National Dialogue
Options for Reform

Ron Gebhardtsbauer

Senior Pension Fellow
American Academy of Actuaries

Ron Gebhardtsbauer is the senior pension fellow of the American Academy of Actuaries, the non-partisan public policy organization for actuaries in the United States.

Over the past two years, Gebhardtsbauer has emerged as a leading public educator on Social Security and other retirement issues. He has testified before Congress, assisted senators and representatives of both parties at public forums, and served as "the actuary with the answers" for a nationwide teleconference with President Clinton.

Gebhardtsbauer came to the academy after a long career in both government and the private sector. Until 1996, he managed the retirement practice of William M. Mercer, Inc. in New York City. As chief actuary of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), Gebhardtsbauer participated in oversight of the U.S. pension insurance program. He also served as the enrolled actuary for the Federal Employee Retirement System at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

Gebhardtsbauer earned an M.S. in actuarial science from Northeastern University and a B.S. in mathematics from Pennsylvania State University.

Through the American Academy of Actuaries, actuaries from the major fields of practice - casualty, health, life, and pension - offer their unique skills to the debate on public issues. The Academy provides non-partisan analysis to elected officials and regulators, maintains professional standards for all actuaries, and communicates the value of actuarial work to the media and public.

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