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RE: More Responses/Questions.

>From: ridgeway

>>>>You ask for a "legitimate" source on the double speak I said "bureacrats and politicians" use --- tor example when Clinton (or James Carevell, Paul Bagala, Gene Sperling, and other of that gang) talk about using the budget "surplus" to pay down the debt, save social security, yada, yada, yada...

>>>>Well if YOU consider Clinton (and his gang) to be "legitimate" then there you go...however, since I don't consider the "1984" doubletalk about the national debt and the surplus to be legitimate, you're right I can't give you a source!!!! Very good, you got me on that! Note: I'm not interested in selling you any snake oil, but I suggest you check with Clinton and his group for that.

Talk about doubletalk. I think you just took the prize. You said that it was THE 'LINGO' when I pointed out to you that Sowell was WRONG when he wrote that the SSTF debt is not included in the National debt. It was Sowell who said it, not Clinton, Carville, Bagala or Sperling or any other gang. There is no doubletalk about the National debt, except for Sowell's. But since you think it was Clinton or his cronies, give me a link or a citation to one of them saying it, whether you consider it legitimate or not. I don't think you can.

Or better yet, why don't you just admit that your buddy Sowell is engaging in a little bit of dishonesty about the current SS program. It isn't Clinton who is trying to'sell' that snake oil, but Sowell.

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