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About this Event

Join the Dialogue

Briefing Book

Summary Tables



A National Dialogue convened by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
and hosted by Information Renaissance
with additional support from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Search EPA Summary Tables

EPA staff have organized postings from the Dialogue into various tables, based on content. You can search these tables for specific topics and key words. One set of tables contains Dialogue excerpts that discuss ideas for improving public involvement at EPA. The other set contains Dialogue participants' descriptions of public involvement experiences that were not ideal - the problem areas. In addition, a separate table contains all postings that discuss tribal public involvement issues.

Select the topics on which you would like to search, and enter one or more keywords. The search will return excerpts containing the keywords listed. If you do not specify any keywords, the search will return all excerpts for the selected topics. At least one topic must be selected for each search.

Ideas for EPA Problems Special Issues

Welcome | About this Event | Join the Dialogue | Briefing Book | Summary Tables | Search

This EPA Dialogue is managed by Information Renaissance. Messages from participants are posted on this non-EPA web site. Views expressed in this dialogue do not represent official EPA policies.