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RE: Introduction; MoneyEraising distracts politicians

  • Archived: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 02:33:00 -0500 (EST)
  • Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 23:45:51 -0500 (EST)
  • From: Ellen Russak <>
  • Subject: RE: Introduction; MoneyEraising distracts politicians
  • X-topic: Introductions

It was written: "I believe, however, that politicians would be more than willing to give up the rat-chase in search of dollars that takes time away from being public servants. Of course, this would mean that any reform would have to make this possible."

I certainly would think so too and I have heard many a politician say just that. Unfortunately, it is the successful, powerful politicians who see the present system working for them (and against their opponents) who usually control the outcome of CFR votes - or are the ones who see that the bills are weakened so that they become meaningless. Only a huge, coordinated, committed, outcry from the grassroots can change that sceanario - like the one we had with deficit reduction. I haven't seen that with CFR yet - people are for cleaning up the mess but there is no consensus on how.

Ellen Russak

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