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8. Earnings Test

8.1 What is the cut-off line that a person can earn before being docked $1 out of $3 in benefits for earning additional income?

In 1998 that threshold for people age 65-69 is $14,500, above which $1 is withheld for each $3 in earnings. This exempt amount is scheduled to rise under a law enacted in 1996. The exempt amounts will be $15,500 in 1999, $17,000 in 2000, $25,000 in 2001 and $30,000 in 2002. After 2002, the exempt amount will rise with growth in the average wage.

A lower exempt amount applies to those under age 65 ($9,120 in 1998) and the withholding rate is $1 for $2 of earnings above that level.

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