Charlie Atherton
I have been involved, for about 38 years,
in all local public issues that affect all the people of Calcasieu
Parish, Louisiana. This includes environmental and environmental
health concerns and issues. Since I retired, I spend about 80% of
my time on environmental and environmental health concerns and
I have been married to the same young lady for 38 years, have 5 sons,
6 grandchildren, and have lived in Calcasieu Parish since 1944.
I graduated from high school in 1959, went to college for 2 years,
completed a degree in Industrial Instrumentation from a technical
school, completed my military obligation and worked in industrial
plants for 40 years before retiring 2 years ago. I have spent
the last approximately 20 years in industrial plant management.
I am the non paid executive director of the environmental group
CLEAN (Calcasieu League for Environmental Action Now);
a member of the local LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee);
a member of the Calcasieu Estuary Task Force (a potential
Superfund Site);
involved on numerous steering committees with state and federal
agencies such a USEPA, LADEQ (Louisiana Dept. of Environmental
Quality), LADHH (Louisiana Dept of Health & Hospitals), ATSDR, and
have served on numerous Blue Ribbon Committees for local
government and school board;
and served on the committee that wrote the City Charter for the
City of Sulphur.
Without realizing it, I wound up spending most of my life
trying to improve the quality of working people's lives and holding
elected officials and agencies accountable. I continually push to
put the processes and procedures in place to begin implementing
solutions to problems that plague everyday working people.
Making public participation a citizen tool that will actually
work for the public fits into my personal goals. Currently my
focus is to continually improve and restore the quality of human
health and the environment in Calcasieu Parish.
My overall plan and goal that guides my public participation
efforts is to try to make every working citizen feel like they
could immediately swap places with me every time they see me on
the front lines addressing public issues on TV or read about me in
the newspaper, because I am representing them individually as they
want to be represented.