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RE: !RE: Welcome to the Roundtable

denis gormley wrote:

"There should be no 'cutoff' whereby no further payments are considered necessary after earning 'x' dollars on which you pay into the SS fund....There should be means testing for payouts from the SS fund....the rich should pay in the same percentage of their incomes as the poor, but payouts should be according to need."

Then, later in the same post, the same denis gormley wrote:

"The supreme premise of SS, "you pay in while you're earning, we'll pay back to you when you're not" should be held sacred..."

How can you put forth both of these at the same time?

Your Robin Hood tactics from early in the post violate the "supreme premise" quoted later!

Where is the incentive to improve our standard of living? If we try to do so, you would have us contribute in an unlimited someone else's retirement. The only people who can feel comfortable with a system like that are those who set out to secure unearned benefits.

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