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Moderator's Question:
Wednesday, May 5: Bob Rosenblatt noted that the retirement age for full benefits will climb gradually from 65 to 67. His question is whether the age should be boosted to 69 or 70, effective in the years 2040 and beyond. He also asked whether the increase should be combined with an improved disability program for those with demanding physical jobs.
He said most people retire early and will continue to do. The increased retirement age would, therefore, result in an across-the-board benefit cut.
He also noted potential inequities: African-American men would be disproportionately hurt due to their below-average life expectancies; women would be disproportionately affected due to their greater reliance on spousal benefits; people in poor health and in physically demanding jobs would be hard pressed to continue working to the higher age; and age discrimination and lack of job opportunities would make it difficult to work longer.
She recommended a more flexible policy toward retirement that includes an option to retire with the deferred collection of benefits. The incentives could include increased benefits for delayed collections, partial benefits (combined with private pensions), and the repeal of the earnings limit for retirees.
Public comments:
Ashley Schannauer