honeywell, Eugene F., Plymouth. Hongen, Horace George, Bowmanstown. Hood, Clair J., New Florence. Hoover, Jacob, Defiance. Hopkins, Leo A., Scranton. Hostetler, David C., Belleville. Houser, John R., Bethlehem. Hoyt, Albert E., Pittsburgh. Hucless, Richard J., Philadelphia. Huff, Jay C., Spartansburg. Huff, Wendell C., Van. Huff, William H., Caledonia. Hughes, George, Pittsburgh. Hughes, James F., Philadelphia. Hughes, Joseph, Philadelphia. Hunt, James R., Claysville. Hunter, Charles Keller, Reading. Hunzeker, Carroll M., Pittsburgh. Hurd, Charles E., Boswell. Hyman, Edward K., Narvon. Iannelli, Vincent, Philadelphia. Igo, Michael J., Shenandoah. Irvine, William J., Germantown. Jackson, Edward C., New Brighton. Jacobs, Edward W., Waynesburg. Jacoby, Kerwin E., North York. Jaffy, Samuel, Waynesboro. James, Charley L., Bolivar. Jedlicks, Robert N., Pittsburgh. Jefferis, Charles, Philadelphia. Jeffries, Charles H., New Brighton. Johnson, Gordon J., Norristown. Johnson, James A., Pittsburgh. Johnson, John H., Philadelphia. Johnson, John L., Pittsburgh. Johnson, Lantus, Philadelphia. Johnson, Robert C., Oil City. Johnson, Robert J., Bryn Mawr. Johnson, Sherwood L., Alderson. Johnson, Ulysses S., New Berry. Johnsonbaugh, Lawrence R., Julian. Johnston, James E., Apollo. Johnston, Lester W., Spring Run. Jones, David, Pittsburgh. Jones, David S., Homestead. Jones, Frank S., Altoona. Jones, George, Philadelphia. Jones, Lester, Danville. Jozwiak, Walter H., Reading. Kachik, George N., Clarence. Kammann, John J., Millvale. Kapunihana, Tom, Philadelphia. Kareha, Andrew, Jessup. Kareha, George, Jeessup. Kauffman, Lucian W., Milroy. Keefe, Frank L., Bradford. Keesey, Alexander C., Columbia. Keithan, Frederick H., Shenandoah. Kell, Alfred H., Connellsville. Kellenbach, Joseph H., Williamsport. Kelley, Horace, Lancaster. Kelly, Frank J., Jermyn. Kelsch, Peter A., Honesdale. Kemmler, Fred, Erie. Kennedy, John A., Philadelphia. Kennedy, John R., Pittsburgh. Kennell, Ralph, Mills. Keough, James J., Arnat. Kern, Guy Le Roy, Washington. Ketcham, Harry, Jeannette. Kettery, John Z., Birdsboro. Kieffer, Samuel S., Pine Grove. Kilburn, Robert B., Corydon. Killen, John G., Rew. Killen, John P., Pittsburgh. King, Thomas S., Coatesville. King, William F., Tamaqua. Kingan, Robert S., Grove City. Kister, Frank, Philadelphia. Kistler, Herbert B., Lancaster. Kistler, Lawrence, Oil City. Kistler, Wilbur F., Allentown. Kittrick, James L., Wilkes-Barre. Klaus, Robert C., Braddock. Kleinman, Fred G., North Wales. Kline, Samuel I., Reading. Kline, Samuel J., Ardara. Klinger, Lawrence E., Catasauqua. Klukowski, Powell P., Freeland. Knapp, Floyd, Pointell. Knecht, Jesse G., Tower City. Knopsnider, James G., Freed. Knorr, Frederick I., Honesdale. Knott, Frederick G., Philadelphia. Knowles, Austin L., Philadelphia. Knowles, Miriam E., Yardley. Koch, Harrison W., Germantown. Kocher, Fred, Jr., Taylor. Koehler, Louis H., Philadelphia. Kohler, Charles I, Philadelphia. Kolb, Lemuel, Philadelphia. Koons, Dallas W., Philadelphia. Koproski, Kostani, Oil City. Korb, William G., Folcroft. Korman, James B., Howard. Korshalla, Steve J., Larksville. Kozaski, Bolestow, Philadelphia. Kozbelt, Andrew, Mount Pleasant. Kozlowski, John, Cumbola. Kramer, Jonathan, Schuylkill Haven. Kramer, Ralph B., Progress. Kray, William P., Columbia. Kresowski, Adolf, Wilkes-Barre. Kretschmer, William A., Greenock. Krimmel, Fred W., Lancaster. Krombach, Herbert Herman, Philadelphia. Krone, Cecil J., Lewisburg. Kruse, William H., Albertus. Kuhns, Daniel, Baggaley. Kulenych, John, Mayfield. Kulp, George W., Sogan Hous. Kupchock, Peter, Tower City. Labuda, John J., Edwardsville. Lacy, Martin C., Munhall. Lafine, Clarence A., Girard. Lampert, Frank, Johnstown. Langan, William Joseph, Philadelphia. Langherst, Andrew F., Zelienople. Larkin, Nicholas M., Philadelphia. Larsen, Bjarne E., Philadelphia. Latney, Relious, Philadelphia. Laudenslager, Clarence L., Allentown. Laushey, Louis W., Columbia. Lauter, Henry, Cabot. Law, Charles D., Philadelphia. Lawrence, Hewitt, Darby. Laws, Joseph E., Philadelphia. Lay, Harold T., Philadelphia. Lease, Earl R., Reading. Lee, Daniel E., Philadelphia. Lee, William J., Philadelphia. Lehm, Harvey Jacob, Mount Washington. Leiby, Harry R., Norristown. Leiby, John F., Allentown. Leithiser, George H., Lancaster. Leonard, Cloyd C., Port Royal. Levengood, Lewis H., Birdsboro. Lever, Harrison, Philadelphia. Lewis, Clyde R., Millnesville. Lewis, George, Mount Pleasant. Lewis, Ona H., Keermoor. Lewis, Robert, Pittsburgh. Lindemuth, James W., Brookville. Lindenmuth, William C., Ringtown. Lindenmuth, William S., Shenandoah. Lingal, William E., Greensburg. Linton, Edwin S., Washington. Link, Adam, Pittsburgh. Linz, Adam A., Pittsburgh. Lipscomb, Daniel W., Philadelphia. Livingston. Hiram, New Wilmington. Lloyd, James, Philadelphia. Loch, Stanley, Nanticoke. Lockard, Roy Useless, Columbia. Lockwood, Weyne M., Punxsutawney. Loftus, Patrick F., Mahanoy Plain. Long, Arthur T., Vestabburg. Long, Burtnette Price, Harrisburg. Long, Charles H., Philadelphia. Long, George A., Johnstown. Long, Harry, Johnsonburg. Long, William A., Pittston. Long, Oscar J., Hamburg. Loughran, Joseph A., Hazelton. Loughran, Peter, Philadelphia. Lowe, John W., Jr., Philadelphia. Lowery, Virgil, Meyersdale. Lowry, James R., Weldon. Lucas, Simon H., Runnville. Lucera, Basttista, Philadelphia. Ludwig, Charles Y., Knobsville. Luhman, Christ J., Weatherby. Lundouist, Frank O., Du Bois. Lunger, William C., Sharon. Lutsick, Steve, Beaver Meadow. Lutz, Robert, New Galilee. Lynch, John J., Centralia. Lytton, Herbert S., Philadelphia. McAndrew, James P., Vandling. McAnulty, Ward A., Ebensburg. McCabe, Joseph D., Philadelphia. McCabe, Thomas M., Lutzville. McCafferty, Francis J., West Philadelphia. McCall, John J., Mahanoy City. McCann, John Patrick, Philadelphia. McCaulsey, Edward C., Manheim. McClinsey, James, Heluetta. McConkey, Thurber, Mount Vernon. McConnell, Thomas A., Philadelphia. McCloskey, Daniel J., West Chester. McCluskey, James F., Morgan. McCrory, Samuel, Philadelphia. McConnell, Arthur C., Elkland. McCormick, Joseph Francis, Philadelphia. McCullough, Albert J., Philadelphia. McCullough, Harry Boggs, Seward. McCullough, Robert, Philadelphia. McCurdy, James Raymond, Forty Fort. McCutcheon, James, Philadelphia. McDermott, Francis M., Murray. McDevitt, Bernard W., Philadelphia. McDonough, John J., Verona. McFadden, Joseph A., Kulpmont. McGloin, Bernard J., Scranton. McGoldrick, Patrick E., Scranton. McGrath, John, North Cannaton. McGuigan, Eugene, Philadelphia. McGurk, John H., Milton. McHale, Joseph F., Genesee. McHugh, John H., Dunmore. McInerney, Christopher L., Pittsburgh. McIntosh, Louis F., Susquehanna. McKeaige, Robert, Clifton Heights. McKenna, Edward P., Philadelphia. McLean, Benjamin, Scranton. McNelis, John J., Philadelphia. McQuade, Chalmer H., Parnassus. McQuiston, Homer W., Home. McShane, Edward F., Lansdowne. McVey, Joseph A., Philadelphia. Machmer, Frank E., Shoemakersville. Madden, Frank A., Philadelphia. Madden, Frank E., Pittsburgh. Madle, Vincent R., Philadelphia. Madson, Herman, Hauta. Maholchic, Michael W., Childes. Major, Andrew J., Elwood City. Malishcka, Samuel, Philadelphia. Malloy, John L., Hawk Run. Mallus, James N., Philadelphia. Malson, Andrew A., Pottsville. Manley, Lloyd L., Montgomery. Mann, Arthur, Linesville. Mansbarger, Albert S., Three Springs. March, Clarence W., Dover. Marchesano, Carlo, Philadelphia. Marietta, William D., Mill Run. Marinelli, Michele, Sharpsburg. Marino, Joseph, Philadelphia. Marsh, Ernest E., Stroudsburg. Marshall, Calvin W., Martinsburg. Marshall, John H., New Galilee. Marzury, Michael, Philadelphia. Massoli, Giovanni, Colver. Matthew, August, Rochester. Mattson, William, Kennett Square. Matulavitch, Peter, Scranton. Matz, Harrison, Allentown. Mautz, Henry C., Philadelphia. Maxwell, Howard L., Wilkinsburg. May, Harry F., Jr., Lancaster. May, William F., Philadelphia. Mayer, Andrew W., Philadelphia. Mays, John E., Van. Meals, Detner T., Eau Claire. Means, George N., Connellsville. Meckley, Victor A., Seven Valleys. Meckley, William H., Hanover. Melhorn, Earl B., Loretto. Memierski, Cieslau, Dickson City. Mengel, Harry, Philadelphia. Mertz, Jacob F., Ephrata. Mertz, Moses G., Lehighton. Metrkus, George, Shenandoah. Metzger, Harry E., Lancaster. Meyer, George C., Center Square. Meyers, Charles, Philadelphia. Michael, James P., McKeesport. Michel, Louis F., Parnassus. Michelucce, Vincenzo, Lansford. Midili, Angelo, Philadelphia. Mikolayewski, Steve, Plymouth. Milkulski, Roman, Natrona. Mill, Claude R., Allentown. Miller, Albert C., West Bowton. Miller, Albert L., Rushland. Miller, Alonzo W., Washington. Miller, Bonifuss, Erie. Miller, Charles F., Washington. Miller, Charles S., Philadelphia. Miller, Frank N., Pittsburgh. Miller, Harold M., Corry. Miller, Harry S., Old Zionsville. Miller, Harry, Reading. Miller, Harvey D., Expedite. Miller, Jacob, Pittsburgh. Miller, Joseph S., Allentown. Miller, Paul Elmer, Manus Choice. Miller, Raymond M., East Plymouth. Miller, Robert L., Unity. Miller, Sherman V., Casselman. Milligan, Walter, Butler. Millihizer, James A., Philadelphia. Miskiel, Frank, Gettysburg. Mitchelen, Wilbert A., Tionesta. Mitchell, Louis, North Belle Vernon. Mitchell, Norman M., Sharon. Mitman, Stanley E., Bethlehem. Mohr, Earl B., Turbotville. Monacella, Eugenio, Avoca. Mondelli, Frank, Philadelphia. Monyer, Lee W., Harrisburg. Moonan, James F., Philadelphia. Moore, Peter, Philadelphia. Moran, Joseph, Elwood City. Morgan, Earnest P., Philadelphia. Moriconi, Riccardo, Pittston. Moroney, Clarence Leo, Altoona. Morris, John T., Philadelphia. Morrow, William C., Senery Hill. Moser, Edwin J., South Bethlehem. Moser, Oliver J., Allentown. Moses, William A., Blairsville. Mosgrave, Oscar K., Somerset. Moyer, Henry S., Lansville. Mulachy, John H., Wilkes-Barre. Muldoon, John, Mahanoy City. Mull, Earl Henry, Pottsville. Mullen, Edward, Philadelphia. Mulligan, Edward J., Corry. Mulrine, William Joseph, Philadelphia. Mulroy, Owen, North Braddock. Munro, Arthur, Lock Haven. Murphy, Charles B., Cilitson. Murphy, Charles G., Philadelphia. Murphy, Edward Jay, Johnstown. Murphy, George Everett, Emporium. Murphy, Joseph M., Philadelphia. Murphy, William F., Scranton. Murray, William, Pittsburgh. Musumeci, Giovanni, Easton. Myers, William D., Germantown. Nash, Andrew J., Philadelphia. Natale, Michael, Philadelphia. Neal, Thaddeus B., Philadelphia. Nelson, William Arthur, Volant. Neuber, George J., New Albany. Neumann, William, Jr., Philadelphia. Newcomer, William, Jr., Layton. Newman, Ira G., Elk Lick. Newman, William T., Philadelphia. Newmyer, Milton J., Dawson. Newns, James D., Philadelphia. Nichols, Chester H., West Grove. Nickerson, George E., Philadelphia. Nicklow, Get, Adelaide. Nitman, Stanley E., Bethlehem. Norris, David J., Philadelphia. Northrup, Claud, Sugar Grove. Null, George, J., Addison. Nusbickel, John, Philadelphia. Nuss, Lewis W., Norristown. O'Brien, John Herbert, Pittsburgh. O'Boyle, John J., Wilkes-Barre. O'Donnell, James F., Philadelphia. Odrechowsky, Mike G., Ford City. Odum, James F., Danville. Ogilvie, William A., Philadelphia. Oleske, Henry M., Lansford. Olewiler, Howard B., Red Lion. Ollivier, Alfred, Philadelphia. Olsen, Wilbur C., De Young. O'Malley, Martin A., Duryea. O'Neill, Edward, West Philadelphia. O'Neill, Thomas, Philadelphia. Ortolano, Gabrielle, Arnold. Oswald, Raymond H., Allentown. Ott, George H., Philadelphia. Overton, William R., West Philadelphia. Painer, William, Hamilton. Pangburn, Irwin, Philadelphia. Pash, Alexander, Port Griffith. Passmore, Joseph B., Row. Patando, Salvatore, Saranc. Patenakos, Pete, Franklin. Patsch, Adolph, Lancaster. Patton, Sylvester W., Port Matilda. Paul, Wendel Frank, Mount Troy. Payne, Eugene Clarence, Nanticoke. Payne, Samuel J., Philadelphia. Pearce, Fred A., Vammeta. Pechman, Joseph, East McKeesport. Peel, Elias J., Jeannette. Peiffer, John S., Myerstown. Peltz, Oscar Frank, Pittsburgh. Pelliociotta, Nicola, Philadelphia. Pennepacker, Reece B., Strodes. Pentecost, Frank P., Pittsburgh. Perkins, William J., Philadelphia. Persing, William E., Shamokin. Petrella, Daniel, Greensburg. Pettit, Edgar W., Nazareth. Pettit, Samuel L., Harveys. Pfrommer, William B., Philadelphia. Phillips, Joseph, Dickson City. Phillips, Robert J., Philadelphia. Picarazzi, Pietro, Newberry. Piccoli, Nicola, Ardmore. Pinsky, Joseph, Philadelphia. Pistorius, Joseph G., Butler. Pitlick, Joseph, Crafton Branch. Platt, William S., Mount Carmel. Ploch, Robert W., Danville. Podhyski, Felix, Dickson City. Polusky, Frank, Haydenville. Poplowski, Joseph, Elizabeth. Porter, Samuel J., Philadelphia. Posey, John, Reading. Potteiger, Charles M., Lebanon. Potter, Elmer J., Connellsville. Prentiss, Charles E., Williamsport. Price, Richard, Duryea. Promodoni, Gabastiano, North Philadelphia. Protevi, Gino, Philadelphia. Przudryga, Frank, Erie. Ptaskiewicz, Salvester, Philadelphia. Puchino, Richard D., Bristol. Purcell, Adrian John, Scranton. Purse, Frank Marral, Oil City. Puzlcki, John, Shamokin. Quinn, Edward, Erie. Quinn, Leonard William, Matamoras. Quinn, Thomas J., Renovo. Raab, Tony, Madera. Rabel, William J., Lebanon. Radanovich, Steve, Steelton. Radoychich, Peter, Pittsburgh. Rafferty, John, Phoenixville. Raistrick, William A., Philadelphia. Rall, William F., McElhattan. Rampulla, Michael, Lancaster. Rath, George B., Philadelphia. Ratz, Samuel, Munson. Raub, Edwin H., Luzerne. Raynor, Earl F., Silver Lake. Reed, Benjamin R., Snowville. Reese, Otis A., Austin. Rehrer, William J. B., Middletown. Reichard, Raymond T., Allentown. Reichard, Ruben R., Ashland. Reilly, Joseph John, Philadelphia. Reinsel, Roy L., Kingsville. Reis, Byran H., Philadelphia. Reiss, Wendelin W., Pittsburgh. Repsher, Ammon N., Pen Argyl. Rex, Albert S., Philadelphia. Reynolds, Andrew Oliver, Scranton. Reynolds, John F., Philadelphia. Reynolds, James B., Philadelphia. Rhoades, Herman Ray, Harrisburg. Rhoads, George W., Lehighton. Richards, John T., Hazelton. Richter, William, Carnegie. Ricker, Howard A., Allentown. Ripka, George N., Malroy. Ritenour, Thomas M., Slippery Rock. Rittenhouse, William Snyder, Hackettstown. Rizzelli, Frank, West Hickory. Roach, Preston R., Bridgeville. Roarty, Michael J., Drifton. Robbins, William T., Wilkes-Barre. Roberts, George N., Bristol. Robertson, Joseph A., Balliet. Robinson, Charlie E., Kingston. Robinson, Dennis C., New Oxford. Robinson, John G., Tyrone. Robinson, Joseph F., Huntingdon. Robinson, Robert, Philadelphia. Robinson, Walter, Philadelphia. Rocher, Simeon, Midway. Rockelmann, Alphons J., Philadelphia. Rodeheaver, Franklin N., Mercer. Rodgers, Henry J., Pittsburgh. Roggiaro, Daniel, Bethlehem. Roloson, Ralph, Stalker. Roman, John S., Fairchance. Rosenberg, Louis, Pittsburgh. Rosenberger, Wilson S., Chalfonte. Rosolinsky, Edward F., Cumberland. Rossi, Giovanni, Rillton. Rossman, Bland Joseph, Salina. Rossman, Urban W., Lancaster. Roth, Francis E., Allentown. Roth, Homer N., Hanover. Rothman, Charles H., Philadelphia. Routhowski, Anthony, Chester. Rowe, William T., Grove City. Rowe, Sherman I., Selinsgrove. Rowland, Harold E., Pittsburgh. Ruane, Joseph E., Scranton. Rucker, Aaron James, Lancaster. Rudd, F. A., Philadelphia. Rundell, Frank, North East. Rupert, Rorney S., Bradford. Rusz, Charles R., Saber. Ruth, Ervin L., Easton. Rutter, Levi P., Newmanstown. Ryan, Harry L., East Mauch Chunk. Ryder, David E., Lancaster. Ryder, Thomas A., Philadelphia. Rylander, John H., Sheffield. Sandell, John R., Costello. Sanno, George W., Mount Holly Springs. Santa Maria, Nicolas, South Fork. Santerseire, Vito, Dunmore. Sattler, John F., Harrisburg. Sattler, Walter L., Philadelphia. Saunders, Hubert, Terrace. Schafer, George John, Pittsburgh. Schaffer, Horace, Coopersburg. Scheible, Walter F., Philadelphia. Schell, John E., Beaver Valley. Scher, Joseph Anthony, Philadelphia. Schiavo, Pasquale, Philadelphia. Schipfer, Henry W., Pittsburgh. Schlegel, Theodore, Lancaster. Schlesser, Charles W., Scranton. Schlossber, Max, Philadelphia. Schmidt, John C., South Fork. Schmoyer, Franklin S., Allentown. Schollaert, Edmond, Sturgeon. Schrader, Alvin A., Shamokin. Schrader, William H., Jr., Johnstown. Schragen, Peter A., Ashland. Schrock, Steve J., Jenners. Schuler, Edward Le G., Wilcox. Schurr, Joseph Albert, Jr., Philadelphia. Schuster, George J., Sharpsburg. Schwartzman, Harry, Philadelphia. Schweiker, William H., Philadelphia. Sciortino, Joseph, York. Scopikie, Vingenzo, Pittsburgh. Scott, Aleck, Wayne. Scott, Edmunds, Hardalburg. Scott, Edward W., Oakdale. Scott, Eugene F., Coatsville. Searfoss, Jennings B., Stroudsburg. Sechrist, George H., Felton. Sedgwick, William F., Beaver Falls. Seeley, Thomas E., Dyberry. Segall, Arthur Raphael, Philadelphia. Seie, Domenico, Philadelphia. Sergey, Harry, Olyphant. Shadle, Arthur, Thorptown. Shafer, Allen, Stroudsburg. Shaffer, Michael, Brookville. Shaffer, Wilbur F., Jersey Shore. Shanor, Richard Berrian, Bethlehem. Sharkey, Frank, Philadelphia. Shaulis, Leonard P., Somerset. Shea, John F., Taylor. Shearer, Edgar, Rimersburg. Sheetz, Alvin C., Chambersburg. Shepherdson, George P., Philadelphia. Sherer, Norman C., Lehighton. Shick, Fred J., Rimersburg. Shields, Theodore R., Bethlehem. Shimp, Harry H., Lancaster. Shingler, Charles H., Ruffs Dale. Shingleton, Roy, New Brighton. Shirey, James L., Clearfield. Shoff, Joseph C., Avonmore. Shroll, Daniel, New Holland. Short, Wilber G., Blairville. Showers, Frederick D., Lebanon. Shupard, Horace E., Bridgeport. Shurer, Henry P., Nesbit. Siders, Bert C., Avella. Sieber, Ray L., Allensville. Silvis, Harry C., Leechburg. Simpson, Charles E., Williamsport. Simpson, George B., Greensburg. Simpson, John O., Philadelphia. Sipple, Alvin F., Jeddo. Skiff, Fred D., Sayre. Skowronski, Beleslaw J., Natrona. Slaughter, Albert H., Montrose. Sloan, Benjamin H., Philadelphia. Sloane, Charles B., Drifton. Smiley, John, West Chester. Smith, Arnold C., Lancaster. Smith, Benjamin T., Trevorton. Smith, Charles, Hammerslyfork. Smith, Edward A., Philadelphia. Smith, Edward J., Hughesville. Smith, Elmer, Roxboro. Smith, Harry, Forkston. Smith, Horatio, Spring Grove. Smith, John D., Tampa. Smith, John H., Pittsburgh. Smith, John W., Lancaster. Smith, Joseph H., Scranton. Smith, Newman, Bushkill. Smith, Sherman L., Bodine. Smith, Walter, Locust Grove. Smyser, Harry Monroe, Mechanicsburg. Snowden, Leland J., Erie. Snyder, Cleveland, Keating Summit. Snyder, Harry A., Greenbrier. Snyder, Jacob H., Normanville. Snyder, Ralph M., Reading. Snyder, Raymond, Mahaffey. Somma, Ralph, Philadelphia. South, Sidney A., Alexander. Spare, Edwin D., Philadelphia. Sperduto, Vincenzo, Erie. Splane, Raymond L., Ashland. Sponsky, Bernard M., Bakerton. Sprenkle, Owens D., Hallam. Stackfield, James, Carlisle. Stadterman, Lawrence, East McKeesport. Stahler, Niles R., Emaus. Stallsmith, Chauncey I., Flourtown. Staltenberg, Frederick, Oil City. Stanford, Daniel R., Philadelphia. Stank, Joseph W., Trackville. Starek, Stanley, Plains. Stark, Leroy H., Hudson. Steele, James I., Pottsville. Steiner, Morand A., Beaver Falls. Steinmetz, Herman M., Philadelphia. Stephens, Edwin D., Great Bend. Stephey, Omar F., Ruzervile. Stettler, Clarence, East Stroudsburg. Stevens, Thomas L., Bigler. Stevenson, Clinton C., Titusville. Stewart, Charles, Duquesne. Stieski, Joseph L., Allentown. Stifenell, Luch, Norristown. Stitzer, Howard F., Oley. Stoll, Reese N., Steelton. Stolz, Joseph L., Allentown. Stone, Edgar W., Trough Creek. Stoneking, George P., Whitely. Stoner, Joseph H., Waynesboro. Storm, Earl, East Stroudsburg. Stout, George S., Shickshinny. Strach, John, Nanticoke. Stradling, Elmer C., Brownsburg. Strait, Lee B., Osceola. Stratta, Domenico, McKees Rocks. Stratton, John B., Philadelphia. Strausbaugh, George E., Spring Grove. Strawbridge, Augustus V., Woodbine. Stump, Lemon C., Smith Station. Sturgeon, Frank D., Fembell. Sulesky, Konstandy, McKeesport. Sullivan, Llewellyn, Morrisdale. Svek, Stephen, Bruceton. Swartz, Charles Edward, Lehighton. Swartzbaugh, Edward, Spring Grove. Swayze, Joseph Carlos, Ashley. Sweet, Harvey, Seward. Sweigert, Guy M., Lancaster. Swisher, Charles E., Millersville. Sylvester, Clifford W., Willow Grove. Szckule, Steve, Pittsburgh. Tanner, Donald P., Peckville. Tarr, Roy, Saegertown. Taylor, George C., Philadelphia. Taylor, John H., Philadelphia. Taylor, Robert, Norristown. Taylor, William James, Harrisburg. Tenhagen, Fred H., Corry. Terrisca, Donata, Seminole. Teufel, Charles L., Reading. Thomas, Arthur, Snydersville. Thomas, George W., Lansford. Thomas, Henry Arthur, Scranton. Thomas, John, Scranton. Thomas, Warren L., York. Thompson, Albert L., Philadelphia. Thorniley, William H., Pittsburgh. Throckmorton, William W., Waynesburg. Tiedeken, Theodore F., Philadelphia. Tiefentaylor, James J., Philadelphia. Tighe, James T., Philadelphia. Tindley, John W., Philadelphia. Tirico, Tony, Philadelphia. Torpey, Vincent J., Philadelphia. Toy, Fred A., South Oil City. Traino, Camillo, Wayne. Travers, William J., Philadelphia. Trengrove, Raymond, Philadelphia. Tresselt, Herman P., York. Tressler, Oley E., Pleasant Gap. Triplett, Norman, Lamott. Tuohy, Owen F., Pittsburgh. Turbis, Walter, Russellton. Tustin, William, Philadelphia. Umboltz, Thomas A., Gratz. Unger, Herbert E., Muir. Updegrove, William Hiram, Allentown. Urbanis, Francis, Philadelphia. Utter, Clarence B., Sayre. Vanatt, William, New Florence. Vandermark, Fred, Nuangola. Vandyke, Edward J., Philadelphia. Varanese, Luigi, West Chester. Vargason, Delbert L., Forkville. Veisen, Edward, Titusville. Vetri, Fillippo, Marcus Hook. Vislttei, Giovanni, Philadelphia. Von Alt, Herbert W., Johnstown. Wadsworth, Ray W., Erie. Wafer, Richard, Jr., Bridgeport. Waffet, Joseph, Mahanoy City. Wagner, William D., Somerset. Walker, Frank R., Chester. Walker, Ralph G., Scottdale. Wall, Joseph, Gouldsboro. Walls, Charles N., Philadelphia. Walsh, Edward J., Scranton. Walter, Harry Franklin, Steelton. Walter, William H., Kennett Square. Walthour, Raymond, Vandergrift. Waltman, Norman, Philadelphia. Ward, Clare, New Castle. Ward, Hubert F., McKeesport. Ware, Harold B., Scranton. Wargo, Jules, Monessen. Warmkessel, Harry J., Allentown. Warrick, Charles, West Newton. Wasiak, Felix L., Philadelphia. Wassel, Joseph, Mananoy City. Watkins, Harry S., Coleman. Watkins, Herbert J., Johnstown. Watson, Harry, Johnstown. Watson, James C., Philadelphia. Watson, Joseph J., Philadelphia. Watt, Graham B., Philadelphia. Webb, James, Greensburg. Webb, Richard F., Girard. Weber, Frank C., Pittsburgh. Webster, Glenn D., Wellsboro. Weikel, Perry E., Gowen. Weil, Harleigh I., Bethlehem. Weinberger, Frank, Carbondale. Welch, Aaron M., Meadowbrook. Welker, Jacob C., Quakertown. Wells, Edwin C., Harrisburg. Wells, George F., Pittsburgh. Welsh, Harry, Charleroi. Wentko, John, Plymouth. Wentzel, Leroy S., Stony Creek Mills. Wentzel, Russell D., Telford. Werner, Norman B., Berlin. West, Forrest T., Bolivar. Wetherstine, Harry H., Philadelphia. Whetzel, Oliver H., Mount Pleasant. White, Harry A., Lancaster. White, Mose, Blairsville. Whitner, Charles, Dover. Wilcox, Grant, Trucksville. Wilcox, Samuel W., Honesdale. Wilcox, Thomas E., Mateer. Wilkinson, John B., Philadelphia. Williams, Gustave S., Philadelphia. Williams, Isaac R., Williamsport. Williams, John J., Conneaut. Williams, Samuel R., Philadelphia. Williams, William D., Moosic. Willits, Elmer E., Linden. Wilson, Frank R., Norristown. Wilson, Richard J., Reading. Wipfler, Henry A., Pittsburgh. Wirhanowcz, William J., New Britain. Withrow, Fred F., Ligonier. Withrow, Meade G., Derry. Witmer, Alfred C., State College. Witmer, Maurice F., Swathmore. Wolf, Ira I., Bellefonte. Wolfkill, Frank E., Philadelphia. Wolpert, Earl N., Duncannon. Wood, Ralph R., Corry. Woods, Will, Pittsburgh. Woodward, George B., Tamaqua. Woomer, Merril W., Howard Center. Workman, Ralph E., Pinegrove. Wright, Charles F., Philadelphia. Wyland, Augustine L., Spangler. Yanowiak, John, Arnot. Young, Gus H., Coopersburg. Young, James A., Clearfield. Young, John H., Harrisburg. Yukas, George F., McKees Rocks. Yunk, Frank F., Philadelphia. Zeigler, Roscoe E., Steelton. Zengerl, Victor A., Synwyd. Zerbe, Edward G., Beach Creek. Zerby, Alex B., Apollo. Zimmerman, Claude M., Ursins. Zorb, Alfred Whitler, Butler. Zuschlag, Elmer George, Transfer. DIED OF WOUNDS Major Pepper, Benjamin F., Philadelphia. Captains Crowe, Charles Henry, Philadelphia. Fielding, Louis H., Philadelphia. Freeman, Clarence P., St. Davids. Ingersoll, Harry, Philadelphia. Kemp, George Neisman, East Stroudsburg. MacDonald, Albert F., Woodlawn. Mills, Philip, St. Davids. Zundell, James E., Latrobe. Lieutenants Althouse, George N., Norristown. Amon, Frank O., Greenville. Baker, Howard T., Williamsport. Bebout, James D., Pittsburgh. Bonsall, Herman E., Parnassus. Boyle, James J., Easton. Brooks, Lister, Chestnut Hill. Caldwell, William F., Pittsburgh. Champaign, William E., Wellsboro. Craig, Walter W., New Bethlehem. Cunningham, Claude C., Philadelphia. Davis, Earl R., Philadelphia. Davis, Reese, Forest City. Day, John W., Dunns Station. Devenny, James V., Philadelphia. Drake, Frederick L., Hazleton. Dryson, Walter B., Philadelphia. Ettinger, Walter, Phoenixville. Fales, Thomas B. W., Philadelphia. Ferguson, Joseph S., Philadelphia. Fielding, Donald, Scranton. Fleming, Frank Riddle, Franklin. Flynn, Walter James, Oil City. Gaither, Wilson B., Greensburg. Gibson, Burgess A., Washingtonville. Green, Douglass B., Pottsville. Hazlehurst, Samuel, Philadelphia. Hill, Harry C., Pittston. Hirst, Thomas G., Philadelphia. Honert, David J., Harrisburg. Hoopes, Joseph E., Philadelphia. Hoover, Roy C., Edgewood. Houston, Henry Howard, Philadelphia. Lady, Ira Ellsworth, Arendtsville. Laird, Clarence, Taylor. Lang, Joseph Louis, Pittsburgh. Lautenbacher, Ivan L., Schuylkill. Lister, Brooks, Philadelphia. Litschert, John H., Philadelphia. McCarthy, Cornelius J., Shamokin. McGoohan, William P., Philadelphia. McKeen, Maxwell, Easton. Mead, Leon R., Newberry. Mellinger, Deleth Eber, Ephrata. Melloy, Hazzard, Philadelphia. Newpher, James O., Mount Joy. Poffenberger, George F., Foltz. Pritchett, Frederic Borradaile, Philadelphia. Reese, Earle L., Mountville. Rowan, Charles Richard, Altoona. Scott, Wm. Thomas, Philadelphia. Von Bereghy, Marcel, Lebanon. Walker, Paul, Wilkinsburg. White, Ralph G., Pittsburgh. Woodbury, Robert B., Pottsville. Second Lieutenants Maher, Joseph, Chester. Ulmer, Charles H., Pottsville. Chaplain Keith, Michael W., New Castle. Sergeants Althoff, Bernard E., Hanover. Blacksen, Harry, Wilkinsbury. Bradshaw, Howard W., Cochranton. Brown, Edward M., Pittsburgh. Burford, Frederick Shaffer, Franklin. Burleigh, Robert, New Stanton. Caldwell, John D., Waynesburg. Carbaugh, Frank, Greencastle. Carr, Edward Oakley, Clarion. Christenson, John E., Erie. Christie, Robert, Arnot. Clause, Paul R., Easton. Coatsworth, Oran C., Monongahela. Cominsky, Peter, Scranton. Connell, John Patrick, Franklin. Cowie, James, Du Bois. Covert, Ralph G., Dorranceton. Day, Joseph Alonzo, Philadelphia. Decker, Horace Alvin, Johnsonburg. Delaney, Harry E., Clearfield. Demmler, Fred A., Pittsburgh. Duff, Alaster W., Mahaffy. Ebner, Russell R., Easton. Egler, Frederick A., Pittsburgh. Faber, Harry F., Reading. Fagan, Frank, Lancaster. Fleming, John Lawrence, Grove City. Foster, Leon Ralph, Philadelphia. Fraker, Ralph E., Fort Littleton. Gelzhier, Oliver, Wilson. Gerhardt, George, Jr., Philadelphia. Gettleman, Archie August, Arnoid. Gibson, Charles H., New Kensington. Gillespie, Samuel A., Erie. Godfrey, Philip G., Coudersport. Goodall, Grover, Sharon. Gordon, Edward, Punxsutawney. Grauer, Shepton Glenn, Reading. Hallgren, Henry W., Youngsville. Hanrahan, Stephen J., Philadelphia. Heckrote, Christian G., Hazleton. Henry, William E., Pittsburgh. Hodge, Harry L., Hazleton. Holveck, Joseph, Allentown. Horne, Raymond, Pittsburgh. James, Frank, Wilkes-Barre. Johnson, Hiram D., Philadelphia. Johnson, Leon F., Philadelphia. Johnson, Roy A., Lehighton. Jones, Felix W., Philadelphia. Kane, James P., Philadelphia. Karcher, Ambrose C., West Etna. Knepp, Clarence C., Newton Hamilton. Kupp, Clarence L., Pottstown. Laughlin, Sherman, New Alexandria. Lees, Frank, Monessen. Leslie, William, Williamsport. Lindemuth, Irving, Mount Carmel. Loomis, Orlando M., Sayre. Lynch, William J., Bloomsburg. Lynn, Clinton M., Philadelphia. MacDonald, Hugh D., Bustleton. Mack, Fred Harold, Bradford. Macken, Charles, Philadelphia. Martin, John P., Philadelphia. Martin, Robert J., Philadelphia. McCracken, Raymond J., Philadelphia. McGreal, Jos. Henry, Philadelphia. McKeon, Thos. Joseph, Philadelphia. McKenney, James R., Pittsburgh. McKinley, Merle F., Brookville. Melick, Philip G., Philadelphia. Meyer, Albert C., Jeannette. Milligan, Charles W., Jr., Swissvale. Monie, Charles, Moosie. Moody, Henry E., Philadelphia. Moore, Richard W., Ridgway. Moroz, Gabriel, West Hazleton. O'Connell, Mark J., Pittsburgh. O'Hearn, William, Philadelphia. Paden, John M., Waynesburg. Perrine, Ross Edward, Franklin. Quinn, Daniel J., Johnstown. Rawlings, William E., Peckville. Rinus, Edward, Plymouth. Ritchey, Oram, Lancaster. Rogers, Bernard F., Philadelphia. Rosse, David Thomas, Shenandoah. Ruddock, Alexander L., Chester. Saussaman, Allen W., Williamston. Schall, Franklin A., Northampton. Shoemaker, Albert E., Chambersburg. Skelly, Frank, Norristown. Smith, Edward G., Dickson. Smith, Hermann J., Pittsburgh. Snyder, Harry Charles, Pittsburgh. Stan, Joseph J., Meadville. Stevens, Harry L., Pottstown. Straub, Cyril Jerome, Bedford. Taylor, Roy, New Stanton. Theuret, John Henry, Sarver. Thompson, Chas. W., Williamsport. Tittler, John Jacib, Gallitzin. Trotta, Samuel J., Philadelphia. Troy, Robert Gustave, Monessen. Undercofler, Arthur P., Christiana. Vanaerschot, John V., Farrell. Vandyke, Charles James, Oil City. Vondersmith, Stephen W., Upper Darby. Walk, Steven M., Mahanoy City. Walkers, Ernest, Tacony. Wear, Eugene W., Hazleton. Welsh, William, Pittston. Williams, Albert J., Duryea. Zinkham, Ralph E., Freedom. Corporals Anderson, Harold Plumer, Franklin. Anderson, Roy, Greensburg. Andresic, Stanley, Shamokin. Bainbridge, Howard C., Philadelphia. Ball, James N., Hillsdale. Ball, William, Gilbertson. Baskin, Andrew, Philadelphia. Benedict, Hyman, Philadelphia. Beshore, John Harry, Harrisburg. Bisker, Noah, Yoe. Bitner, Howard W., Blanchard. Brenneman, Edgar B., Brookville. Brown, Tidal B., Boswell. Bryant, Oscar G., Philadelphia. Bulman, William H., Philadelphia. Busch, William F., Nanticoke. Bush, Harry, Scranton. Byrne, Vincent, Philadelphia. Cabell, Edw. E., West Philadelphia. Casperavitch, Dominick, Scranton. Charles, John W., Pittsburgh. Cholerton, Harry, Philadelphia. Clouse, Reuben W., McCrea. Coates, George B., Jenkinstown. Colabine, John W., Bellwood. Cosgrove, William Paul, Yatesboro. Daniels, Lloyd F., Connellsville. Davies, William, Wilkes-Barre. Davis, George D., Pittsburgh. Deitz, William Albert, Treverton. Detrich, Andrew M., Williamson. Donnelly, Edward J., Pittsburgh. Dornon, Robert C., New Alexandria. Dougherty, Patrick, Fayette City. Doyle, John J., Philadelphia. Droder, John, Stockdale. Eberle, Raymond L., Pittsburgh. Eckel, Edward W., Franklin. Fackenthall, John W., Easton. Fehlinger, Lawrence Conrad, Wilkes-Barre. Felker, Charles L., East Waterford. Fike, Delbert A., Uniontown. Finegan, Norbert J., West Chester. Fitzpatrick, Charles Grinner, Pittsburgh. Fleming, John P., Sharpsburg. Francis, Raymond, Philadelphia. Franklin, Francis B., Noble. Friel, Harry, Philadelphia. Fritz, Charles L., Lancaster. Gabler, Allan K., Greensboro. Gann, Daniel E., Jersey Shore. Gass, Henry, Reading. Gaylor, Joseph M., Mahaffey. Giangreco, Joseph, Philadelphia. Gombar, Michael, Throop. Gordon, James, Jr., Lamont Furnace. Greifzu, William C., Colwyn. Grieco, John, Tarentum. Hahn, Harry, Philadelphia. Haman, Thomas P., Greensburg. Harper, Frank V., Philadelphia. Harrington, Geo. A., Philadelphia. Harris, John, Philadelphia. Harvison, William J., Philadelphia. Haught, Harry, Burgettstown. Heath, Joseph H., Somerset. Hefferman, Joseph, Wilkes-Barre. Hellings, Joseph M., Philadelphia. Hoffman, Elmer E., Brookville. Horsey, Earl, Germantown. Hottenstein, Edw. H., Middleburg. Hoy, Sylvester J., Fort Carbon. Hudak, Michael J., Pottstown. Hughes, William B., Abington. Huth, Albert August, Pittsburgh. Johnson, Harry H., Cheat Haven. Jones, Clarence B., McKeesport. Junod, William, Philadelphia. Karelli, John, Fayette City. Keenan, John, Philadelphia. Keer, Einar J., Philadelphia. Keffer, Daniel W., Clairton. Kenninger, William, Pennsburg. Kirshner, Joe, Charleroi. Kostakos, Nick John, Philadelphia. Kovach, Rudolph, Bridgeville. Kuttler, Fred M., Pittsburgh. Landenberger, Thomas L., Philadelphia. Lansdorf, Leonard, Philadelphia. Law, Edward, Pittsburgh. Libhart, Robert L., Marietta. Lieb, John Aloysius, South Connellsville. Linter, Charles, South Bethlehem. Lord, George V., New Eagle. Loveland, William, Chester. Lutz, William J., Birdsboro. Lynch, Elzie Ellsworth, Tidioute. Machamer, Albert E., Pine Grove. Mapes, John E., Clearfield. Marburger, George Albert, Camp Hill. Maylie, Jacob L., Philadelphia. Mayr, Floyd Eberhardt, Muncy. McCauslin, Clarence Andrew, Mercer. McConahy, Nathaniel, New Castle. McElwee, Thomas, Monaca. McGrath, Joseph A., Philadelphia. McLeod, Donald, North Wales. McShane, George, Homestead. Mapes, John E., Clearfield. Miller, Floyd E., Greensburg. Miller, Fred H., Farrell. Miller, James I., Indiana. Miller, Joseph, Hanover. Moffa, Louis, Philadelphia. Morgan, Robert Ray, Dorranceton. Nixon, William D., Fairchance. O'Donnell, Edward, Easton. Parker, Howard E., Philadelphia. Patterson, Philip, Philadelphia. Phillips, Earnest, McDonald. Porter, Louis Nagle, Ashbourne. Rabiega, Stanley A., Scranton. Race, Robert, Pittsburgh. Raebiger, Adolph, Jr., Philadelphia. Rea, Joseph A., Pittsburgh. Regan, Gerald, Duryea. Rhone, Merle, St. Marys. Ridenour, Waid, Avonmore. Rizzo, Charles, Philadelphia. Sargen, Mitchell, Philadelphia. Saunders, Lyman G., Hop Bottom. Schantz, George W., Allentown. Schmidt, George J., Pittsburgh. Schmitt, Edward H., McKeesport. Schneider, Clarence G., Avalon. Schrader, William, Pittsburgh. Scott, John M., Cherry Tree. Shaw, Warren Daniel, Bradford. Shoffner, Charles A., West Fairview. Shumaker, Wilbert L., New Bloomfield. Shuster, James E., Jeanette. Simons, Floyd J., Bethlehem. Siner, Frank Carns, Philadelphia. Smith, Howard L., Gladwyne. Smith, James M., Germantown. Stark, Lawrence E., Bunola. Stead, Ernest Z., Philadelphia. Strasser, Florence F., Pittsburgh. Sutton, Marshall Henry, Philadelphia. Swingle, Howard, Scranton. Sykes, Edgar W., Muncey. Taunt, Clarence, Philadelphia. Teskey, James J., Susquehanna. Thoman, George F., York. Tolan, Fred J., Catasauqua. Tomlinson, Russell S., Siles. Troxell, Oscar E., Allentown. Truckey, Leo J., North Braddock. Tschippert, Emanuel G., Pittsburgh. Tschopp, Lloyd D., Elizabethville. Tucker, Frank, Pittsburgh. Tucker, William, Monongahela. Walkowiak, Andrew, Pittsburgh. Waller, Harry, Philadelphia. Walsh, John E., Pittsburgh. Walsh, John, Philadelphia. Walther, Clarence T., Pittsburgh. Warriner, Herbert, Philadelphia. Watkins, Emerson Morgan, Carbondale. Watt, Earl J., Enon Valley. Waugaman, Lewis, Woodlawn. Weppler, John L., Pittsburgh. Weyandt, John R., Reading. Withers, Fillmore, Floreffe. William, Verner Meade, Grove City. Williams, J. E., Windgap. Wilson, Harry M., Plymouth. Wilson, Hobart, S., Pottsville. Zimmermann, Henry A., Pittsburgh. Zuver, Edward Lewis, Greenville. Buglers Argall, Fred, Pittsburgh. Bittner, Leo W. J., Columbia. Coates, Norman D., Bridgeport. Crissman, Frank B., Bellefonte. Roberts, Meral H., Tobyhanna. Rood, Sofey L., Johnsonburg. Savello, Walter, Pittsburgh. Slatcher, Clarence S., Philadelphia. Watmuff, Percy, Marcus Hook. Cooks Auman, Charles, Altoona. Black, Robert W., Washington. Kniss, Edward W., Dravosburg. Melvin, Frank J., Philadelphia. Schrecengost, Merl, Moon Run. Stein, Gustav Adam, York. Zacharewicz, Ignacy, Blackgeld. Mechanics Costigan, James Thomas, Philadelphia. Crede, Charles W., Wilkinsburg. Davidson, Robert H., Pittsburgh. Evans, Charles Michael, Pittsville. Leach, Willard J., Philadelphia. Lengel, Peter S., Reading. Millen, Lloyd Alonzo, Springboro. Peightal, James, Clymer. Schmitt, Charles, Millvale. Strasbough, John R., Dilltown. Saddler McMahon, Edward L., Dushore. Trumpter Moder, Andrew, Pittsburgh. Wagoners Alwine, George S., Middletown. Bower, Frank, Williamsport. Breakiron, John Wm., Ambridge. Carro, Theodore, Scranton. Davis, Eugene R., Harrisburg. Godshalk, Albert F., Bangor. Himes, Lewis, Mercersburg. McCabe, Michael J., Philadelphia. Magarahan, James Sylvester, Philadelphia. Strouse, Willis L., Sunbury. Privates Abbott, Harry L., Meadville. Abroitz, Anthony, Philadelphia. Ackerman, Lee De V., Homestead. Ackerman, Raymond A., Guys Mills. Adams, George H., Philadelphia. Adams, Harold P., Langeloth. Adkins, Harold D., Philadelphia. Aikens, Charles F., Kittanning. Alanzo, Raymond, Oil City. Altmeyer, Harry N., Pittsburgh. Anderson, William F., Plaski. Anderton, Louis W., Wampum Andruskiewicz, Antonio, New Kensington. Andusick, Clement, Old Forge. Angelin, Benedetta, Meadowlands. Antonelli, Emilio, Liberty. Archibald, John, Onnalinda. Armstrong, Elmer H., Philadelphia. Armstrong, John Leslie, Mason and Dixon. Arnold, Charles, Reading. Artz, Robert E., Schuylkill. Ashton, Alfred T., Philadelphia. Assed, Mike, Donora. Axe, Reuben J., Blairsville. Baclaske, Frank, Old Forge. Bair, James H., Saltsburg. Baker, Thomas, Hollidaysburg. Baker, Walter, Laverne, Kane. Baltus, Walter, Pittsburgh. Bambrick, Vincent, Philadelphia. Baranowsky, Antony, Sugar Notch. Barbara, Annibale, Jeannette. Barbarski, William, Mahanoy City. Barber, Mike, Whitsett. Barclay, William B., Sturgeon. Bardociewiz, Frank, Sugar Notch. Barker, Charles W., Harrisburg. Barnitowski, Waldek, Erie. Barnitz, Reed, Philadelphia. Barnum, Henry A., Scottdale. Barr, Edwin, Philadelphia. Bartek, Andrew, Ford City. Batz, Harry P., Pittsburgh. Baumeister, Fred, Philadelphia. Beale, Raymond M., Brackenridge. Beattie, Paul J., Lemoyne. Bechtel, Harry C., Millersburg. Beck, Arcadius C., Pittsburgh. Becker, Herman F., Glenwood. Bedding, John C., Reading. Beierlein, Benjamin T., Washington. Beighley, Victor R., Beaver Falls. Beightol, Edward M., Tyrone. Belculfine, Alessandro, New Brighton. Bellaroba, Guisoppe, Hazleton. Bell, Huoc T., Kittanning. Bell, John I., Mifflintown. Bellak, John, South Fork. Belli, Frederick F., Philadelphia. Benner, Frederick, Philadelphia. Benners, Archibald D, Ambler. Bennett, Elwood, A., Reiglesville. Bently, Anthony, Kittanning. Berkofski, Frank, Eynon. Best, Herbert W., Holmes. Beveridge, Floyd L., Etna. Bickhart, Harry J., Altoona. Billard, Philip, Honesdale. Billotte, Nester C., Frenchville. Bitzhovski, Frank, Kulpment. Blackburn, Frank R., New Paris. Blamick, Joseph J., Portvue. Blei, William H., Roxborough. Bloss, Edward P., Parson. Blure, Thre., Scranton. Boardman, William, Minersville. Bollinger, Albert V., Greensburg. Bolt, Bernard H., South Bethlehem. Boord, Howard S., Smithfield. Borger, Fred F., Nazereth. Bortkiewicz, Antony, Bunola. Bowers, Ralph E., Sharon. Boyd, Marshall Armstrong, Pittsburgh. Boyd, William H., Wilkinsburg. Boyle, Bernard A., Schuylkill. Bradford, William, Midland. Bradica, Karlo, Monessen. Braham, Albert A., Philadelphia. Brumbuagh, Raymond Chester, Coles Summit. Brandt, Delbert C., Sharon. Brannon, Frederick, Carnegie. Bratcher, George, Philadelphia. Bray, Dyle E., Bangor. Beitigan, Abraham H., Lititz. Brenner, Clarence L., Zelienople. Brennan, John A., Duryea. Brer, Charles W., Coplay. Briel, Walter, Reading. Brindle, Elmer J., Barree. Brogan, Joseph A., Pittsburgh. Brook, Frank P., Philadelphia. Brotherton, Ernest E., Swissvale. Brotherton, Roy, Rochester. Brough, Raymond, Lebanon. Brougher, Edgar C., Cokeville. Brown, Harry W., York. Bruce, Elmer M., Beaver Falls. Bruno, John, Vernon. Bruno, Tognetti, Ernest. Bryan, Guy, Robinson. Bryan, Leroy, Royalton. Buchholz, Samuel D., Pittsburgh. Buck, Brinton S., Philadelphia. Budman, Judson E., Lairdsville. Bulanovich, Andy, Pittsburgh. Bunting, James S., Philadelphia. Burke, Enos W., Shelton. Burkert, Isaac W., Schuylkill Haven. Burket, Elmer H., Lancaster. Burkholder, Charles R., Muddy Creek Forks. Burke, Edward F., Pittston. Butors, Michael, Farrell. Butterbaugh, Thomas W., Lily. Byerly, Darrell W., Colingdale. Callahan, James M., Philadelphia. Cammarata, Arthur, Philadelphia. Canady, Otis L., Ambridge. Caplan, Charles, Connellsville. Carey, Harold, Waynesburg. Carlson, Carl John, Stoneboro. Carmelo, Villart, Philadelphia. Carnock, Michael, Mount Pleasant. Carpenter, Stanley D., Pittsburgh. Carpinella, Vittore, Charleroi. Carr, Lloyd E., Jr., Lancaster. Cassano, Vincenzo, Erie. Ceccki, Antonio, Conifer. Chaffee, Orio S., Pittsburgh. Challenger, Ralph Herbert, Lebanon. Chanen, Samuel, Philadelphia. Charlesworth, John H., Pittsburgh. Chesolosky, George, McDonald. Cieslicki, Waclaw, Erie. Cilente, Giacinto, Conleysville. Cipretti, Antonio, Ardmore. Clapsaddle, Samuel D., Orrtanna. Clark, Herber, Trooper. Clark, Peter C., Philadelphia. Clark, Samuel M., Lancaster. Clark, William C., Penn Runn. Clark, William J., Philadelphia. Clark, William, Titusville. Clouser, Le Roy S., Middletown. Cochran, Carl C., Ranklin. Colaizzi, Dominic, Pittsburgh. Coldebella, Joe, Schenley. Cole, Alton C., Altoona. Colebaugh, Jacob R., Imber. Colio, Giuseppe, Philadelphia. Coll, John F., Hazleton. Collier, Harry K., Lewiston. Colomino, Salvatore, Dunmore. Compton, James H., Narberth. Conley, William, Riddlesburg. Conners, John F., Pittsburgh. Conrad, Amos A., Boyertown. Costanzo, Peter, Nanticoke. Conway, Peter J., Philadelphia. Cook, Harry Anthony, Philadelphia. Cooney, Arthur E., Bradford. Corcoran, Daniel J., Philadelphia. Cosentino, Filippo, Lilly. Coulton, Leonard, Morrisville. Courtney, John C., Quakertown. Coyne, Raymond E., Pittsburgh. Cramasta, Pantaleone, Philadelphia. Crihocki, Wlady, Scranton. Criner, Howard Edward, Fayetteville. Crispoldi, Angelo, Chestnut Ridge. Crosovolt, Lewis, Houtzdale. Crone, John J., Philadelphia. Cronin, Patrick J., Pittsburgh. Crouse, Victor C., Littlestown. Cummings, Stuart Logan, Carnegie. Cuneo, Charles E., Force. Currie, Richard J., Philadelphia. Dalton, Joseph F., Philadelphia. Darosky, Adam, Hudson. Davies, Ellsworth K., Munhall. Davis, Harry, Girardville. Day, Alanson R., Jr., Monongahela. Decker, Warren J., Philadelphia. Delaney, Lawrence, Philadelphia. Delbene, Anthony A., Pittsburgh. Deliesa, Florinda, Johnstown. Dell, George William, Malvern. De Luca, Guiseppe, Sharpsburg. De Prill, Frank, Butler. Dempster, Thomas W., Pittsburgh. Demsky, Lewis, Edwardsville. Dengler, Harvey E., Oberlin. Dennis, John A., Wigton. Desantis, Patsy, Vimber. De Shong, Walter B., Fairchance. Desimore, Generino, Philadelphia. Devine, Thomas, Whitaker. Devlin, Vincent J., Branchdale. Dewey, George Peterson, Bradford. Diffenderfer, Allen F., High Spire. Dimasi, Domenico, Greensburg. Di Pasquale, Fortunato, Archibald. Diprosperi, Castantino, Philadelphia. Di Tana, Luigi, Pittsburgh. Di Tannia, Luigi, Braddock. Dine, Thomas L., Philadelphia. Dobrowolski, Louis, Nanticoke. Dodson, Harvey, Altoona. Doebler, Glenn L., Hanover. Doerr, William, Pittsburgh. Dollish, George M., Pittsburgh. Dorman, Frank Herbert, Pittsburgh. Dornblasher, David E., Nazareth. Dornenburg, Frank A., Carnegie. Dossler, Harry G., Tyrone. Dougherty, James Alfred, Philadelphia. Dougherty, William, Philadelphia. Douglas, John G., Kittanning. Dowd, John Joseph, Montrose. Dowling, John, Glenn Mills. Downard, Louis J., Arnold. Doyle, Hilbert A., Doylesburg. Doyle, James J., Pittsburgh. Doyle, John J., Scranton. Doyle, William, Belle Vernon. Druding, George J., Philadelphia. Drum, Sherman M., Cogan Station. Dublinskie, John J., Shamokin. Dubravsky, Mike, Munhall. Duda, Anthony, Nanticoke. Dudzik, Andrex, Philadelphia. Duffy, John I., Philadelphia. Dunmire, Milton Lee, McVeytown. Durbin, Daniel G., Wind Ridge. Duvall, John G., Waynesburg. Earl, Homer W., Trafford City. Eckhart, William H., Quakertown. Elliott, Albert L., Grapeville. Elliott, Barton W., Pittsburgh. Elliott, Thomas Herbert, Pittsburgh. Ellman, Harry, Pittsburgh. Elmquist, Emil H., Wilcox. Emery, Thomas F., Philadelphia. Emswiler, Henry Franklin, Harrisburg. Enright, Michael D., Rankin. Ernst, Frank A., Pittsburgh. Eschbach, John, Reading. Evanickey, Joseph, Donora. Evans, George H., Lawsonham. Evans, Howard, Brandywine Summit. Evans, Nelson Banks, Lewistown. Evans, Thomas, Johnstown. Everhart, Eugene C., Jr., Norwood. Everitt, Ray, Montrose. Everts, George Elmer, McConnelsburg. Evell, Frank B., Philadelphia. Fahey, William W., Kennett Square. Failaice, Joseph, Pittsburgh. Falkenhagen, Raymond A., Pittsburgh. Farber, Charley A., Erie. Farmer, William J., McKeesport. Farner, Robert E., Cross Creek. Farrell, George, Wayne. Fatzinger, Warren H., Bethlehem. Feldstein, Isadore, Pittsburgh. Felmy, Michael F., Jersey Shore. Ferrari, Camillo, Pittsburgh. Ferrari, Francesco, Shickshinny. Ferrarri, Fred, Pittsburgh. Ferri, Armino, Allison. Ferris, Stephen W., Scranton. Fickes, David Elmer, Imler. Fickus, Carl C., Scranton. Filliponi, Amedo, Conshohocken. Finch, Robert, Allport. Fineberg, Joseph, Philadelphia. Finley, Earl S., Steelton. Finnegan, Michael G., Philadelphia. Fiore, Frank G., Scranton. Fischer, Benjamin H., Philadelphia. Fischer, Herbert A., Philadelphia. Flanagan, Francis J., Ashland. Fleck, Joseph W., McKeesport. Fleming, William, Philadelphia. Flemming, Joseph R., Pittston. Fylnn, Charles Joseph, Philadelphia. Flynn, George A., Braddock. Ford, William, Philadelphia. Forsha, Leslie J., Blairsville. Forsyth, Albert E., Philadelphia. Fox, Myron S., North Centre. Francis, Stephen James, Pittsburgh. Frankenfield, Austin W., Cooperburg. Fratto, Clementine, Pittsburgh. Frederick, Clarence R., Pittsburgh. Frew, Andrew, Punxsutawney. Friedel, Alexander, Jr., Philadelphia. Fritz, George H., Oak Ridge. Fryer, Harry, Pottstown. Fryer, John, Leechburg. Fudala, Fred J., Philadelphia. Furlong, Thomas E., St. Nicholas. Fyock, Daniel W., South Fork. Fyock, Richard P., Penn Run. Gall, Michael, McKees Rocks. Gallagher, William L., Fair Haven. Galloway, William K., Pottstown. Gardner, Bernard J., Pittsburgh. Garland, Wesly, Lansford. Gasper, Steve, Stahlstown. Gathers, Louis, Clarion. Gativis, Martin, Sagamore. Gavazi, Luigi, Elmora. Gazelle, Victor, Masontown. Gburoski, William, Port Vue. Gearhart, Donald L., Altoona. Geiger, Isreal E., Export. Gemmell, John J., Philadelphia. Geyer, Benjamin S., Pittsburgh. Gibson, Dale D., West Pittsburgh. Gibson, James M., Danville. Gilchrist, Alexander, Philadelphia. Gilger, Raymond, Pottsville. Gill, George W., Julian. Gillespie, Harry J., Philadelphia. Gillis, Julius P., Wilkes-Barre. Gilmartin, Thomas J., West Pittston. Gingrich, Walter H., Lawn. Giordano, Baptist, Nesquehoning. Giorgi, Medro, Noweem. Gochnauer, Alvin A., Lancaster. Gochnour, Claud G., South Fork. Goldberg, Alex, Greensburg. Gollmer, David, Philadelphia. Good, Charles H., Hamburg. Good, Raymond W., Easton. Goodman, Frank John, Reading. Goodman, John T., Parkers Landing. Gorgol, Joseph S., Scranton. Gorman, John Jay, Pittsburgh. Grabavolo, Samuel, Collison. Graham, Curtis Lemont, Clearfield. Graham, Lloyd Robert, Webster. Granes, John, Lock No. 3. Gray, Keeler J., Bloomsburg. Greaves, Percy, Irwin. Greeley, Edward J., Philadelphia. Greenly, Leroy, Reading. Greer, Jesse Grover, Venus. Greiner, Arthur W., Erie. Grejber, John Joseph, Philadelphia. Grimm, Judson M., Smithfield. Grochowski, Boleslaw, Philadelphia. Gross, Alfred, Philadelphia. Gross, Peter J., Pittsburgh. Guenther, Fred H., Pittsburgh. Guinchi, Agestino, Parsons. Gumauski, Pius Charles, Port Carbon. Gustapson, John W., Titusville. Haag, William H., Reading. Hadsall, Marvin E., Homer City. Hagerty, John T., Philadelphia. Hain, Leonard J., Reading. Hamberry, Joseph H., Philadelphia. Hanling, Arthur R., Chester. Hariegle, Eugene O., Nazareth. Halas, Joseph, Philadelphia. Hall, Dean A., Pittsburgh. Halsey, Clarence C., Coudersport. Hammond, Frank, Glenside. Hanko, George, New Kensington. Hansen, Arthur, Monongahela City. Hanson, Carl William, Fredericktown. Hanson, Oscar G., Ridgway. Hare, John, Olyphant. Harmon, Luman P., Picture Rocks. Harpur, Frank V., Philadelphia. Harrison, Clarence R., Sharpsburg. Harrison, Frank, Easton. Hart, John J., Erie. Hartley, Paul F., Upper Darby. Hartman, Earl, Annville. Harvey, Walter H., New Brittain. Hauck, Alvin K., Perkiomenville. Hauger, Hilton H., Garrett. Haugh, Cad C., Brookville. Haupt, Gilbert C., Trevorton. Hawkins, Charles, North Braddock. Hays, William V., Imperial. Hazlett, George, Tarentum. Healis, Charles A., Philadelphia. Healy, John, Coatesville. Heartter, Harry J., Reinerton. Heckman, Ralph L., Greenville. Hedricks, George, Mont Clare. Heffner, Wesley, Chanceford. Heffron, John, Minooka. Heicklen, Morris, Philadelphia. Heisey, Abram W., Elizabethtown. Held, Walter W., Leechburg. Heltmark, Walter, Connellsville. Henninger, William McK., Philadelphia. Hepp, Edward, Phoenixville. Hepworth, James T., Philadelphia. Herrman, Frederick, Philadelphia. Hertzel, Herman W., Warren. Herzing, John J., Ridgway. Herzog, George B., North Reading. Hess, Harry Edison, Altoona. Hess, Oscar M., New Ringgold. Highly, Charles E., Houtzdale. Higley, Earl Lile, Conneautville. Hilbish, Philip Lawrence, Treeburg. Hillard, Charles, Hawthorn. Hill, Charles Findley, Punxsutawney. Hill, John William, Bradford. Hill, Richard H., Cokeville. Hill, Williams O., Philadelphia. Himes, Charles, Langville. Hinger, Charles E., Philadelphia. Hinkle, Clarence Leo, Chambersburg. Hoburn, Roy, Rodney. Hoffman, Bert, St. Marys. Hofscher, Francis Bernard, Pittsburgh. Hohn, Joseph, Greensburg. Hokanson, John, Erie. Holland, Harry W., Philadelphia. Holshan, John J., New Philadelphia. Honard, Arthur J., Erie. Horan, William S., Scranton. Horton D. W., Clairton. Hosler, Charles K., Berwick. Houser, Charles M., Harrisburg. Howsare, Earl, Rainsburg. Hudson, Ralph, Wilkes-Barre. Hughes, Clarence, Uniontown. Humphries, Harry Reginald, Scott Dale. Hunt, Charles James, Mount Union. Huss, Edward, Scranton. Hustis, James H., Nelsonville. Huston, Thomas J., Pennsburg. Hykes, Oscar M., Shippensburg. Iannalli, Vincent, Philadelphia. Iannelli, Michael, Philadelphia. Ihnatz, George, Wilkes-Barre. Isherwood, Basil T., Pittsburgh. Izzo, Frank X., Altoona. Jayne, James, Olyphant. Jenks, Harry A., Philadelphia. Johnson, Frank A., Philadelphia. Johnson, Jacob, Philadelphia. Johnson, Leonard L., Kane. Johnson, Lester W., Lycippus. Johnson, Robert Paul, Bradford. Johnson, William, Winton. Joller, Leo C., Pittsburgh. Jones, John H., West Pittston. Jones, Elwood J., Philadelphia. Jones, Fred E., Harrisburg. Jones, Owen Frederick, East Brady. Jones, Victor, Duquesne. Judy, Paul, Hummelstown. Kaesemeier, Fred W., West View. Kahle, Otis P., Sigel. Kalensky, Tony, Bentleyville. Kaperatti, Anthony, Philadelphia. Karolczar, John, Heidelburg. Kasick, Mike, Gallitzin. Kazinetz, Jacob, Philadelphia. Kearney, Edward J., West Philadelphia. Keino, Joseph Macka, Edwardsville. Keith, Benjamin F., Philadelphia. Keller, William A., Philadelphia. Kelly, Daniel R., Mount Pleasant. Kelly, George L., Philadelphia. Kelly, John, Scranton. Kelly, Raymond T., Johnstown. Keltz, Harry A., Latrobe. Kendig, Haskell P., Lancaster. Kenehan, John F., Scranton. Kennedy, Francis R. Tarentum. Kenney, Raymond J., Williamsport. Kern, Laird E., Newside. Kerpet, Raymond Walter, Wilkes-Barre. Kern, Leroy, Donora. Kerschner, Jesse P., Archville. Kester, Jesse Wonner, Mahaffey. Kibbler, Eugene A., Noxen. Kiehl, Jacob N., Lancaster. Killinger, Bert, Tunnelhill. King, Norman Lineous, Corry. King, Thomas E., Washington. Kirkpatrick, William, Cuddy. Kizale, Peter P., Wilkes-Barre. Kline, Ard, Pottstown. Klingensmith, Russell, Leechburg. Knauss, Claude R., Allentown. Knelly, Henry F., Oneida. Koch, George D., Philadelphia. Koch, Raymond H., Sinking Springs. Koehler, Charles E., Pittsburgh. Kohuth, Joseph William, Gipsy. Kolby, John E., North Hampton. Kopp, Edward J., Hokes. Korotki, Michael, Erie. Kotzen, William W., West Philadelphia. Kovacsik, Steven, Cannonsburg. Koylowsky, Max J., Dickson City. Kozacyzk, Wasy, Allentown. Kozicki, Joseph, Ashley. Kramer, John A., Johnstown. Krasktopovitch, Vosolia, Mount Union. Krawsowaski, Stanislaus, Pittsburgh. Krebs, Charles F., Harrisburg. Kretschmer, Wm. A., Greenock. Krohl, Elmer E., Philadelphia. Krouz, John Jr., Altoona. Kuehner, Harry E., Allentown. Kuhn, Charles E., State College. Kurtz, William P., Huntington. Kuzina, Michael, Windber. Lacey, William J., Philadelphia. Lackhove, Harry F., Mercersburg. Laird, John, Wishaw. Laird, Walter Frank, Dayton. Lambs, Walter Ernest, Philadelphia. Lamm, Raymond L., New Castle. Lantz, Albert, Pittsburgh. Larkin, Patrick J., Pittsburgh. Law, William C., Ford City. Lawson, Percy Carl, Warren. Lebaron, Lynn L., Union City. Leber, Paul Revere, Columbia. Lehman, Max F., Annville. Lehman, Russell Harry, Chambersburg. Leibensperger, Victor H., Emans. Lemley, Max, Waynesburg. Lenhart, Clarence F., Allentown. Lentz, Charles, Williamsport. Lepczyk, Charles, Philadelphia. Leshon, Sam, Robertsdale. Leslie, Joseph F., Johnstown. Lessig, John, Philadelphia. Levan, Harry, Philadelphia. Levandeski, Andy, Pittsburgh. Leventry, Emmet L., Johnstown. Lewis, Joseph, Philadelphia. Leynaud, Louis P., West Meshannon. Lichette, Lafayette A. R., Jr., Philadelphia. Lichty, Harry R., Somerset. Lieberman, Maury, Philadelphia. Livengood, Karl H., Scottdale. Livengood, Lloyd C., Wilkes-Barre. Livingstone, Sam'l McP., Clarion. Lockhart Geo. R., Philadelphia. Lohmiller, Jacob A., Philadelphia. Lojeski, Joseph, Pittsburgh. Long, Joseph T., Darby. Lowstetter, Frank E., Duquesne. Lucas, Philip H., Mechanicsburg. Lucore, Charles Earl, Caledonia. Lukish, Michael Stephen, Kingston. Lukszon, John S., Sharpsburg. Luppe, Charles, Pittsburgh. Lydon, Charles, Scranton. Lytle, Clyde L., Shamokin. MacArthur, John S., Philadelphia. MacHatton, Joseph P., Pittsburgh. McCaffrey, Wm. V., Washington. McCarriber, Vincent, Glen Willard. McClellan, Wm. N., Youngwood. McConigal, Raymond S., Pottersdale. McClain, William, Fallington. McClean, Alexander, Philadelphia. McCormick, Chas. A., Philadelphia. McCormick, Frank B., Towanda. McCloskey, Andrew J., Lehigh Gap. McCoy, James, Ashley. McCoy, Walter Michael, Patton. McClutcheon, Walter Knable, Springdale. McDevitt, Daniel, West Philadelphia. McDevitt, John A., Chester. McDonald, Frank, Jessup. McElhany, William Lloyd, Hustontown. McFall, Homer D., Tarentum. McGarry, Patrick L., Pittston. McGinley, Daniel M., South Bethlehem. McGrath, Joseph P., Philadelphia. McHenry, Herbert L., Indiana. McIlhenny, James P., Philadelphia. McIntyre, James Emanuel, Punxsutawney. McKinney, Glen Dale, New Galilee. McMackin, John J., Philadelphia. McManamy, Robert E., Derry. McNulty, Andrew J., Freeland. McTiernan, James A., Braddock. McShane, Isaac C., Reading. McSparren, Clarence Cameron, Dayton. Mabry, Harry Daniel, Reading. Maciorowski, Frank, Pittsburgh. Mack, Arthur Leroy, Westfield. Mack, Clarence M., Derry. Mackel, Ollie Walter, Rochester Mills. Mager, Frank Joseph, Pittsburgh. Magnelli, Alimanto, Steelton. Malatre, Jules, McDonald. Malloy, John L., Philadelphia. Malloy, Thomas B., Philadelphia. Maloney, John F., Pittsburgh. Manley, Gerald Anthony, Archibald. Marano, Frank, Philadelphia. Marcelle, John H., Cecil. Markel, Walter J., Adelaide. Markley, John T., Pittsburgh. Markline, Jacob, Abbotstown. Markusic, Fred, Uniontown. Marowitz, Max, McKeesport. Marsaglio, Vincenzo, Curtisville. Marshall, Paul W., Monongahela. Marshall, Walter, Sarver. Martin, Abraham V., Lancaster. Martocci, John, Jr., Roseto. Marx, John J., Wilkes-Barre. Masloff, Harry, Pittsburgh. Materna, Joseph, Hazleton. Maurer, Elbert J., Bethlehem. Maurer, Elmer Edison, Scranton. May, James L., South Connellsville. Mazzei, James, Belle Vernon. Meacham, Lawrence, Port Allegany. Meade, George B., Wilkes-Barre. Mears, George M., Jeannette. Medwith, Andy, Oliver. Meese, Ernest, Brownsville. Mekland, Albin J., Pittsburgh. Mikonis, William, Braddock. Mellott, Stanley Q., Big Cove Tannery. Mengel, William P., Wyomissing. Mentz, Norris B., Philadelphia. Merile, Galli, Carnegie. Merkle, William J., Philadelphia. Metz, Frank, Pittsburgh. Meyer, Walter F., Burlington. Michaels, Charles A., New Castle. Michaels, George J., Danville. Michelfelder, Ralph J., Carnegie. Middlesworth, Luther H., Milton. Milano, Joseph A., Philadelphia. Miles, Archie J., Hartstown. Miles, Jesse, Media. Millard, John A., Newton Hamilton. Miller, Adam J., Shenandoah. Miller, Andrew H., Millvale. Miller, Charles, Easton. Miller, Daniel S., Norristown. Miller, Francis M., Turkey City. Miller, Frank, Erie. Miller, George H., Flicksville. Miller, George M., State College. Miller, Howard B., Hyndman. Miller, Howard M., Chambersburg. Miller, Jacob, Greensburg. Miller, Willis Madison, Dubois. Mitchell, Harry Edgar, Altoona. Mitchell, Walter W., Reading. Milukewicz, Peter, Shenandoah. Miterko, Michael, Ramey. Molenock, Andrew, Uniontown. Monnich, George, Luxor. Mooney, Anthony, Dunmore. Moore, John, Columbia. Moore, Talmage H., Philadelphia. Moran, William H., Pittsburgh. Morley, Earl A., Wesleyville. Morris, George R., Millford. Morris, John F., Philadelphia. Morrison, Joseph W., Auburn. Morrow, James, Pittsburgh. Moss, Irvin T., Tunkhannock. Moyer, William J., Rehrersburg. Muchnicksy, Waclaw, Eynon. Mullarkey, Thomas J., Pittsburgh. Munksgard, Chester H., Warren. Murphy, Joseph F., Ashville. Murphy, Leo A., Sayre. Murray, Jesse L., Roaring Springs. Musser, John M., Lincoln. Musser, Roy A., Lewisburg. Musto, Frank, Pittston. Myers, Harry L., Titusville. Myers, Samuel W., Lancaster. Myers, Sydney George, Myerstown. Nabors, Charles, Cheat Haven. Nase, Thomas K., Stroudsburg. Naughton, Francis Xavier, Harrisburg. Neff, Carl W., Harbor Creek. Neilson, Peter, Anita. Neilson, William L., Pittsburgh. Nelis, Edward, Philadelphia. Nelson, Waldo B., Denver. Nichols, William A., Quarryville. Nickel, Harry C., Pittsburgh. Nickles, William, Philadelphia. Neiter, John E., Beaver. Niotis, Manuel, Burgettstown. Noge, Frank, Carrick. Nolfi, Roger J., Derry Station. Noonan, Joseph F., West Chester. Noonan, Thomas P., Philadelphia. Norris, Chester I., Carnegie. Nuss, Lewis W., Norristown. Ochuito, Joseph, Philadelphia. O'Donnell, Lawrence, Laquin. Oelschlager, Harvey Y., Bergey. Ogden, Elmer, Philadelphia. Ogitis, August, Shenandoah. O'Hara, Harry, Norristown. Ohren, George E., Pittsburgh. Olivieri, Polimando, Blairsville. Olkosky, Alexander, Canoe Run. O'Mally, Martin, Pittsburgh. Ono, Paul L., Pittsburgh. O'Neill, George A., Braddock. O'Neill, John J., Philadelphia. Orehauski, Edw. Andy, Graceton. Osmond, Raymond T., Philadelphia. Paddock, Steve J., Wilkes-Barre. Page, Ottomer R., Clearfield. Page, Walter, Mount Pleasant Hills. Pahler, Walter, Philadelphia. Pahls, Frank, Philadelphia. Palm, Elam B., Ephrata. Paronagain, Looren, Philadelphia. Parry, William, Scranton. Parsons, James, Coal Valley. Pascee, Charles R., Stockdale. Patane, Rosario, Philadelphia. Patrick, Charles, New Philadelphia. Patton, Wm. Richardson, Venetia. Pauli, Gustav J., Greenberg. Payne, Michael Thomas, Erie. Pegg, James Samuel, Plymouth. Pegg, William J., Philadelphia. Peifer, John Christian, Harrisburg. Pennell, Norman D., West Chester. Pepperman, Geo. W., Jersey Shore. Perko, Walter, Scranton. Perry, Robt. Burdett, Punxsutawney. Peterson, Judson, Cochranton. Pettit, Eddie R., Washington. Pfeffer, Lester W., Easton. Philips, William B., Venetia. Phillips, Harry Albert, Glenwillard. Phillips, Howard R., Kane. Phillips, James, New Castle. Pilling, Thomas J., Philadelphia. Pipes, Ragan H., Waynesburg. Pisani, Andrea, Shamokin. Plassmeyer, Albert J., Zolienople. Plonski, Alexander, Pittsburgh. Plowers, Wm. J., Pittsburgh. Plunkett, Benjamin, Philadelphia. Polito, Joseph, Philadelphia. Pop, Isadore, Sharon. Popish, Matt, Portage. Popornoski, Wladyslaw, Pittsburgh. Powell, Edwin G., Scranton. Pozyc, Wladyslaw B., Erie. Pressler, William G., Birdsville. Price, Herman E., Bradenville. Pride, Nathan, Chester. Pullion, John, Jr., Scranton. Quinn, Joseph Francis, Philadelphia. Quinn, Mark E., Shamokin. Raabe, Howard H., Tamaqua. Rachel, Roy, Erie. Rafferty, Edward A., Grampian. Ragazulis, Peter, Luzerne. Raiger, George H., Lebanon. Raker, Norman Cleveland, Connellsburg. Rang, Fred J., Pittsburgh. Raisor, Franklin F., Warren. Rausch, John E., Easton. Redner, Howard B., Philadelphia. Reed, Charles T., Blairsville. Reener, Wilbert, York. Reid, William, Morris Run. Reif, Harry Philip, Philadelphia. Remley, George A., Benton. Renkin, Fred J., Pittsburgh. Revell, Edward J., Philadelphia. Reynolds, Walter S., Beaver Falls. Rice, Davis K., Easton. Richard, George F., Philadelphia. Richards, Ben. Scranton. Richards, William H., Wilkes-Barre. Richter, Frank C., Philadelphia. Rickaby, Edward, Old Forge. Rickerts, Lawrence J., Pittsburgh. Righter, Ira B., Gladwyne. Rimkus, Stanley, Arnold. Riley, Eugene F., Plymouth. Rigotti, Ludvio, Coraopolis. Ritenour, Norman P., Normansville. Roam, Mike, Meadville. Roberts, Leon, Philadelphia. Robinson, Arthur L., Warriors Mark. Rodebaugh, Norman B., Philadelphia. Rogers, Robert C., Forksville. Rohr, Lyman, Ambler. Romanko, Nick, Universal. Romanski, Paul P., Elizabeth. Rome, John Jacob, Homestead. Rose, Delbert Dean, Hop Bottom. Rosenfield, Morris E., Towanda. Rossban, John L., Lancaster. Ruff, Frank A., Philadelphia. Ruffo, Antonio, Lanesdale. Rupert, William J., Petersburg. Ruppert, Raymond J., Port Carbon. Rusinko, John, Scranton. Russell, Arthur L., Bedford. Ruth, Frank M., Lancaster. Ruth, William G., Athol. Rutkowski, Frank, Dickson City. Rutstein, Irving R., Wilkes-Barre. Ryan, Stephen Francis, Philadelphia. Sack, Joseph B., Philadephia. Sager, Bruce E., Barnesboro. Sailes, John, Philadelphia. Salvadori, Benedetto, Harrisburg. Sankner, Steve Rudolph, Lewis Run. Sauer, Spencer H., Philadelphia. Saunders, Fred D., Philadelphia. Sauter, Ralph A., Dunlo. Sawhill, Clyde S., Edgewood. Saxe, William H., Souderton. Say, Bruce E., Parkers Landing. Schade, Chauncey F., Erie. Schappell, Howard S., Hamburg. Schawolt, William, Moon Run. Schleig, John E., Trevorton. Schlicher, Frederick William, Pennsburg. Schmaldienst, Frank, Allentown. Schmidt, William H., Philadelphia. Schneider, Paul G., Pottsville. Schnitzer, William Howard, Hazelton. Schorman, Clarence L., Bradford. Schrader, John H., Ambler. Schreiber, Carl S., Pittsburgh. Schrock, Steve J., Jenners. Schroll, Charles, Cly. Schumacher, John C., Johnstown. Schuyler, Charles A., Orrtauna. Schwerer, Harry G., Pittsburgh. Scialla, Domenico, Chester. Sciszeski, Stanley, Pittsburgh. Scott, Charles B., Switchville. Sechler, Scott D., Fairchance. Seegar, Charles, Philadelphia. Seeley, Floyd W., Townville. Seger, Norman J., Rossiter. Seiberlich, Lawrence W., Philadelphia. Seitz, Robert, Johnstown. Seitz, Sterling W., Yoe. Selesky, Michael R., Philadelphia. Selig, Merrill N., Madison. Semensow, Feodore K., Homestead. Semodey, Alfred, West Liberty. Seneski, Peter, Kulpmont. Sepinsky, John, Philadelphia. Serrapero, Paskie, Wilmerding. Sesnesfsky, Lewis, Beaver Valley. Sevits, Parker J., Berlin. Shafer, Warner, Scranton. Shaffer, Norman, York. Sheets, Edgar, Fairchance. Shellhammer, Harry D., Hazleton. Shelly, Samuel M., Steinsburg. Shannon, James M., Sewickley. Sheppard, Clifford A., Mount Pleasant. Sherman, Max, Philadelphia. Shirey, Clyde Vency, Corry. Shultz, Paul T., Danville. Shusta, Louis J., Leisenring. Shute, Nathan, Philadelphia. Shuyler, Charles A., Orrtanna. Siekla, Mike, Wilkes-Barre. Simonson, Jerome, Scranton. Simpson, Richard, McKeesport. Sipple, Clarence A., Meyersdale. Sites, Harvey C., Mechanicsburg. Sivack, Michael, Mount Carmel. Skeath, Harry Joseph, Reading. Skiff, Clayton B., Spartansburg. Slawkin, Harry M., Pittsburgh. Sloppy, Ivan K., New Milport. Sluckaki, Ziegmont, Pittsburgh. Smigle, Walter, Carnegie. Smith, Charles A., Pottstown. Smith, Charles W., Smithfield. Smith, Emery N., Nazareth. Smith, Irwin D., New Castle. Smith, James, Philadelphia. Smith, John A., McKeesport. Smith, Joseph C., Iselin. Smith, Norman E., York. Smith, Oliver J., Millmont. Smith, Reginald W., Bethlehem. Smith, Thomas, Roulette. Smith, William F., Shippensville. Smith, William, Reading. Smith, William, Philadelphia. Smyden, Frank J., Kingston. Snee, Michael, Kittanning. Snyder, Christenson, Columbia. Snyder, Harris R., Muncy. Snyder, James H., Lancaster. Snyder, Stanton R., Millersburg. Sockle, Edward, Coaldale. Soger, Roy, Nanticoke. Solomon, Samuel, Philadelphia. Solt, Samuel L., Federal. Soyerle, Walter J., Pittsburgh. Spackman, Edwin A., Lancaster. Spathis, Christ S., Erie. Sperber, Arthur C., Pittsburgh. Spidell, Clyde W., Greencastle. Spiegel, John, Johnstown. Spiro, Joseph, Philadelphia. Spyker, William, Alexandria. Stafford, John E., Greenville. Stanaitis, William, Shenandoah. Stanimer, Joseph, Philadelphia. Stanke, Frank, Philadelphia. Stares, William, Herminie. Steiger, Frank, Summerhill. Steighner, Chris A., Fenelton. Steinbaugh, Harry Arthur, Wilkinsburg. Steiner, Edwin H., Berwick. Steininger, John, Blairsville. Stellar, Vincent, Philadelphia. Stengel, Daniel S., Philadelphia. Stepko, Eugene J., Glassport. Sterner, Jacob M., Duncannon. Stettler, Clarence E. R., Macungle. Stevenson, Frank, Chester. Stewart, Albert D., Moors. Stewart, Charlie A., Huntingdon. Stinella, Angelo, Pittsburgh. Stinson, John T., Philadelphia. Stirling, Hugh A., Philadelphia. Stoe, Anthony J., Lancaster. Stoker, Edward Allison, Ramey. Stoll, Frank K., Blossburg. Stone, Lynn, Columbia Crossroads. Straub, Max A., Herndon. Strine, Crawford C., Waynesboro. Strohmyer, Merl G., Sligo. Struckman, George H., St. Clairsville. Sullivan, Dennis John, Dury. Sullivan, Sylvester F., Pittston. Suplee, Charles K., Philadelphia. Suplee, Edward F., Philadelphia. Susko, Stephen W., Brisbin. Sutherland, George Homer Baxter, Comers Rock. Swain, Warren R., Glenside. Sword, Leonard, Newell. Szlowenesz, August, Braddock. Szumigala, Stephen, Erie. Taby, Jacob John, Shamokin. Taylor, Lewis A., Philadelphia. Taylor, Richard S., Philadelphia. Taylor, William F., Boalsburg. Tecce, Soccorso, Norton. Teed, Earl L., Union City. Tempesto, Donato, Tyler. Teplica, Mike, Johnstown. Testo, Nicholas, West Pilston. Thal, Morris, Philadelphia. Thomas, Jessie E., Shickshinny. Thomas, Joseph, Pittsburgh. Thompson, John S., Philadelphia. Thompson, William, Philadelphia. Thorn, Raymond Stacy, Philadelphia. Thorp, James D., Larimer. Tipton, Ernest C., York. Toker, Harry F., Reading. Tomosky, Michael, Mayfield. Toner, Elwood W., Philadelphia. Tonetti, Adolph, Millsboro. Tracey, George V., Minersville. Trauger, Franklin E., Hatfield. Trebino, Frank M., Philadelphia. Trimble, Richard R. C., Greensburg. Trip, Alvin, Hallstead. Trojan, Peter, Philadelphia. Troster, Charles, North Wales. Troup, Roy A., Schenley. Truxal, Earl, Latrobe. Tubyrake, Joseph, Nanticoke. Turner, William J., Philadelphia. Tumzak, Stanislaw, Scranton. Upton, Raymond, Philadelphia. Upton, William, Philadelphia. Vail, Vernon J., Clarks Summit. Vanderpool, Matthew, Towanda. Vandling, George Frederick, West Berwick. Vansickle, Roy, Markleysburg. Van Tassel, James D., Hallton. Velkine, John J., Newfoundland. Venarucci, Ettove, Glen Lyon. Vishnifsky, Fred, Connellsville. Wagner, Clarence J., Hamburg. Wagner, Thomas Z., Newville. Wagoner, Charles E., Steelton. Walker, Frank R., Chester. Walker, John S., Mountaindale. Walker, Jolly V., Pitcairn. Wallace, Charles H., Scranton. Walls, Jeremiah, Philadelphia. Walsh, Anthony A., Scranton. Walsh, John F., Minooka. Walsh, John J., Pittsburgh. Walsh, Mark, Scranton. Walthour, Taylor Everly, Philadelphia. Waltz, Charles H., Penbrook. Wanner, Arthur B., Reading. Wanner, Charles E., Sharpsburg. Wanzel, Christian, Jr., Paoli. Ward, Andrew Joseph, Philadelphia. Ward, Edward, Westville. Ward, William J., Pittsburgh. Wargo, John J., Mahoney City. Wark, John W., Jr., Philadephia. Warmbrodt, Frederick A., Johnsonburg. Warner, Edward E., Erie. Warwick, Thomas, Philadelphia. Wasser, Charles Raymond, Philadelphia. Wassis, William, Scranton. Waterhouse, Charles MacKay, Philadelphia. Watson, Edward B., Fallsington. Watson, Eugene, Pulaski. Weber, George, Braddock. Weisbord, Harry, Philadelphia. Weiss, William, Scranton. Weld, John, Johnstown. Welenc, Anthony, Troop. Wells, Andrew J., Philadelphia. Wells, Leroy B., Bryn Athyn. Welsh, John, Philadelphia. Wenker, John R., Lockhaven. Wentz, Wilbur L., Weissport. Wertz, Claude L., Mahoney. Wheeler, Earl Burdett, Lanesboro. Whinnie, Joseph, Pitco. White, Albert B., Philadelphia. White, James, Philadelphia. Whitehurst, William, West Philadelphia. Whiteley, Roland G., Yeagertown. Wilcox, Robert Burns, Youngsville. Williams, Benny, Old Forge. Williams, Harry J., Phillipsburg. Williams, Jesse E., Andover. Williams, John C., Pittsburgh. Willowitch, Frank, Philadelphia. Wilsher, William S., Carnegie. Wilson, Edmund M., Pittsburgh. Wilson, Leonard B., Bellevew. Wilson, Sidney E., New Eagle. Wingard, Robert L., Homestead. Winnals, Walter E., Philadelphia. Winslow, John Milton, Reynoldsville. Winter, Allen H., Hellam. Wisowaty, Felix, Pittsburgh. Witchoskey, Joseph F., Burdine. Withers, John Daniel, York. Witmer, Monroe K., Lititz. Witt, Claude E., Indian Head. Woestehoff, Arthur C., Pittsburgh. Wolinsky, Abe, Greensburg. Wright, Charles, Sharon Hill. Wright, Frank E., North Girard. Wright, Imbrie Z., Conneaut Lake. Wright, Reuben Overall, Philadelphia. Wyman, Elmer C., Neffsville. Yaiak, John, Philadelphia. Yeager, Wesley, Fort London. Yearsley, Irwin T., West Chester. Yendrick, Steve, Plymouth. Yerger, Charles Beideman, Boyerton. Yester, Frank J., McKeesport. Young, John B., Telford. Young, John Guion, Pittsburgh. Young, Ralph G., Sharpsburg. Yurmick, Simon, Shenandoah. Zakaroska, Paul P., Philadelphia. Zawicki, John, Pittsburgh. Zewe, William Hugo, Duquesne. Zimmerman, John, Fullerton. Zimmerman, Milton A., Punxsutawney. Zolbe, Paul, Johnstown. Zoltowski, Frank A., South Waverly. DIED OF ACCIDENT Major Scott, Edgar, Lansdowne. Captains Henry, Howard H., Fort Washington. Lukens, Alan W., Haverford. Lieutenants Brenner, George H., York. Cook, Harry, Easton. Cook, William Addison, Pittsburgh. Fisher, John J., Punxsutawney. Flynn, Walter James, Oil City. Guy, Bert, New Brighton. Herring, Rae F., Altoona. Hooper, Elwood H., Girard. Hughes, Norman D., Philadelphia. Kurtz, Paul B., Germantown. Mason, Joseph J., Pittsburgh. Merrill, George B., North East. Merz, Harold Baker, Philadelphia. Moorhead, James K., Pittsburgh. Nicholas, Raymond, Kane. Rahn, Earl E., Birdsboro. Skelly, John S., Philadelphia. Stocker, Delmar H., Tunkhannock. Stone, John, Philadelphia. Suchoski, Theodore, Wilkes-Barre. Sutton, Clinton I., Pittsburgh. Trees, Joe G., Pittsburgh. Weller, Elliot C., Rockwood. Army Field Clerk Hanna, Mark H., Ingram. Sergeant-Major Rebert, Edwin C., York. Sergeants Berner, Charles E., Pottsville. Carter, Theodore N., South Bethlehem. Cassedy, Samuel L., Philadelphia. Chambers, Lawrence L., Steelton. Cooper, William, Uniontown. Davis, Earle M., East Pittsburg. Dewey, Theodore R., Scranton. Dorney, James J., McKeesport. Edgar, Harry D., Philadelphia. Ferry, William J., South Bethlehem. Gable, Harry M., Lancaster. Gabrenya, Frank A., Johnstown. Gaumer, Albert H., Philadelphia. Harlacher, Ralph E., Allentown. Henkels, Paul, Philadelphia. Herbeler, George R., Philadelphia. Jones, John M., Pittsburgh. Kutz, Charles N., Machusburg. McClellan, Daniel George, Marionville. McCormick, George O., Pittsburgh. McCormick, William M., Dormont. McGee, John J., Philadelphia. McLaughlin, Harry, Norristown. Milovich, Samuel N., Springdale. Morgerman, Abraham, Philadelphia. Murphy, John Thomas, Greensburg. Neal, Frank W., Johnsonburg. Pierson, Charles S., Williamsport. Raue, Carl W., Philadelphia. Reynolds, Harry J., Reynoldsville. Ross, Clifton J., Parnassus. Scarem, Daniel E., Pittsburgh. Schultz, Charles H., Philadelphia. Stambaugh, La Roy D., Rehrersburg. Stockburger, Jacob C., Allentown. Thorpe, William Harry, Chester. Wise, Wilbur, Bentleyville. Young, Edward L., Moosic. Corporals Barclay, Frank G., Pottsdam. Berry, William, Oil City. Bohan, John William, Wilkes-Barre. Corite, Tony, Greensboro. Davis, Harry J., Philadelphia. Delaney, Jack, Johnstown. Eddinger, Frank M., Boyerstown. Fitzpatrick, George W., Harrisburg. Funk, Fred D., White Haven. Geizer, William D., Philadelphia. Haman, Thomas P., Greensburg. Hester, Julian S., Philadelphia. Hilbert, James A., Wilkes-Barre. Huffman, Wilbert G., Homewood. Kenworthy, Charles, Philadelphia. Kleinert, Karl S., McKees Rocks. Knaub, Clarence E., Red Lion. Lamke, Charles Henry, Steelton. Lisefsky, Joseph, Ashley. Love, Edward, Turtle Creek. McIlvaine, Bernard, Bristol. McKeown, Henry H., Suterville. Mahan, Bertram J., Aspinwall. Miller, Benny, Chester. Morgerman, Abraham, Philadelphia. Phillips, Norman S., Darby. Polifka, Peter, St. Clair. Reese, John, Scranton. Ross, George, Burrows, Franklin. Seal, Harold H., Washington. Sechrist, Charles E., Banning. Shenton, Donald T., Philadelphia. Smith, Joseph T., Scranton. Sturma, William, Jr., Philadelphia. Windsor, Charles C., Philadelphia. Cadets Brader, G. A., Nanticoke. Preston, Percy Humphreys, Pittsburgh. Cooks Dougherty, Jerome Francis, Dunmore. Emrich, Charles Lovis, Pittsburgh. Garner, Robert E., Philadelphia. Horseshoers Gable, William, Philadelphia. Valerious, Frank C.,Pittston. Musicians Reynolds, Stephan W., Philadelphia. Sroud, Edward Paul, Philadelphia. Nurses Kulp, Lorain H., South Pittstown. Ledden, Claire A., Ridgeway. Saddler Trout, Clyde M., Hunkers. Wagoners Barnosky, Chester, Eynon Lack. Calhoun, Warren J., Everett. Cotter, William P., Philadelphia. Dimeling, Roy Roan, West Decatur. Gabrenia, Tony, Johnstown. Hagy, Joseph, West Philadelphia. Hardy, Robert, Turtle Creek. Johnson, Howard W., Pittsburgh. Meredith, Jesse Larnce, Johnstown. Solt, Victor M., Allentown. Taylor, George Milton, Philadelphia. Privates Ackley, Charles L., Westfield. Albrecht, Carl J., Philadelphia. Ambrosino, Gabriel, Cementon. Armstrong, Ralph S., Etters. Bagnell, Clifford E., New Brighton. Barnette, Russell G., Baxter. Barnhart, Oren, Carmichaels. Battista, Ermindo, Philadelphia. Bauer, Victor E., Bally. Baumann, Fred, Philadelphia. Beanchionelle, Guiseppe, West Philadelphia. Bebont, Charles A., Washington. Beideman, Harry Z., Ambler. Bennett, John Henry, Tyrone. Berner, Ray B., Carbon. Bienkowski, Stanley, Glenlyon. Bilza, Michael, Philadelphia. Bisigani, Alfred J., Jessup. Boldezar, Lawrence J., Philadelphia. Boles, Methew M., Philadelphia. Bonavoglia, Thomas, Dunmore. Bonisolli, Scripi, Slovan. Borland, Ralph I., Sandy Lake. Bowers, Joseph Edmond, Jersey Shore. Bowers, Nelson, Reading. Boyken, William, Chester. Breisch, Walter H. T., Allentown. Brightwell, Wilbur F., Washington. Briscoe, Charles, Mount Pleasant. Burns, William L., Forest City. Cannon, Antonio, Philadelphia. Cantafio, Joe, Warren. Carsten, Henry, Erie. Carter, John, Avoca. Cassano, Francesco, West Berwick. Catini, Vincenzo, Chester. Cawthorne, Charles Ernest, Greentree. Christoff, Michael J., Mahoney City. Cipriano, Antonio, Nanticoke. Clancy, Harry M., Meadville. Clay, Henry S., West Chester. Clugston, Bryan J., Lansdale. Cochran, David H., Philadelphia. Coleman, Fred D., Falls Creek. Comfort, Scott F., Troy. Comstock, Albert O., Washington. Costa, Joe, Windber. Cotton, William O., Philadelphia. Courtwright, John, McCracken. Craft, Raymond, Lock No. 4. Creveling, John R., Berwick. Croll, George W., Summit Station. Cronin, George, Pittsburgh. Cuthbert, Joseph, Ardmore. Czaplicki, Stefan, Natrona. Dacey, John P., Olyphant. Danderlo, Veto, Old Forge. Davis, Dewey, Pottsville. Davis, Thomas D., Pittsburgh. Derrickson, William P., Chester. Discarlo, Zobito, Mount Carmel. Dorris, Patrick J., Mahoney. Dougherty, Jerome Francis, Dunmore. Drown, Raymond W., Philadelphia. Duffield, William, Butler. Dunlevy, James V., Harrisburg. Edinger, John L., Phoenixville. Edwards, Joseph S., Philadelphia. Eicher, John W., Pittsburgh. Esher, George William Philadelphia. Evans, Edward T., Plymouth. Evaskevicz, William, Natrona. Fahey, Martin J., Philadelphia. Fantacone, Nicholas, West Manayunk. Fasig, Harry E., Reading. Ferris,Stephen W., Scranton. Forester, Joseph W., Royersford. Foster, Louie, Carrick. Frederick, Harry E., Berwinsdale. Gallas, Oscar J., Pittsburgh. Gann, Samuel, Philadelphia. Gibble, Irwin B., Palmyra. Gowen, Edwin A., Philadelphia. Grahamer, Edward C., Scranton. Graney, Thomas E., Pittsburgh. Gray, George C., Pittsburgh. Grillo, Dominick, Old Forge. Guerrieri, Joseph, Old Forge. Haag, William H., Reading. Hanna, Mark H., Ingram. Hanson, Oscar G., Ridgway. Harris, Abe, Clearfield. Heffron, Joseph, Philadelphia. Heiser, Herbert C., Hazleton. Herchonrider, Charles H., Philadelphia. Hess, Andrew, McKees Rocks. Hommon, Frank Palmer, Huntingdon. Houseal, Louis E., Harrisburg. Huling, Samuel H., Jr., Philadelphia. Hummel, John F., Elizabethville. Johnson, Samuel E., New Albany> Jones, Ernst, Pittsburgh. Jones, William A., Johnstown. Joyce, Michael T., Pittsburgh. Kain, Charles E., Jr., York. Karolak, Joseph, Bridesburg. Kalkoski, Enoch, Paxinos. Kelejian, Charles T., Philadelphia> Keller, Elmer J., Beaver Falls. Kelly, Charles J., Philadelphia. Kelly, James P., Philadelphia>. Kemmerley, George G., Lancaster. Keough, Edward, Conifer. Keough, John Edmond, Sharpsville. Kleckner, Guy M., Erie. Knoblock, Frank, Philadelphia. Koehler, Charles H., Etna. Kohler, Carl N., Pittsburgh. Kontogiannis, George A., Pittsburgh. Krantman, Nathan, Philadelphia. Kucinscy, John, Philadelphia. Lamison, Charles L., Rameystown. Lannen, Ira J., Housten. Lavin, Patrick H., Sutersville. Lazaar, Nathan, Philadelphia. Leighton, John J., Philadelphia. Lewis, Joseph W., Connellsville. Lewis, Ward, Wheatland. Lightner, Henry, Duncannon. Lintner, Antis S., Blairsville. Louther, William G., Johnstown. Lucas, Andrew, Dunbar. Lutz, Howard H.,Sharpsburg. Lynch, John H., Philadelphia. Lynn, William E., Juanita. McCarty, Alfred, Washington. McCreary, Roscoe C., Portage. McGee, Malachi, Heckscherville. McGowen, Thomas A., Scranton. McGurrin, Martin A., Scranton. McKnight, William C., Dawson. McLaughlin, John, Philadelphia. McMaster, Elmer J., Dubois. McMillen, Lawrence L., New Castle. McNamara, Michael, Philadelphia. Macbeth, Kenneth E., Harbor Creek. Marshall, Franklin, Manns Choice. Marshall, George Ellsworth, Pittsburgh. Mathiot, Cyrus, Columbia. Maurer, George D., Hegins. Mente, Paul George, Heidelberg. Mike, Pete, Pittsburgh. Miller, Alonzo W., Washington. Miller, Charles, Mount Hope. Miller, Harry F., Bridgewater. Miskell, Joseph Francis, Scranton. Mock, George, Plymouth. Muir, Robert J., Mount Carmel. Myers, Williams J., Pittsburgh. Niggel, Walter H., Pittsburgh. Nissley, Howard H., Middletown. O'Donnell, Frank, Morgan. O'Laughlin, Edward, Lebanon. Otto, Oliver G., Pleasantville. Pardini, Quirto, Philadelphia. Parkin, George, Parsons. Parks, Mentz, Madison. Parrotti, Abamo, Philadelphia. Parsons, Ernest J., Benton. Pearl, Harold, Philadelphia. Pennington, Samuel A., Glen Campbell. Pietro De, Constanzo, Philadelphia. Pisani, Joseph, Erie. Pitts, Richard H., Chester. Pohl, Max James, Erie. Probola, Elmer P., Plymouth. Proper, Frank, Scranton. Pulvenckes, Vincent, Tamaqua. Purcell, George, Duncott. Regent, Horace, Trainer. Reid, Leon Spencer, Bryn Mawr. Rende, Gennaro, Philadelphia. Reynolds, Lewis E., Big Island. Reynolds, William, Portsville. Rhode, Albert B., Reading. Riley, Derrick, Pittsburgh. Rishel, Clarence, Clearfield. Rockwell, James, Mercersburg. Roddy, Henry S., Bolivar. Ruggiero, Angelo, Galeton. Ruggerio, Philip D., Bangor. Rush, George W., Pennsboro. Rutkowskie, John, Wilkes- Barre. Saalfrank, Forrest W., Philadelphia. Saban, Antoni, Philadelphia. Sager, Roy, Nanticoke. Sandora, James, Wilson. Schimpf, Norman R., Pittsburgh. Schommer, Frank T., Philadelphia. Searfass, Benjamin, Palmerton. Sekal, George, Plainsville. Shaw, Thomas M., Media. Shiffer, Claude E., Hershey. Shoemaker, Oliver, Bangor. Shope, Furst P., Meyersdale. Simone, Pancrazio, Windber. Smith, Harry O., Bethlehem. Smith, Walter O., Lancaster. Smith, William, Shawmut. Spampinato, Michael, Johnson. Spiro, Leon W., Philadelphia. Stambaugh, Melvin E., Carlisle. Steiner, William H., Pittston. Stevenson, Elmer George, Plymouth. Sullivan, Sylvester P., Harrisburg. Sutton, Clinton L., Pittsburgh. Swank, Zelbey T., Philadelphia. Thomas, Edward., New Castle. Tisset, Rene, Philadelphia. Tuck, Ernest, Philadelphia. Vandergrift, Jesse, Philadelphia. Vere, Frank J., Philadelphia. Waler, Thomas C., Pittsburgh. Ward, Michael J., Philadelphia. Warner, Boyd M., Pleasant Mills. Warner, Harold Leon, Lancaster. Weaver, James J., Kane. Weer, Milton R., Philadelphia. Weiss, George J., Pittsburgh. Werdt, Irwin, Williamstown. White, Ray, Hopwood. Wilcox, Orson W., Wellsboro. Wilkinson, Edward, Philadelphia. Williams, William J., Eightfour. Wood, Harry, Pittston. Wood, James E., Woodville. Yelk, Moses H., Mohnton. Yingling, Isaac H., Johnstown. Young, J. H., Pittsburgh. Zartman, Milton G., Denver. Zerbe, Edward G., Beach Creek. Zewiskey, Frank J., Archbald. Zurinsky, John K., Plymouth. |
* The listing of the name of Lieut. Newbold as killed in action probably is erroneous. Reports through the International Red Cross indicate death on October 4 he was a prisoner in Germany, camp unknown. The War Department report of his death originate prior to death date. Records of the Adjutant General's office also indicates that his first name is Charles instead of Clinton.