To supplement the discussions in the online seminar, we are starting a FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS list (FAQ) on the subject of Universal Service for Pennsylvania schools and libraries. Postings to the first week's discussion of the Universal Service: Pennsylvania online seminar - and other questions which came up during registration for the seminar - provide the first entries in this list. We will ask personnel from the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission to provide authoritative responses to these questions. Please contribute your own answers, based upon your reading of the materials provided in our reference library or from other documentation at your disposal. Here are the first questions in the list: 1- Does the discount apply to a school district or an individual school building? 2- How does an Intermediate Unit compute the discount for which it should be eligible? 3- If a school or school district has telecommunications services already contracted beyond January, 1998, will they receive Universal Service discounts for that portion of the service which is received after January 1, 1998? 4- How does an Internet Service Provider bid on a service request made by an eligible school or library? 5- Do adult literacy agencies qualify for discounts? As we develop answers to these and other questions, they will be linked to the us-pa Web site, /projects/us-pa/ Thanks, Bob Carlitz