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RE: Citizen Initiatives

  • Archived: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 09:05:00 -0500 (EST)
  • Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 04:08:53 -0500 (EST)
  • From: Denise Hood <>
  • Subject: RE: Citizen Initiatives
  • X-topic: Choice 2

I think that eliminating Lobbies/PACS (the special interests) in Washington would go a LONG way toward restoring citizens faith, and involvement in the process. Without special interests exchanging their money and gifts for influence, our legislators would be freed to represent us, and answer our concerns, and pass legislation that benefits us, their constituents. Once people TRULY felt represented, many more of them might get involved in the process, by registering to vote, and/or actually VOTING!

I can't get all excited about the PANACEA suggested by the Initiative and Referendum process, as making citizens more eager to participate. As I already stated earlier, I live in such a state. Because my state already gives its' citizens this power, maybe it's taken for granted. Because I believe that voter registration/ voter turnout and citizen participation is probably not any higher in my state than it is in states that don't give their citizens that power. Maybe a state that NEVER before allowed for Initiative and Referendum, that suddenly switches to this method, would note a sharp rise in voter participation. That's possible. Maybe, here in Washington State, we are all just guilty of, as the old saying goes, "Not knowing a good thing, because we HAVE it." (Taking it for granted)

The idea of RECALL and of allowing for Initiative/Referendum and Recall on the National level really intrigues me, though! I think sometimes we citizens could do a better job of governing and passing legislation that benefits US than our elected officials have been capable of doing!

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