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campaign finance

  • Archived: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 19:59:00 -0500 (EST)
  • Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 19:42:34 -0500 (EST)
  • From: Kate Whitehead <>
  • Subject: campaign finance
  • X-topic: Wrapup

My class has been discussing the issue of campaign finance on recent elections. Although I do not have a lot of knowledge concerning the issue of campaign finance, I do know one thing. I do know that many qualified people are unable to run for a political office because they do not have wealthy constituents. In today's society, if you do not have wealthy "friends" or you do not have an exuberant personal income, then your chances of becoming successful in politics is very slim. Even if you are able to run for political office, it often comes down to whoever has the most money and donations will win the election. It is no longer based on who is most qualified and suitable for the role, but who has the most influence and connections. Something has gone terribly wrong with American democracy and we need to do something to make things right.

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