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Briefing Book |
White House Conference |
Institute for Women's Policy Research1400 20th Street, NW, Suite 104Washington, DC 20036 Tel: (202) 785-5100 Fax: (202) 833-4362 Web: http://www.iwpr.org CELEBRATING OUR TENTH ANNIVERSARY
MAKING SOCIAL SECURITY WORK FOR WOMENHeidi Hartmann, Economist, Ph.D.President and Director, Institute for Women's Policy Research, and Chair, Working Group on Social Security National Council of Women's Organizations Social Security is a women's issue. Sixty percent of Social Security recipients are women. Women are not a side issue in the debate over how best to finance the current system and whether to replace it partially or totally with a system of indivualized private accounts. Women are central to the debate. Women's views on financing and benefits are critical to the President's and Congress's ability to pass legislation changing Social Security in 1999 or any other year. Why Individual Private Accounts Won't Work for Women Women are extremely skeptical that individual private accounts will work for them to provide security in retirement. Women have lower earnings and live longer than men on average; therefore they have to stretch a smaller income over more years. They save less and have much less access to employment pensions. The security of Social Security as it's presently configured-- the life-time guaranteed benefits, the higher returns for lower earning workers, the cost of living adjustments, and the spousal benefits (including benefits for widows and divorced women)--is critical to women. None of the privatization plans put forward provide all these assurances to women. Moreover any transition to a system of pre-paid retirement benefits (saving while working to pay for retirement later) while the current pay-as-you-go system is still in place (today's workers pay for today's retirees' benefits), requires the transition generations to pay for two systems at once. This either requires more taxes or other sources of revenue to support both plans or requires that benefits be reduced for the existing plan. This double payment will be particularly disadvantageous to women, since they earn less and have less with which to make the payments. The benefit cuts will affect women disproportionately as well, since they are more dependent on Social Security benefits than are men and since more women than men are in or near poverty even with the current benefit levels. "Carving out" a portion of the payroll tax to create a parallel structure of private individual savings accounts alongside the current insurance-based system is completely unnecessary since there are already many vehicles available for saving and since it can't be done without great sacrifice on the part of many. If what is desired is to achieve a higher return on part of the payroll taxes being collected, that can be done through investing part of the Social Security trust fund in equities; collective investment by the government is also much more cost effective administratively than administering millions of private accounts, many of them very small. Both insurance-based systems and savings-based systems are valid forms of facing risk and financing retirement. Most families use both insurance and savings to protect against risks and provide for "rainy days." Most do so now in planning for retirement, and there is no reason to think that our present societal balance between insurance and savings is wrong. How to Reform Social Security to Better Meet Women's Needs Despite the many protections in Social Security that meet women's needs, there are still ways in which the system's rules, which are gender-neutral on their face, disadvantage women:
Few reform proposals on the table address any of these issues that affect the size of the benefits women receive. Improving women's benefits is critical to reducing poverty among elderly women. Women over 65 are nearly twice as likely to be poor as men over 65 (13 percent vs. 7 percent), even though without Social Security women's poverty rate would be exceptionally high, 52 percent. Social Security has worked well for women, but it could work even better.
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