Online Rulemaking: Next
Robert D. Carlitz
Rosemary W. Gunn
(February 1,
Closely following the passage of the
E-government Act of 2002, the United States government has opened an Internet
portal ( to facilitate public participation in federal
rulemakings. This is an initial step toward creating an online environment in
which public participation in federal rulemaking may be greatly enhanced, in
terms of both the breadth and depth of the involvement. The successful
realization of this democratic ideal will depend on many details of the
implementation process for online rulemaking. This paper suggests a framework
for viewing this process and offers suggestions for the next steps in
constructing a viable system.
I. The Landscape of
Online Rulemaking
Online rulemaking will be a challenging initiative for
federal agencies to implement. The challenges arise not from any particular
technical complexity, but from the environment in which this initiative will be
implemented. There are three major elements to consider – the agencies,
the public and the technology – as illustrated in the diagram below. First
there are agencies, many of which have rulemaking as an essential part of their
core agenda. Second, rulemaking involves public participation, and online
rulemaking will likely increase the number of attentive public stakeholders. And
third, online rulemaking requires the smooth integration of new technologies
into the practice of both agencies and stakeholder groups. These three factors
intersect in various ways, as the diagram makes clear. The intersections reflect
agency use of technology (the cyan part of the diagram), public use of
technology (yellow), public interactions with agencies (magenta), or the manner
in which technology connects the agency to public stakeholders (the white
central part of the diagram). We will discuss in turn each of the three major
factors that impact on electronic rulemaking and the many challenges inherent in
their intersections.

Factors in Online
First we consider the
three individual factors.
The Agencies.
Although a handful of agencies bear the major burden of federal rulemaking,
dozens of agencies have such responsibilities. Hence a government-wide
effort to incorporate electronic rulemaking into
the practice of all agencies that make
rules will
impact many federal players. Within the federal community, there are agencies
with very different missions, histories and cultures. Each agency has its own
set of traditional stakeholders, with whom a symbiotic relationship has
typically developed over decades of interaction. In addition, each agency has a
group of internal participants in rulemaking, including program and legal staff,
public relations personnel, regulation writers, and – for online
rulemaking – IT personnel. New structures for rulemaking should not build
in processes that simply reflect “the way we’ve always done
it” but should maintain practices and information linkages that have
proven to be functional and successful. Further, if a new system is to be an
asset to both agency users and stakeholders – rather than something they
must work around – it should be designed with their participation in the
The challenge of adapting a new system
to agency practice may be as great within some agencies as across different
agencies. At the same time it is clear that rethinking internal procedures can
present opportunities for reform. One example is the potential to decrease
excessive compartmentalization within agencies and the resultant barriers to
information sharing. Electronic rulemaking, by its nature, minimizes
bureaucratic compartmentalization, and the processes by which electronic
rulemaking is developed should be such as to encourage the removal of purely
bureaucratic barriers to information access.
The Public. There are currently two
primary categories of participants in rulemaking. First there are the
traditional stakeholder groups – regulated industries and their trade
associations, and public interest groups organized around issues related to
agency concerns. These organizations are typically conversant with the
rulemaking process and the technical issues that underlie a given rule. Where
they are unfamiliar with procedural or technical issues, regulated industries
will usually possess the resources needed to acquire this expertise, and public
interest groups will also often be able to do so. At least for groups that can
afford a Washington presence and their own legal and technical staff, there may
be a semblance of a level playing
Individual contributors who are
relatively new to the rulemaking process make up the second group of
participants who have been active in some rulemakings. They can be expected to
increase as the process goes online. These individuals will often have had many
years of direct experience in the fields of endeavor affected by the proposed
rule; others may have experienced some personal impact. These individuals can
bring powerful anecdotal testimony to bear on the proposed rule.
We expect the interactive mechanisms of online
rulemaking to help produce ad hoc coalitions of stakeholders – or
communities of interest – as online participants become aware of one
another in their responses to a particular Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(“NPRM”), or in discussions of a set of related issues over time.
Such coalitions might involve combinations of individual contributors and
existing public interest groups, or they may arise spontaneously as individual
contributors pool their experience and knowledge and synthesize new positions.
We regard this dynamic as one of the most exciting possible consequences of this
new approach to rulemaking.
New participants,
whether individuals or coalitions, may lack a detailed understanding of the
process itself or technical knowledge of the issues under discussion. To work
productively within the rulemaking framework, they will need more preparatory
information than the traditional stakeholders. This will increase the value of
public testimony by increasing its relevance to the rule under discussion, as
well as the accuracy of the generalizations that individuals draw from their
personal experience.
The Technology.
Several levels of technology will be deployed as part of electronic rulemaking
systems. Most obviously, there is the Internet itself, which is simultaneously
the vehicle for agencies to disseminate their NPRMs and supporting background
and analytic material, and the delivery mechanism for stakeholder responses.
Beyond access, which will be discussed below under “Public Use of
Technology,” the technology issues are twofold: storage of the information
necessary to an electronic docket, and the collection and extraction of that
information. There are multiple audiences for these processes, including agency
personnel, traditional stakeholders and new contributors, both individuals and
ad hoc coalitions. We will address the needs of these different groups in later
sections, in terms of the intersection of technology with the agencies and the
Data storage. Data storage will
involve some type of database. Traditionally relational databases have been
used, and these may continue to be the repository of choice. However, cost,
speed and scalability should be considered in selecting technologies for this
purpose. With the development of low-cost, high-speed server platforms and the
existence of high-performance open-source software for these platforms, there
exists a truly wild range of prices for products of this
Data collection and extraction.
Data collection will likely be done through Web forms. Where forms are too
restrictive agencies are apt to invite the submission of attached electronic
files. Two caveats are appropriate here. (1) Forms have the nice feature of
inviting the inclusion of a number of indexing fields likely to be useful in
organizing and analyzing the information received. It is easy to envision the
translation of these fields into, for example, XML tags that can be manipulated
by commonly available software. If the same information is collected through
attached files or e-mail, there is a danger that useful indexing information may
not be included or, if it is included, that it may be hard to extract from the
document. Automated processes can attempt to find this information, but it will
be easier if it is collected up-front and with the concurrence of the submitter.
(2) Unless agencies specify standard file formats for their submissions,
preferably in terms of published public protocols, they will inevitably receive
materials that they can’t read. With electronic submissions, it’s
entirely possible that the agencies would not even be able to read the return
address, in which case they would have no way of notifying the submitter that
clarification is necessary. This level of uncertainty would be unacceptable in
any legal proceeding, to say nothing of the frustration it would cause for many
public users of the system.
Data extraction
will involve queries of two types. One type of query involves a simple search
– for example, to find individual records, such as the comment on a
particular rule by a particular stakeholder. Such queries can be easily handled
through online Web forms. The other type involves an analysis covering an entire
docket or a set of dockets, for example, a request to find the locations of all
facilities mentioned that use a particular environmental contaminant in their
industrial processes. In some cases the necessary analysis tools can be built
into the electronic docketing system. More typically, an individual or
organization interested in a complex query of this sort will need to extract all
of the records from a particular docket or set of dockets and perform the
analysis on their own system.
For this second
type of query it would be extremely awkward to use an online Web form. Consider,
for example, a docket with 10,000 public comments. If agencies follow the design
principle of “3 clicks and you’re out,” it will take 3 mouse
clicks to conduct the simple query described above; but to extract information
from the entire docket would require 30,000 mouse clicks! And if the agency did
not supply a complete index of the docket, it might be impossible to
The solution to this problem is to
provide software access to agency databases. One available technology is
“Web services,” which allow software on one machine to make a
“remote procedure call” (“RPC”) to software running on
another machine. Through an RPC, a program on one computer can invoke the
functionality of another computer. In the present example analysis software on a
stakeholder’s computer could use an RPC to extract all comments pertaining
to a particular docket and transfer them to the stakeholder’s machine.
Modular design. At first glance it
might seem cumbersome to build mechanisms like this into the electronic
docketing system. But the same type of technology – and the same type of
data architecture – may also be very valuable at an earlier stage of the
design process. The relevant design principle is modularity, and the need for a
modular architecture relates to the great diversity of databases employed by
federal agencies at present. In a modular design different software components
communicate through standard protocols, and components from different vendors
become interoperable.
The components can then
be arranged in different ways for different purposes. A Web portal module can be
constructed to communicate with database modules running at various agencies. In
this manner the government can achieve its goal of providing a single point of
access for all federal rulemakings. But the same database modules can also
communicate with remote software through specified Remote Procedure Calls, and
this meets the secondary goal of access to agency databases for the purpose of
complex, remotely performed analyses. The modular design provides a solution of
problems simultaneously, since the Web portal can use the same RPCs to
communicate with agency databases as the analysis software on
stakeholders’ computers.
An alternative
approach to system design is superficially equivalent to our proposal for a
modular data architecture. This is simply to select one product that includes
both a Web front end for input and data extraction and a database to house this
data. The government might mandate that all agencies adopt this product for
their rulemaking records. There are several objections: (1) It is likely to be
more expensive than a modular approach. (2) Implementation of a single system is
likely to be more disruptive than implementation of a modular design. (3) The
modular approach respects the “write once; use many times”
philosophy that underlies much of today’s successful software development.
The single vendor approach is, by contrast, a philosophy of “buy once;
make everyone use it,” which is a difficult program to enforce, except in
the most rigid and hierarchical organizations.
The diagram in Section I illustrates the major elements in
online rulemaking – federal agencies, public stakeholders and available
technologies. As the diagram implies, there are a number of important overlaps
or interactions between these factors. We will discuss the issues that arise
from each of these interactions.
and the Public. A major consideration for interactions between agencies and
the public is in the area of participation. As noted previously, the more
traditional participants in rulemaking tend to have been organized long before
the NPRM is issued, and typically possess resources that have permitted them to
take part effectively in rulemakings under the old paper-based system. These
groups will likely adapt to whatever agency structures are set up for
rulemaking. They often have in-house technical expertise and are conversant with
the legal boundaries of a typical
Individual participants or members
of ad hoc coalitions are apt to appear before the agency with far less
preparation and with expectations shaped by commercial Web sites. They will
reasonably expect agency sites to be available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week,
to be easy to navigate and to comply with applicable guidelines for disability
access. They may not fully understand the structure of a rulemaking process, and
they cannot be expected to know the ins and outs of the technical issues that
underlie the proposed rule. Hence it is necessary for agencies to provide
materials – preferably online – that explicate rulemaking in general
and the current rule in particular. These materials must be more detailed and
must start at a less sophisticated level than the background materials in a
traditional docket, and they should cover the ground thoroughly enough that less
experienced players can come up to speed as full participants in the rulemaking
process. They should also spell out the ground rules for participation, lest
expectations exceed what is possible within the rulemaking process. People may
not understand that public comments are not a vote, for example. Another common
misperception is that an agency could take steps that are not possible under the
law that lead to the rulemaking. Public comment on the law might be appropriate,
but it should be directed to Congress, not the agency working to implement the
Participation is always a two-edged sword
for agencies. Done well, it can increase citizen satisfaction, knowledge and
sense of ownership. It can also help broaden the knowledge of agencies and
increase understanding of stakeholder needs, and it can help the public
appreciate why and how certain agency decisions are made. Significantly for both
the agency and the public, an open process can let everyone understand that many
individuals are involved in the process – as opposed to “faceless
bureaucrats” or strident interest groups. Done inadequately, however,
participation can increase public frustration and hostility towards agency
decisions and decrease public trust in government. This means agencies will need
to plan how they will receive, review and respond to public input; to train
staff for greater interaction with the public; and – as outlined earlier
– to develop rule-related background materials for agency Web
Over a longer term rulemaking should
come out of the shadows and take its deserved place in civics curricula. After
all, the majority of laws passed by Congress lead to rulemakings, and it is
nearly impossible to read the front pages of a major newspaper without
encountering the phrase. But this is not a topic taught in high schools. Nor is
it prominent in business curricula or even law curricula. This should change as
public participation in rulemakings becomes a more common
Agency Use of Technology. Online
rulemaking is not very different from other technology initiatives in terms of
how agencies can interact with contractors to achieve their objectives. That
said, it is worthwhile reiterating a few general principles. First, system
architecture should be approached from a modular viewpoint. Modules can be
defined as separate components insofar as they accomplish specific, limited
tasks and have clear mechanisms for accepting input and producing output.
Second, managers should take a high-level view of system components so as to
recognize where modules may be reused in different projects. Third, the
components must communicate by means of published protocols that meet
established public standards. Only in this manner is it possible for systems to
be interoperable among different vendors, to easily scale for high traffic
volume and to remain viable over several cycles of future product
Specific components for online
rulemaking systems will include databases for document storage and front ends
for gathering information or extracting results. Some sort of
“middleware” will glue these pieces together, preferably in such a
way as to allow various levels of access and for a variety of databases and
front ends. The system should incorporate a security model to meet the needs of
both agency personnel and members of the
As currently envisioned by the Office
of Management and Budget, the Environmental Protection Agency and the partner
agencies that have developed, the online rulemaking system will
also include analysis tools that facilitate regulation writers’ tasks.
Such tools can help analyze public comment and provide a joint authoring
environment for agency staff to collaborate on the final text of a rule. Ideally
the analysis tools should be coupled to structured input forms used for the
initial submission of comment. Through such forms commenters could indicate the
precise sections on which they wished to comment and could answer specific
questions that the agency might have posed in drafting the
A final issue in selection of technology
for agencies relates to cost. Since online rulemaking will eventually encompass
dozens of federal agencies, the incremental cost for additional users becomes a
significant issue. As more and more agencies join the activity, seeming
economies in the establishment of pilot systems may appear irrelevant. This is a
place where the higher development costs of Open Source systems may be more than
offset by the ability of such systems to grow with no additional costs. Open
Source systems also fit nicely into the paradigm of open standards and
protocols, which are essential for an activity of this
Public Use of Technology. As the
Internet becomes the principal route for public entry into rulemaking, along
with other government information and services, it is essential that Internet
access be open to all, with public sites where any member of the public can
participate fully. Fortunately, with Internet access now commonplace at schools
and libraries and with home connectivity becoming increasingly the norm, the
digital divide concerns of a few years ago are becoming less threatening to the
concept of an electronic democracy. Nonetheless the issue has not gone away. It
may be necessary, for example, to deploy Internet kiosks in Post Offices and
other government buildings, or to provide Internet access through voicemail
systems or TV set-top boxes.
Beyond simple
access, there are two modes of usage that will involve new technologies. The
first new mode of usage is relevant to organized stakeholders. As we have argued
previously, this group is likely to look for capture tools that allow them to
copy an entire docket to their own computer where they will use analysis tools
to help them process the information in the docket. This group of stakeholders
will also be interested in details of the technical models some commenters use
to undergird their testimony. The Internet makes it possible for agencies to
invite these commenters to make their models available online so that other
commenters can explore their behavior under initial conditions and input data
that may differ from that of their originators. This sort of “open
modeling” can help clarify complex testimony and work around some of the
mystery created by the proprietary code that may underlie the technical
The second class of participants
consists of individuals and members of ad hoc coalitions. For such participants
a key feature of online rulemaking will be the way in which communications
technologies help form and bind communities of interest. Ad hoc coalitions can
become just such a community, with the technology facilitating linkages between
individuals with anecdotal information relevant to a rulemaking and those who
have the technical expertise to generalize from these anecdotes and help the
agencies develop policies that can address the problems that underlie these
Bringing it all Together. The
intersection of the interests of the agencies and the public with the potential
of the technology, as represented by the central portion of the diagram in
Section I, is where many of the ideas in this paper come together and where some
of the most innovative possibilities for online rulemaking exist. These
innovations can start with very simple steps, such as the active notification of
interested parties on rules in a given area. An expansion of the concept of
active notification could allow public involvement at earlier stages of the
rulemaking process, giving stakeholders a voice at the issue-scoping stage and
documenting the extent of participation by different sectors of the stakeholder
Where issues have not been too
politicized, a broadened group of stakeholders who interact with the agency on a
given topic over time could, with the help of technology, form a virtual
community made up of the agency and the public, which shares information and
works collaboratively. The social dynamics of such a community could facilitate
negotiations, both by taking a greater range of stakeholders values and needs
into account early on and by increasing understanding of the information the
agency is working with. It could also help smooth the path for the construction
of future rules.
Of course an adversarial
element will remain, and may become sharper in the areas of enforcement and
monitoring, where access to an online record could facilitate the actions of
groups who may alert the agencies to possible violations of a given rule. We
expect some of the stakeholder community to develop their own tools for analysis
of the electronic record that will ultimately follow a rule from its initial
scoping through adoption, monitoring and enforcement. These tools will likely
operate in the context of private sites that mirror agency databases, perhaps
supplemented with other externally-generated resources.
III. The Path to
The public launch of the Web site
(January 23, 2003) is being followed by intensive activity on the part of the
Office of Management and Budget, the Environmental Protection Agency and the
partner agencies that are working to develop a common approach to online
rulemaking. Over time these agencies will encounter major challenges,
particularly in terms of scaling to rulemakings with large numbers of
participants and paradigms for large-scale public involvement. In this paper we
have tried to highlight a number of issues that can be dealt with on a shorter
time scale and whose resolution should help facilitate the current development
process. In this section we summarize our recommendations for features that we
believe to be useful for the systems currently in the stages of design and
- Active notification. Stakeholders should be able
to sign up for information on rules that affect a particular community of users,
independent of the agency that is working on these rules. The Department of
Transportation (DOT) is already doing this, using a simple listserv
- Tracking systems. Such systems could replicate the
very popular service of many shipping companies, which let customers see when
they may expect the delivery of a particular product and where that product
currently is in the shipping cycle. In the context of rulemaking, stakeholders
– and agency personnel, for that matter – could track the progress
of a given rule. This functionality is also available in the DOT
- Indices. While search engines are an essential
component of online records systems, they are not a replacement for reliable
indices. Indices with hyperlinks to all archived elements are essential for
systems where the records are stored in a database, since otherwise there may be
no means of retrieving all of the available records. Also, indices are usually
much easier to browse than the results of a search – unless the search has
used tagged fields to generate what is in essence another index.
- Modular design and standard communication
protocols. To facilitate interoperability among the many agency databases
and to permit expansion from a simple electronic rulemaking system to a digital
library for all government records, it is essential to develop a modular system,
with standards for communication between modules and adherence to published
public protocols. The development of systems with reusable modules also makes it
possible to address difficult issues such as preservation and security on a
government-wide basis.
- Web services for database access. This type of
access will be important for larger stakeholder groups. It permits an
organization to copy, for example, all the materials for a given rule into a
local database for further analysis. If the systems for online rulemaking do not
include this capability explicitly, then users are apt to cobble together access
mechanisms that provide them with the same functionality – but at
significant cost in terms of efficiency to themselves and to the
government’s online system.
- Possibilities for custom front ends. The provision
of Web services that provide access to agency databases will open the door for
commercially-developed front ends that take information from these databases and
add value through analysis or supplemental data. Such custom front ends will
provide new commercial opportunities while giving the public a broader
understanding of docket materials.
- Reply comment periods. This innovation is part of
the rulemaking process followed by the Federal Communications Commission. The
idea is to split the comment period into two sections. The first section lets
stakeholders lay out their positions; the second invites comment from other
stakeholders on those positions. This structure simplifies the agency’s
chore in responding to stakeholder suggestions and can lead to discussions among
stakeholders, which have the potential to clarify viewpoints.
- Background materials. As the Internet enlarges the
audiences for rulemaking agencies will need to expand the background materials
that they provide to permit someone previously unfamiliar with the subject to
learn enough for them to take part as an intelligent and constructive
- Open modeling. Beyond text and tables, dockets
often include the results of mathematical simulations – of economic
models, pollution transport, etc. Through the Internet, submitters can post
their models as interactive online elements. Even if the model is proprietary,
this can provide an opportunity for other commenters to experiment with it. It
can also allow more intelligent use of models in the drafting of a rule, since
it will now be possible to vary the inputs to such models and see how frangible
their output might be.
- Online dialogues. For rules that attract broad
public interest a more organized dialogue may be desirable. The Internet can be
used to conduct a moderated asynchronous discussion, using background materials
provided by the agency to lay the groundwork.
- Communities of interest. The group of people who
interact with a particular agency on a particular set of issues tends to involve
the same set of players over time. Through the dialogue that will occur in an
online docket – whether or not the agency chooses to facilitate that
dialogue through explicit mechanisms as suggested above – this group of
people may develop a degree of community. We believe this can deepen the
discussion of issues among its members and thus help the agency develop
reasonable and enforceable rules.
- Public input early in the process. There is
sometimes a perception that decisions have already been made by the time a NPRM
is published. If stakeholders can be involved at earlier stages of the process,
it may be possible to reduce acrimony and produce rules that embody more of the
sense of the broad stakeholder community. One example might be to invite broader
public input to FACA proceedings and to conduct some of these proceedings
- Model participatory behavior in the development
process. One of the strongest messages that an organization sends out to its
stakeholder groups is given by the manner in which the organization develops new
initiatives. If a participatory model is adopted for the development process,
then there is some assurance that the organization is truly dedicated to
significant participation in its ongoing activities. This may be a challenge for
organizations facing tight project deadlines, but it could go a long way toward
assuring that the new systems will be truly participatory in nature.
- Continuous electronic record. While focuses on that stage of rulemaking that begins with the NPRM
and ends with the published rule, that process cannot be considered in
isolation. The NPRM does not come out of nowhere, and a published rule is meant
to be enforced. Hence it makes sense to design the electronic records systems
for online rulemaking with an eye toward extensibility and to take care to
integrate these systems with agency processes that precede the NPRM or follow
publication of the final rule.
- Public role in enforcement and monitoring. With
the existence of a continuous electronic record it becomes easier for industry
and public interest groups to monitor the enforcement of a given rule. This fits
in with other objectives of electronic government – to facilitate the work
that a business must put into compliance with federal regulations and to help
citizens understand the tools that are available to help them deal with local
issues such as transportation needs, healthcare concerns or environment
- Open source implementations for stakeholder groups.
We believe that governmental records systems should be made for mirroring,
in the sense that they must be open for access by any interested parties and
that this access should not be prejudiced in terms of certain classes of users
(such as those interested in only a handful of specific records). Thus it is
worthwhile to consider the likely architecture of systems used by stakeholder
organizations and how best these systems might connect with governmental
systems. For many non-profit organizations there is a clear trajectory toward
open-source, open-standards solutions. While this alone might not dictate that
the government adopt solutions of this sort, the systems selected by the
government should not interfere with the use of open-source, open-standards
systems by outside stakeholders.
- Structured input forms and analysis tools for
regulation writers. Structured comment forms will help commenters to be more
precise in their submissions and to answer questions that the agency may have
posed in its NPRM. These forms can be used to route materials to the agency
staff who are addressing particular issues within the rulemaking. More
generally, agency staff will need analysis tools to help them process material
received from the public. These tools will speed up the process of rule
development, increase the accuracy of agency staff work and lowering agency
- Standards for state and local governments and for
international issues. We have emphasized the need for standards for the
components of federal rulemaking systems in order for the systems of different
agencies to be interoperable with each other and with those of various
stakeholder groups. A larger interoperability problem arises with state and
local governments, but the adoption and publication of standards for federal
agencies may clear the way for a resolution of this larger problem. On a larger
scale there is the issue of international regulation. Many businesses are
subject to regulation by a number of national governments. The adoption of
standards for the rulemaking systems used by federal agencies in the United
States will be a step towards the development of interoperable online systems
for viewing regulations worldwide. In the long term this will allow the
development of “one-stop” services for businesses to view the global
regulatory environment.