Network Democracy/Social
Briefing Book
Statements on Reform

Gray Panthers' Side by Side Proposals for Social Security


Gray Panthers' Proposal

There is no crisis: the funding "gap" is based on extremely pessimistic projections of economic growth; even so, below are some solutions to the "crisis."

President's Proposal

Social Security does face a crisis in meeting obligations. We must act now to Save Social Security.

Privatizer's Proposal

Social Security is a gravy train for Wall Street and wealthy Americans that, if privatized, will transfer wealth back to the rich make huge profits for investment brokers and the private sector.

Surplus Use

1. Transfer 62 % of the total projected budget surpluses over the next 15 years to the Social Security system.

RESULT: Fills the projected "gap" until 2049.

1. Transfer 62 % of the total projected budget surplusesi over the next 15 years to the Social Security system.

RESULT: Fills the projected "gap" until 2049.

1. Use the surplus for 10% tax cuts and then use remainder to cover the administrative costs of privatizing.

RESULT: Less money=larger gap, in Social Security while removing any guarantees of protection.

Other Sources

2. Lift the cap on the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share.

RESULT: Fills the projected "gap" beyond 2075 combined with the surplus.

2. Collectively invest 15% of projected surplus in the stock market.

RESULT: Undermines guaranteed benefits, creates administrative waste, and combined with surplus, at best funds through 2055.

2. Invest 50-100% of Social Security by individuals in the stock market.

RESULT: Individuals are liable for their investment choices with no safety net.

Private Actions

3. Fix what's broke - Increase corporate accountability to strengthen private pensions and portability. Social Security ain't broke, don't create private, individual accounts.

RESULT: The second leg of the stool is supported without raising taxes or creating liability.

3. Create Universal Savings Accounts (USA) for every American with 11% of the surpluses, resulting in private accounts of about $100 per American.

RESULT: Creates individual accounts and slippery slope towards privatization

3. Create individual or "personal" accounts for every American administered by Wall Street brokers.

RESULT: $240 billion of profit in the first 12 years for insurance & investment brokers from fees to manage your money, which the federal government now administers for less than 1%.

End Results

Guaranteed benefit for the next 75 years.

Mostly guaranteed for the next 50 years.

You're on your own.

Gray Panthers' Social Security Proposal Adds Up!


Effect on gap of 2.19% shortfall


Contribute 62% of Surplus to Social Security or $2.783 trillion from (2000-2014)



Increase the tax base and benefits by lifting the cap (to historical 90% level)

1.45% (1.20%)


Incorporate CPI change



Invest in higher yielding Treasury Bonds



Corporate responsibility for pension plans and portability



TOTAL Gray Panthers' Social Security Package

3.22% (2.97%)


Projected Shortfall by Gramlich Commission



Margin above need

1.03% (.78%)

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