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Why Reform Now?

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Why Reform Now?


1. The Declaration of Independence

2. The Constitution of the United States of America

3. Certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

4. Governments are instituted among men, deriving their powers from the consent of the governed.

Congress members, let's get back to the basics. Reforming SS is a golden opportunity for each and every one of you to make choices that will reduce government intervention in citizen's lives. Less government is better government. Address this important and tough problem with a very open mind; not the same mindset of the last 50 years. The American people do not need their government in every aspect of their lives. Allow us to have choices in regards to planning for our retirement. Yes, there must be a safety net for those in need, but there are many ways to do this without taxing us to death.

Remember, we are a democracy, not a socialist country. Expanding social and welfare programs is destructive and goes against the foundation of our republic.

Keep these discussions open and free and you will see that a majority of Americans want a choice in how their money is spent. If must change the current program now.

Richard Arnold

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