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Senator Speaks with Forked Tongue (she's not alone)

Good article on the May 7th site by Carrie Lips. Carrie highlights comments and actions by Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) that demonstrates a big problem that congress people have with addressing tough problems such as SS reform.

Senator Barbara Boxer is a staunch opponent of allowing individuals to use their Social Security taxes to fund personal accounts, but recently demonstrated her gymnastic abilities when she signed a letter urging the President not to accept any proposal that would force state and local workers into Social Security.

Could she be trying to hedge her odds in the next election with the over 1 million government workers (and voters) in CA that don't belong to the same SS program that you and I are required to participate in? It appears Ms. Boxer wants to have it both ways to protect her hard-fought polictical position in CA. Are there more like her in congress? You bet there is.

Not until these congress members realize that you can't have it both ways will we really go forward on any successful reform measures.

Hopefully, the press and concerned organizations following these discussions will continue to expose these politicians that have a real knack for speaking out of both sides of their mouths.

Catch the clue bus folks. We're tired of your tricks and double-speak. Take a position; one way or the other. All congress members have a golden opportunity in addressing SS reform to show Americans that you really want to do something good for ALL Americans.

Richard Arnold

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