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Investing in Stocks

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Investment in Stocks

The investment in stock is a good idea if politics doesn't decided
to enter into the picture.  Alan Greenspan said if politics enters
into the equation at Senate hearing it was two or percent lower 
than non political funds in return.  There is a downside as more of the
debt is going out of Treasury bonds then the Government would have to borrow
the money on the open market which would mean higher interest costs
to maintain the debt.  This some of the problem as lot of debt is
money of Social Security and surplus for 1998 was because of Social
Security surplus.  The Government would have to borrow that money
in order to run the Government.  This should be entered into the
equation on much will it cost to maintain the public debt.  This
should be answered.  The problem is that they will with politics
and tell companies what to since they would have so many trillions of dollars 
to invest.  It should be done as apolically as possible and be judged
on their rate of return to the fund.  This is how 401k plans are judged
judged in their administration against the average for those plans
You do the same with IRAs as you judge by the rate of return and
the level of riskyou want to accept.  This should be the same with
Social Security investing in stocks and Bonds.  My point is that
it should same as we do with mutual funds and they are not getting
the return we move it another that is getting the return based
on our risk acceptance.  This should same principle that we should
use on Social Security.  This is if you accept the principle that
the cost to amintain is acceptable risk factor then my second position
should followed.  Thank you for letting me express my thoughts.

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