n" href="/network-democracy/images/favicon_epa-pip.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
Thank you for taking the time to fill out a survey about the on-line National Dialogue on Public Involvement in EPA Decisions. Regardless of how much time you spent reading or posting messages over the last two weeks, we would like to hear your thoughts on the Dialogue. The survey has 30 questions and should take no more than ten minutes. All responses will be kept strictly confidential.
This survey is being conducted by Resources for the Future (RFF)--an independent non-profit public policy research organization. Survey results will be used to write an evaluation report on the dialogue, which will be made freely available on the RFF web site (www.rff.org) and in hard copy. The survey and evaluation are being funded by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The Environmental Protection Agency is not sponsoring the survey or evaluation, and it has no control over their content.
Responses to the survey questions are in the form of drop-down boxes. To select an answer, click on the button at the right of the box and select a response. If you are part way through the survey and want to start over, press the RESET FORM button located at the end of the survey. When you are finished with the survey, push the SUBMIT SURVEY button." --Tom Beierle, Resources for the Future |
2. Do you think EPA should use similar on-line dialogues on other policy topics in the future? (Please feel free to explain your answer in the text box below.)
3. Over the course of the Dialogue, which best describes the number of messages you posted?
4. Over the course of the Dialogue, which best describes the number of messages you read?
5. Over the 11 days that the Dialogue was going on (10 days with specific agenda topics and 1 "rest" day), how many days did you visit the site to read and/or post messages as an active participant or an observer?
6. On the days that you visited the site to read and/or post messages, how much time did you spend each day (on average)?
7. If you posted messages during the Dialogue, how often were you motivated to do so by the following: (1=very frequently, 2=frequently, 3=sometimes, 4=never, 5=not applicable/did not post any messages.)
(a) interest in the topic8. If you were registered as an active participant, how often did the following explain why you did NOT post a message: (1=very frequently, 2=frequently, 3=sometimes, 4=never, 5=not applicable/not registered as an active participant)
(b) a need to respond to a previous post with which I agreed or disagreed
(c) a sense of responsibility to actively participate
(d) sufficient time to participate
(a) too busy to formulate a message9. Regarding the communication you observed among participants in this Dialogue, how would you rate the following statements (1=strongly agree, 2=agree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=disagree, 5=strongly disagree)
(b) others had already made my point
(c) the topic did not interest me
(d) I preferred to read and not send in messages
(a) It was balanced among different points of view10. Regarding what you may have learned over the course of the Dialogue, how would you rate the following statements? (1=strongly agree, 2=agree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=disagree, 5=strongly disagree)
(b) It was not dominated by a few participants
(c) It was respectful
(d) It was constructive and useful for examining questions and ideas
(a) I learned a great deal about how public participation is conducted by EPA.11. Prior to the Dialogue, what was your attitude about how EPA conducts public involvement?
(b) I learned a great deal about how other participants (including EPA staff) view public participation
(c) I learned a great deal about other public participation resources (e.g., people, organizations, or information sources)
12. How, if at all, has the Dialogue changed your opinion of EPA and how it conducts public participation? (Please feel free to explain your answer in the text box)
13. How much influence do you think this Dialogue will have on the content and implementation of EPA's Public Involvement Plan?
14. How much influence do you think EPA's Public Involvement Plan will have on the practice of public involvement at the agency?
15. Have you formally commented on EPA's Public Involvement Plan?
16. Over the course of the Dialogue, did you make personal contacts that you have followed up on, or plan to follow up on?
17. Prior to this Dialogue, how much involvement did you have with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the last 5 years (such as communicating with someone at the agency, attending public meetings, etc.)?
18. Prior to this Dialogue, how would you rate your familiarity with public involvement policies at EPA in general?
19. Prior to hearing about this Dialogue, did you know that EPA had a draft Public Involvement Plan out for public comment?
20. Regarding how much they contributed to the quality of the Dialogue, how would you rate the following (1=very much, 2=much, 3=a fair amount, 4=a little, 5=not at all)?
(a) briefing book21. In your daily life, how frequently do you use the Internet for checking email or using the world wide web?
(b) contributions from daily panelists
(c) contributions from daily EPA hosts
(d) daily summaries
22. Where did you most frequently use a computer to participate in this Dialogue?
23. Age
24. Gender
25. Please check the highest level of education completed or degree received.
26. What is your race/ethnicity?
27. State
28. Country
30. Please offer any other comments or observations you have about the on-line Dialogue.
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