RE: Region 6 response - Armando C. Quintanilla
- Archived: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 19:57:00 -0400 (EDT)
- Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 19:40:23 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Michael Glaab <>
- Subject: RE: Region 6 response - Armando C. Quintanilla
- X-topic: Local Issues/Superfund
I do not want to jump to conclusions however I have to wonder why "Natural Attenuation" is specifically mentioned in the
following statement :
"Both EPA and the TNRCC are aware of the fact that ground water contamination extends beyond the boundaries of KAFB. Both agencies are providing technical assistance to the Air Force in its investigation and evaluation of appropriate remedial alternatives to address all impacted media on and off of the base, including offsite ground water contamination. Determining the appropriate mix of remediation methods at a site can be a complex process; consequently, all viable remedial approaches or technologies to address the contamination must be evaluated, including monitored natural attenuation."
Is it possible that it is already anticipated that "natural attenuation" is the method which will most likely be used? Of course, I am not jumping to conclusions - merely asking a question.