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Options for Reform |
Washington Correspondent, Los Angeles Times, since 1976. Covers financial and economic issues, with a specialty in Social Security, Medicare, pensions, and the aging of the baby boom generation. Author of the "Health Dollars and Sense" column in the LA Times health section dealing with insurance and benefits issues and health trends. Conducts a radio segment as "Benefits Bob" answering questions on Social Security and Medicare as part of the "Secure Retirement" radio show. Reporter, Los Angeles Times financial section, 1969-75 covered financial and corporate news. Reporter, Charlotte, N.C. Observer, 1966-69; Covered medical news, labor relations, economics and business, "War on Poverty." Reporter, Broadcasting magazine, 1964. Co-chairman of "Aging Today," publication of the American Society on Aging. Appeared as speaker before the following groups: Alzheimer’s Disease Association, American College of Eye Surgeons; American Society on Aging; American Petroleum Institute; Credit Union National Association; General Accounting Office managers; Meals on Wheels executives; Public Relations Society of America Health Academy; Social Security Administration managers. Appeared on C-Span call-in shows and panel programs. Education:
Los Angeles Times, 1875 "I" St. NW (suite 1100) Washington DC 20006 |