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Investing in Stocks

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RE: Opening statement--investment in stocks, bonds etc

<< Mr. Reischauer seems to believe that the stock market is a vehicle that runs in only direction--ever upwards. >>

The trend, over time, has been a continuous increase in value. Yes, there have been dips (including massive dips such as the Great Depression) in the stock market; refer to the previous sentence.

<< Then there is the matter of governments role in keeping companies from pushing competition out of the marketplace? >>

Investing in Index funds means that one is not buying directly into any company. Index funds spread the investment over numerous companies in a variety of different industries. Buying multiple, dissimilar Index Funds spreads the invested money around even further, reducing risk & influence of/over any one company. Management costs of Index Funds is usually < 0.5% of the annual returns.

<< Then too, let us not forget the plight of Orange County, CA.
They invested their money using a well known brokerage house and lost, lost, lost. >>

Index Funds are bought from multiple sources, whereas Orange County put all it's "eggs in one basket;" a stupid move that cost them dearly.

You don't have a bridge, but you could learn much more about investing. A good start is the "13 steps..." at the Motley Fool web site: (please, don't let the name throw you).

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