RE: Question 2: Integrating Career Preparation
Vicki: Your programs at ElDorado are excellent. However internships are not a substitute for strong, well-integrated Technology Education, or enough of a solution to prepare our youth for the workplace. >What they DO is motivate, show relevance, and build a sense of validity. >What they do NOT do very well is teach technical knowledge and skills. > Recommendations 12 (and seq) and 25 would completely remove effective technology and vocational curricula from the high schools, in favor of a "college-oriented" curriculum, dictated by the University of California, and that completely ignores the real needs of 70% of our young students. > ElDorado County has one of the best Vo-Tech programs in the state. I hope they are connected to your school-to-work program! You need each other... Seth Bates, SJSU |