Conflict Prevention
and Resolution Center
The Alternative Dispute Resolution Law
Office/Conflict Prevention and Resolution Center (ADRLO/CPRC)
provides conflict prevention and alternative dispute resolution
(ADR) services to EPA headquarters and Regional offices, and external
stakeholders. The ADRLO/CPRC assists in developing effective ways
to anticipate, prevent, and resolve disputes, and makes neutral
third parties more readily available for those purposes. The
ADRLO/CPRC is responsible for offering ADR services and training
under the authority of the Administrative Dispute Resolution Act
(ADRA) of 1996, Regulatory Negotiation Act of 1996, and EPA's ADR
policy (December 2000), which is required by the ADRA.

Denise Anderson |

Veronica DeCosta |

Deborah Dalton |

William Hall |

Chris Kirtz |

Barbara Marx |