Subject: RE: Request for Projected Debt Levels under Plans
Contributor: PANELIST: Re. Charlie Stenholm
I find little to add to Mr. Davis's post. I will post any projections of debt under the Kolbe-Stenholm plan on this forum if I recieve it in time. If I recieve it after this forum is finished, I will include it in information I post on my website about our Social Security plan. As far as my comment about general revenues, I was simply saying that I don't question the motives of those who advocate relying on general revenues to close the gap, but want to make sure the downsides are recognized. Having said that, I am deeply concerned about creating new general fund liabilities for the reasons you stated. Kolbe-Stenholm does rely on some general revenues, but we do so far less than other plans and, more importantly, we create a revenue source that funds the entire general revenue transfer without creating new obligations on existing revenues.