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RE: Social Security Roundtable

I'm self employed and have been hitting the earning cap for the last five years. I take offense every time I hear about the 6% that don't pay there fair share, etc. If everyone worked as hard as I did we wouldn't need socialist security in the first place.

I've been paying into the system since age 16. I am now 35. I will NEVER see a penny of what I have put into the system. Because I have either too much money or they eligibility age will be raised such that I will be dead before I'm eligible.

Since the big concern in the debate in Congress is the lack of funding for the "Boomers" of which I am one. Why not reduce the number of recipients through voluntary withdrawl from the program. I will walk away from 19 years of payments and ask for NOTHING when I'm 65 to 75 depending on the eligibility age at that point.

I've paid for enough people. I've done my fair share. Let me walk away and fend for myself. I don't want to hear about "those less fortunate" etc. I do not believe in socialism but social-darwinism. I'll help out but do not penalize my success.

I suggest that Congress set a life time cap on payments based on average life expectancy etc. of recipients. One cap will be based on if you receive benefits andother if you opt not to. Once you hit your cap payment you are done paying into the system. If you do it in 2 years or 25 years is based on a percentage of your earnings. If you are dirt poor you may never get close to the lifetime cap and therefore you make out. If you do well financially you paid your debt to society and you still have a few years to take care of yourself.

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