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RE: Gen-X Viewpoint

   I just wanted to quickly make a few points, inspired by James, Michael,
and the 15 year old who contributed.  I am part of Generation X, so I share
the same experiences as both.  I have also worked for Fidelity investments,
so I also have experience in the financial industry.  First, the assumption 
that all investments have a risk is completely true.  The thing that
most people forget is that that includes Social Security, as the Supreme
Court has ruled that individuals have no 'right' to their benefits.  There 
may be a lesser risk to having the government hold your money, but there
is a risk.  I may be overly cynical, and I will admit that readily, but I 
do not trust the government to do wisely with my money.  Seeing that I work for
the government, I feel I have a good vantage point.
   My second point is that I feel that the real issue should not be what the 
expected rates of return are going to be.  All of those calculations are based
on assumptions of future performance, which are rarely correct, and which real
financial institutions are not allowed to give out.  The real issue is that 
there is a real possibility that the program may not be there for the members of 
generation X-ers.  That equates to a very simple 0% return.  All of our 
investments will be for naught.  I will accept that, if that is what the 
country decides that it wants; I believe that is how a Republic works.  I just
wanted to point out the burden that will be placed on a specific generation
of Americans -- namely mine.  I will bear the burden, but realize that there 
is a burden, and you place it on our shoulders willingly, America. 

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